
Communicate with Soundslice API

v0.0.8 2018-03-20 20:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 08:45:24 UTC


Endpoints and service for connecting your application to Soundslice via their API.

Soundslice API docs: https://www.soundslice.com/help/data-api/



Available via Packagist.

Register Service Provider

Add the SoundsliceServiceProvider to your application's list of service-providers ("providers" property, array) in /config/app.php.

Publish Config

Run this command to publish the package's config file(s) to your application's config directory:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Provide Soundslice Credentials

Provide the following environmental variables:


See Lastpass Secure Note "Musora - Local .env" (in "Shared Railroad Web Development" -> "Local Dev" -> )

(For acceptance tests, copy .env.testing.example and rename it ".env.testing", and provide the respective environmental variables there. It's already added to .gitignore)

API Reference



Prepend all endpoints below with /soundslice/.

Anything in curly braces is an inline parameter.

For example if below it says get/{slug}, then your endpoint for the slug foo would actually be /soundslice/get/foo.


All optional booleans default to false unless noted otherwise.

List of methods available

  • createScore
  • list
  • get
  • delete
  • move
  • folder create
  • folder delete
  • create notation


All errors are available as an item in the Json response's errors array (which exists in place of the data array).


      "status":"Internal Server Error",
      "title":"SoundSliceJsonController@createScore failed",
      "detail":"flux capacitor exceeded threshold with gamma output of 28937u4893 hertz."

This is as per my attempts to understand the json-api docs.

Each error item will have the fields as per the example below:


the HTTP status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string value.


an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value.


a short, human-readable summary of the problem that SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.


a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Like title, this field’s value can be localized

Validation Errors


Will return 400 Bad Request with an "error" object as the data. The detail item in that error with have information about why the validation failed.

There is an item for each field that failed, and each field item will contain an item for each failure reason.

For example, say we were trying to create a new "baz". If the "foo" field failed because it was non-numeric and longer than 16 characters we'll see something like this:

            "status":"Bad Request",
            "title":"create baz request validation failure",
                    "The foo must be a number."

If there was that failure - two validation failures on just one field, and then validation failure on a whole other field, it would look like this: (let's say the "artist" field is manditory)

            "status":"Bad Request",
            "title":"create baz request validation failure",
                    "The foo may not be greater than 16.",
                    "The foo must be a number."
                    "The bar field is required."

Detail sub-values are a human-friendly reason for failure.


create score

PUT "create"

param data-type required optional
name string x
artist string x
folder-id string x
publicly-listed* boolean x
embed-white-list-only* boolean x
embed-globally* boolean x
printing-allowed boolean x

* For notes about these params see the "Create Score Parameter Notes" section below

Returns, on success

  • status code 201
  • status text Created
  • slug string
        "slug": "fo1337br"

list scores

GET "list"

Returns, on success

  • status code 200
  • status text OK
  • scores array with all the scores for the account.

Example (account in for this example only has two scores):

                "name":"nameFoo ex",
                "artist":"artistFoo pariatur ab",

get score

GET "get/{slug}"

Returns, on success

  • status code 200
  • status text OK
  • score array
        "score": {
            "name":"nameFoo labore natus",
            "artist":"artistFoo atque repellendus iusto",

delete score

DELETE "delete"

param data-type required
slug string yes

Returns, on success

  • status code 200
  • status text OK
  • deleted integer representing a boolean value
        "deleted": 1

move score


POST "move"

param data-type required
slug string yes

Returns, on success

folder create

PUT "folder/create"

param data-type required
name string yes
parent-id string

Returns, on success

  • status code 201
  • status text Created
  • folder-id string
        "folder-id": "fo1337br"

folder delete

DELETE "folder/delete"

param data-type required
id string yes

Returns, on success

  • status code 200
  • status text Created
  • delete integer representing a boolean value
        "deleted": 1

create notation

PUT "notation"

param data-type required
slug string yes
asset-url string yes

asset-url should be a publicly-accessible URL that provides the relevant media file (ex: musicxml file)

Returns, on success

  • status code 200 (BECAUSE DOES NOT CREATE)
  • status text OK (BECAUSE DOES NOT CREATE)
        "notation": 1

Create Score Parameter Notes


Specifies who can view the score on soundslice.com. (Embeds ignore this and use embed_status.)

false - “Only me”

true - “Anybody who knows its URL”

Embed options

Reference: Soundslice's embedding docs.


false - Not restricted only to whitelist domains - defers to embed-globally option

true - Allowed only on whitelist domains


false - Disabled (default value, if not provided)

true - Allowed on any domain

A note about the embed-white-list-only and embed-globally options

These are options of this soundslice-integrating package that abstract options of the actual Soundslice API.

Thus, if you look directly at the Soundslice API you'll see this instead:

embed_status	Optional	
An integer specifying embed options. For more, see embedding docs.

1 — Disabled (default value, if not provided)
2 — Allowed on any domain
4 — Allowed on whitelist domains

This package determines which integer to specify for the that (embed_status) option the following way:

$embedWhiteListOnly ? 4 : ($embedGlobally ? 2 : 1)

Just an FYI lest you look at soundslice's API docs when attempting to use this method of this integration package.

These are our test-cases

(in soundslice/tests/Acceptance/SoundsliceTest.php)

  1. create_score
    1. create_score_fails_folder_id_not_whole_number
    2. create_score_fails_folder_does_not_exist
    3. create_score_fails_already_exists
    4. create_score_validation_fail
  2. list
  3. get_score
    1. get_score_not_found
  4. delete_score
    1. delete_score_not_found
    2. delete_score_validation_failure
  5. create_folder
    1. create_nested_folder
    2. create_folder_validation_failure
    3. create_folder_failure_invalid_parent_id
  6. delete_folder
    1. delete_folder_not_found
    2. delete_folder_validation_failure
  7. create_notation
    1. create_notation_validation_failure
    2. create_notation_upload_more_than_one
    3. create_notation_with_same_values