
Mobizon SMS notifications driver for Laravel

v2.0.1 2023-12-23 20:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 22:48:50 UTC



Install via composer:

composer require quadrogod/laravel-mobizon

Setting up your Mobizon service

Add your Mobizon credentials to config/services.php – a common file to store third-party service credentials.

// config/services.php
'mobizon' => [
    'domain' => '', 
    'secret' => '',
    'alphaname' => null,


The package provides a new channel that can be used in your notification class like the following:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Quadrogod\LaravelMobizon\MobizonChannel;
use Quadrogod\LaravelMobizon\MobizonMessage;

public function via($notifiable)
    return [MobizonChannel::class];

public function toMobizon($notifiable)
    return MobizonMessage::create("Your SMS message");

Add a routeNotificationForMobizon method to your Notifiable model to return the phone number:

public function routeNotificationForMobizon()
    //Phone number without symbols or spaces
    return $this->phone_number;


Thanks to laraketai and Alitvinov for the original package.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.