
PHP Package for Calendar

1.1.4 2021-08-19 03:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 11:50:01 UTC


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What is the package and what does it do?

PHP Calendar is a php package that generates a calendar from the month and year parameters, besides this functionality it is possible to add events to the calendar days.

Get Started

1. Requirements

2. Installation

  • composer require rafapaulino/calendar

3. Documentation

You can access the documentation for this package by clicking here

4. Code Examples

How to create a simple calendar:

This package creates a calendar using PHP, the callbacks are in string and array format.

The parameters for generating the calendar are:

  • month Month number 1 to 12.
  • year Year of calendar.
  • first day of week Day of the week the calendar starts.
  • full days Whether or not to display the 42 days on the calendar.

See the examples folder for using the class easily.

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

use Calendar\Calendar;

$calendar = new Calendar(
    1, //month
    2021, //year
    0, //first day of week 0-6
    true //show 42 days in calendar collumns
$month = $calendar->getMonth();
$year = $calendar->getYear();
$days = $calendar->getDays();
$daysWeek = $calendar->getDaysWeek();
    <caption><?php echo $month->fullName; ?> <?php echo $year; ?></caption>
            <?php foreach($daysWeek as $week): ?>
                <th><?php echo $week->letter; ?></th>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
            $loop = 0;
            foreach($days as $day):
            <?php if ($loop == 0): ?><tr><?php endif; ?>
            <td class="<?php echo (($day->currentMonth)?'current':''); ?> <?php echo (($day->carbon->isToday() && $day->currentMonth)?'today':''); ?>"><?php echo $day->day; ?></td>

            <?php if ($loop == 6): ?></tr><?php endif; ?> 

            if ($loop > 6) $loop = 0;

    if (($mes % 3) == 0): echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; endif;


Adding Events to Your Calendar:

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Calendar\Calendar;
use Calendar\Events;

$calendar = new Calendar(1,2021, 0, true);
$events = new Events(1,2021);
$events->addEvent("My brother's birthday","2021-01-17",1);
$month = $events->getMonth();
$year = $events->getYear();
$days = $events->getDays();
$daysWeek = $events->getDaysWeek();
    <caption><?php echo $month->fullName; ?> <?php echo $year; ?></caption>
        <?php foreach($daysWeek as $week): ?>
            <th><?php echo $week->letter; ?></th>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    $loop = 0;
    foreach($days as $day):

        <?php if ($loop == 0): ?><tr><?php endif; ?>

        <td title="<?php echo ((count($day->events) > 0)? implode(", ",$day->events):''); ?>" class="<?php echo (($day->currentMonth)?'current':''); ?> <?php echo (($day->carbon->isToday() && $day->currentMonth)?'today':''); ?> <?php echo ((count($day->events) > 0)? 'events':''); ?>">
            <?php echo $day->day; ?>

        <?php if ($loop == 6): ?></tr><?php endif; ?>

        if ($loop > 6) $loop = 0;



  • v1.1.4 I added the events to the calendar.
  • v1.0.0 Package creation and unit tests.

5. Demo

6. Support

If you need any support, please check our Issues. You can ask questions or report problems there.

7. Credits

Created by: Rafael Paulino