
A trait for filtering and sorting Query Builder results, based on Laracasts/Dedicated-Query-String-Filtering

v2.6.0 2020-06-24 01:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 23:34:39 UTC


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A trait for filtering and sorting Query Builder strings, based on Laracasts/Dedicated-Query-String-Filtering.


Via Composer

$ composer require rafflesargentina/l5-filterable-sortable


Add FilterableSortableTrait to your Eloquent model so you can make use of filter() and sorter() scopes. Both apply clauses to the Builder intance that you must define as functions in separate classes. So you must add $filters and $sorters properties to your model to set those classes.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use RafflesArgentina\FilterableSortable\FilterableSortableTrait;

use App\Filters\ArticleFilters;
use App\Sorters\ArticleSorters;

class Article extends Model
    use FilterableSortableTrait;

    public $filters = ArticleFilters::class;

    public $sorters = ArticleSorters::class;

    // ...


Create a class that extends QueryFilters and define methods named after each request data you want to use as a chained query filter. You can employ any logic inside functions, as long as they return a Builder instance.



namespace App\Filters;

use RafflesArgentina\FilterableSortable\QueryFilters;

class ArticleFilters extends QueryFilters
    public function title($query)
        return $this->builder->where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$query.'%');

    public function author($query)
        return $this->builder->where('user_id', $query);

    public function category_id($query)
        return $this->builder->where('category_id', $query);

You can also access the class method getAppliedFilters() statically, to get an array of the filters applied from request.


Create a class that extends QuerySorters, and define public methods named after each request data you want to use as a chained query sorter. You can employ any logic inside functions, as long as they return a Builder instance. Default order and default orderBy must be set through $defaultOrder and $defaultOrderBy static properties. Optionally you can define order and orderBy keys through $orderKey and $orderByKey static properties.



namespace App\Sorters;

use RafflesArgentina\FilterableSortable\QuerySorters;

class ArticleSorters extends QuerySorters
    // These properties are optional:

    protected static $orderKey = 'orden'; // Fallback value is 'order'

    protected static $orderByKey = 'ordenarPor'; // Fallback value is 'orderBy'

    // And there are mandatory:

    protected static $defaultOrder = 'asc';

    protected static $defaultOrderBy = 'title';

    public function title()
        return $this->builder->orderBy('title', $this->order());

    public function published_at()
        return $this->builder->orderBy('updated_at', $this->order())
                             ->orderBy('title', $this->order());


Also you can access these static class methods to get sorter class protected data: getOrderKey(), getOrderByKey(), getDefaultOrder(), getDefaultOrderBy(). Use getAppliedSorters() to get applied sorters from request. Or listOrderByKeys() to populate a dropdown selector.

You can get filtered and sortered records from your model from controller or anywhere you want like this:

// ...

$items = Article::filter()->sorter()->paginate();

// ...

That's it :)


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email mario@raffles.com.ar instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.