
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

PAM PHP client.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

dev-master 2018-08-08 05:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-10-11 12:53:16 UTC


Clien SDK to access PAM


  • PHP 5.6.0+


  1. Include the library via Composer

    $ composer require pushandmotion/pamsdk-php:dev-master
  2. Include the Composer autoloader:

    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


Install PAM script (Track page view)

  1. Create PAM Script from your backend code and echo it into HTML just before the </body> tag

    $baseUrl = 'https://<your-pam-website>.com';
    $username = '<your-username>';
    $password = '<your-password>';
    $appId = '<your-app-id>';
    $secret = '<your-app-secret>';
    $sdk = new \PAM\Sdk($baseUrl, $username, $password, $appId, $secret);
    $pamScript = $sdk->createTrackingScript(
            'field-1' => 'value-1',
            'field-2' => 'value-2',
            'field-N' => 'value-N',
            'content-tags' => $sdk->createTags(['content-tag1','content-tag2'])
  2. If you use some kind of MVC framework so in your view should have something like this (the actual code will depends on your framework)

        <h1>Hello, PAM</h1>
        {!! $pamScript !!}
  3. After install the script in HTML page then verify the script by inspecting the network request from your browser when load page; you will see the POST request /event call with JSON response id and sid

    Screen-shot of page-view event post request

Make Form Submit

When you receive form submission from your website, you can forward those form data to PAM by calling submitForm method

$result = $sdk->submitForm(
            '1', //formId must match the formId received from PAM backend
                'param-1' => 'value-1',
                'param-2' => 'value-2',
                'param-N' => 'value-N'