
A Laravel Dropbox v2 package

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v1.0.4 2023-09-27 10:24 UTC

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Last update: 2024-08-28 11:09:54 UTC


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Forked from dcblogdev/laravel-dropbox

A Laravel package for working with Dropbox v2 API.

Dropbox API documentation can be found at: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation

Application Register

To use Dropbox API an application needs creating at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps

Create a new application, select either Dropbox API or Dropbox Business API Next select the type of access needed either the app folder (useful for isolating to a single folder), or full Dropbox.

Next copy and paste the APP Key and App Secret into your .env file:


Now enter your desired redirect URL. This is the URL your application will use to connect to Dropbox API.

A common URL is https://domain.com/dropbox/connect


Via Composer

composer require racenationcc/laravel-dropbox


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="racenationcc\Dropbox\DropboxServiceProvider" --tag="config"

When published, the config/dropbox.php config file contains, make sure to publish this file and change the scopes to match the scopes of your Dropbox app, inside Dropbox app console.


return [

    * set the client id
    'clientId' => env('DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID'),

    * set the client secret
    'clientSecret' => env('DROPBOX_SECRET_ID'),

    * Set the url to trigger the oauth process this url should call return Dropbox::connect();
    'redirectUri' => env('DROPBOX_OAUTH_URL'),

    * Set the url to redirecto once authenticated;
    'landingUri' => env('DROPBOX_LANDING_URL', '/'),

     * Set access token, when set will bypass the oauth2 process
    'refreshToken' => env('DROPBOX_REFRESH_TOKEN', ''),

     * Set access token, when set will bypass the oauth2 process
    'accessToken' => env('DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN', ''),

     * The root folder of where the dropbox API will write too
    'rootFolder' => env('DROPBOX_ROOT_FOLDER', '/'),

     * Set access type, options are offline and online
     * Offline - will return a short-lived access_token and a long-lived refresh_token that can be used to request a new short-lived access token as long as a user's approval remains valid.
     * Online - will return a short-lived access_token
    'accessType' => env('DROPBOX_ACCESS_TYPE', 'offline'),

    set the scopes to be used
    'scopes' => 'account_info.read files.metadata.write files.metadata.read files.content.write files.content.read',


You can publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="racenationcc\Dropbox\DropboxServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" After the migration has been published you can create the tokens tables by running the migration:

php artisan migrate

.ENV Configuration Ensure you've set the following in your .env file:


Bypassing Oauth2 - Short Term

You can bypass the oauth2 process by generating an access token, Dropbox no longer issue long term Access Tokens, however the following method is useful to quickley test permission changes on your app.

After generating the the access token on your App page enter it in the .env file:


Bypassing Oauth2 - Long Term

To bypass Oauth long term you can save your refresh token. The methods have arguments to force them to use this to get a new access token, (currently this gets a new access token for each request).

To generate a refresh token:

  1. Go to the authorization url replacing {APPKEY} with your own https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={APPKEY}&response_type=code&token_access_type=offline
  2. Sign in and copy the authorization code
  3. Exchange the authorization code for an access token and refresh token using Curl replacing {AUTHCODE}, {APPKEY} and {APPSECRET} with their respective values
curl https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token \
    -d code={AUTHCODE} \
    -d grant_type=authorization_code \
  1. Take the refresh token from the reponse and save it to your .env file:

Note - Any access token generating from the refresh token will have the scope(s) the app had at the time this refresh token was generated, if you change the app's scope(s) you will need to generate a new refresh token.


Note this package expects a user to be logged in.

Note: these examples assume the authentication is using the oauth2 and not setting the access token in the .env directly.

If setting the access code directly don't rely on Dropbox::getAccessToken()

A routes example:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function(){
    Route::get('dropbox', function(){

        if (! Dropbox::isConnected()) {
            return redirect(env('DROPBOX_OAUTH_URL'));
        } else {
            //display your details
            return Dropbox::post('users/get_current_account');


    Route::get('dropbox/connect', function(){
        return Dropbox::connect();

    Route::get('dropbox/disconnect', function(){
        return Dropbox::disconnect('app/dropbox');


Or using a middleware route, if the user does not have a graph token then automatically redirect to get authenticated:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'DropboxAuthenticated']], function(){
    Route::get('dropbox', function(){
        return Dropbox::post('users/get_current_account');

Route::get('dropbox/connect', function(){
    return Dropbox::connect();

Route::get('dropbox/disconnect', function(){
    return Dropbox::disconnect('app/dropbox');

Once authenticated you can call Dropbox:: with the following verbs:

Dropbox::get($endpoint, $array = [], $headers = [], $useToken = true)
Dropbox::post($endpoint, $array = [], $headers = [], $useToken = true)
Dropbox::put($endpoint, $array = [], $headers = [], $useToken = true)
Dropbox::patch($endpoint, $array = [], $headers = [], $useToken = true)
Dropbox::delete($endpoint, $array = [], $headers = [], $useToken = true)

The $array is not always required, its requirement is determined from the endpoint being called, see the API documentation for more details.

The $headers are optional when used can pass in additional headers.

The $useToken is optional when set to true will use the authorisation header, defaults to true.

These expect the API endpoints to be passed, the URL https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/ is provided, only endpoints after this should be used ie:



To restrict access to routes only to authenticated users there is a middleware route called DropboxAuthenticated

Add DropboxAuthenticated to routes to ensure the user is authenticated:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'DropboxAuthenticated'], function()

To access the token model reference this ORM model:

use racenationcc\Dropbox\Models\DropboxToken;


This package provides a clean way of working with files.

To work with files first call ->files() followed by a method.

Import Namespace

use racenationcc\Dropbox\Facades\Dropbox;

Check File Exists

returns true or false

Dropbox::files()->doesFileExist($path = '')

List Content

list files and folders of a given path

Dropbox::files()->listContents($path = '')

List Content Continue

Using a cursor from the previous listContents call to paginate over the next set of folders/files.

Dropbox::files()->listContentsContinue($cursor = '')

Delete folder/file

Pass the path to the file/folder, When delting a folder all child items will be deleted.


Create Folder Pass the path to the folder to be created.


Search Files

Each word will used to search for files.


Upload File

Upload files to Dropbox by passing the folder path followed by the filename. Note this method supports uploads up to 150MB only.

Dropbox::files()->upload($path, $file)

Upload Stream

Upload a stream of data as a file. Note this method supports uploads up to 150MB only.

Dropbox::files()->uploadStream($path, $fileName, $fileContents)

Download File

Download file from Dropbox by passing the folder path including the file.


Move Folder/File

Move accepts 4 params:

$fromPath - provide the path for the existing folder/file $toPath - provide the new path for the existing golder/file must start with a / $autoRename - If there's a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is false. $allowOwnershipTransfer - Allow moves by owner even if it would result in an ownership transfer for the content being moved. This does not apply to copies. The default for this field is false.

Dropbox::files()->move($fromPath, $toPath, $autoRename = false, $allowOwnershipTransfer = false);


To author original repo dcblogdev/laravel-dropbox from which this is fork dave@dcblog.dev


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited.

Contributions are accepted via Pull Requests on Github https://github.com/racenationcc/laravel-dropbox