
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Cross-package composer-based configuration loader

1.3.1 2021-02-22 12:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-09-17 16:04:33 UTC



Travis CI 68747470733a2f2f6170692e636f6465636c696d6174652e636f6d2f76312f6261646765732f38323239373636633233343161316332663139322f746573745f636f766572616765 68747470733a2f2f6170692e636f6465636c696d6174652e636f6d2f76312f6261646765732f38323239373636633233343161316332663139322f6d61696e7461696e6162696c697479

PHP 7.1+ railt.org Discord Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License MIT

This package is deprecated.



  • Install package using composer.
composer require railt/discovery
  • Add discovering event into your composer.json.
    "scripts": {
         "post-autoload-dump": [


Discovery provides the ability to implement a cross-package configuration using composer.json.

In order to access the configuration group, you must specify the key name in the extra section:

    "extra": {
        "discovery": ["your-key"]

Values Export

Any group that is listed inside the {"extra": {"discovery": ...}} section will be available, exported and readable.

    "extra": {
        "discovery": ["example-2"],
        "example-1": "value", // This section will be IGNORED
        "example-2": "value" // Only this section will be exported

Reading Exported Values

After updating the composer dependencies, an object with the specified configs will be formed. In order to further read this data - you need to use the Discovery class.

    "extra": {
        "discovery": ["config"],
        "config": {
            "commands": [

$discovery = new Railt\Discovery\Discovery(__DIR__ . '/vendor');

// array(2) { "ExampleCommand1", "ExampleCommand2" }

Auto Detect

You can try to create a Discovery instance using automatic logic to determine the paths to the vendor directory.


$discovery = Railt\Discovery\Discovery::auto();

From ClassLoader

You can create a new Discovery instance from the Composer ClassLoader.

// Composer ClassLoader
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$discovery = Railt\Discovery\Discovery::fromClassLoader($loader);

From Composer

You can create instances of Discovery from Composer plugins using the appropriate static constructor.

use Composer\Composer;
use Railt\Discovery\Discovery;

class ComposerPlugin
    public function __construct(Composer $composer)
        $discovery = Discovery::fromComposer($composer);

Export Removal

In order to exclude any value from the export data - you need to register the necessary paths in the section except:discovery.

Please note that this rule is valid only in the root package composer.json.

    "extra": {
        "discovery:except": [
        "example-1": { // This value should be skipped by rule "example-1"
            "key": "value"
        "example-2": {
            "child-1": {
                "a": 1, // This value should be skipped by rule "example-2:child-1:a"
                "b": 2
            "test": [
                "value-2" // This value should be skipped by rule "example-2:test:value-2"