This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP client interface for the Public Media Platform

v2.0.2 2018-09-27 03:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-07-07 22:21:01 UTC


PMP is shut down as of July 2021 - this SDK is no longer maintained!

Build Status Latest Stable Version

A PHP API client for the Public Media Platform.


PHP version >= 5.5. And a PMP client-id/secret for your PMP user.


Via Composer

  1. Download Composer (if you don't have it already), and install the publicmediaplatform/pmpsdk package:
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar require publicmediaplatform/pmpsdk
  1. Require the Composer-generated autoload.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Via PHAR file

  1. Go to the Latest Release of the pmpsdk
  2. Click the link to download pmpsdk.phar
  3. Require the file in your project:
require 'path/to/pmpsdk.phar`;

NOTE: if you see a strange error message full of question marks like ?r??PHP Fatal error: Class 'Pmp\Sdk' not found, make sure you turn off detect unicode.



Simply instantiate a new SDK object using your credentials. Errors will be immediately thrown if there's a problem fetching the API home doc or authenticating.

try {
    $host = '';
    $sdk = new \Pmp\Sdk($host, 'client-id', 'client-secret');
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\HostException $e) {
    echo "Invalid API host specified: $e";
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\AuthException $e) {
    echo "Bad client credentials: $e";

Home Document

After successfully connecting, you can immediately interrogate the API home document - an instance of \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson.

echo "HOME doc guid  = {$sdk->home->attributes->guid}\n";
echo "HOME doc title = {$sdk->home->attributes->title}\n";


To directly fetch a document (by guid or alias), the SDK provides shortcuts for locating links such as urn:collectiondoc:hreftpl:docs in the home document. These shortcuts will always return null for HTTP 403 or 404 errors.

$ARTS_TOPIC = '89944632-fe7c-47df-bc2c-b2036d823f98';
$doc = $sdk->fetchDoc($ARTS_TOPIC);
if (!$doc) {
    echo "failed to fetch the ARTS topic - must have been a 403 or 404.\n";
echo "ARTS topic href    = {$doc->href}\n";
echo "ARTS topic guid    = {$doc->attributes->guid}\n";
echo "ARTS topic title   = {$doc->attributes->title}\n";
echo "ARTS topic profile = {$doc->getProfile()}\n";
if ($doc->scope == 'write') {
    echo "And I can write to this, for some reason!\n";
else {
    echo "At least I can read it.\n"

Current \Pmp\Sdk fetch methods include:

  • $sdk->fetchDoc($guid)
  • $sdk->fetchProfile($guid)
  • $sdk->fetchSchema($guid)
  • $sdk->fetchTopic($guid)
  • $sdk->fetchUser($guid)


To query documents (by any PMP search params), the SDK provides shortcuts for locating links such as urn:collectiondoc:query:docs. These shortcuts will always return null for HTTP 404 errors, indicating that your search yielded 0 total results.

$doc = $sdk->queryDocs(array('limit' => 3, 'text' => 'penmanship'));
if (!$doc) {
    echo "got 0 results for my search - doh!\n";

// use the "items" directly
$count1 = count($doc->items);
$title1 = $doc->items[0]->attributes->title;
echo "SEARCH - $count1 - $title1\n";

// or get a fancy items object with some helpers
$items = $doc->items();
$count2 = count($items);
$count3 = $items->count();
$title2 = $items[0]->attributes->title;
foreach ($items as $idx => $item) {
    echo "SEARCH item($idx) = {$item->attributes->title}\n";
    if ($item->scope == 'write') {
        $item->title = 'Wow, I can change the titles if I wanted to';

Current \Pmp\Sdk query methods include:

  • $sdk->queryCollection($collectionGuid, $params)
  • $sdk->queryDocs($params)
  • $sdk->queryGroups($params)
  • $sdk->queryProfiles($params)
  • $sdk->querySchemas($params)
  • $sdk->queryTopics($params)
  • $sdk->queryUsers($params)

Document Items

As seen above, you can use a Document's items (the expanded links.item array) directly as an array of stdClass objects. And you can also expand them into a \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJsonItems object for further shortcuts.

$items = $doc->items();

// access the paging links via helpers
echo "SEARCH total   = {$doc->items()->totalItems()}\n";
echo "SEARCH items   = {$doc->items()->count()} items\n";
echo "SEARCH pagenum = {$doc->items()->pageNum()}\n";
echo "SEARCH pagenum = {$doc->items()->totalPages()}\n";

Sometimes you'll want to iterate over several pages of search results without directly following the links.navigation previous/next/first/last links. You can easily get a \Pmp\Sdk\PageIterator for this purpose. It accepts a $pageLimit paramater to limit the number of returned pages - or exclude the param to iterate over all pages.

$pageLimit = 3;
foreach($doc->itemsIterator($pageLimit) as $pageNum => $items) {
    if ($pageNum < 1 || $pageNum > 3) {
        echo 'i did not see that one coming!';
    echo "SEARCH page $pageNum\n";
    foreach ($items as $idx => $item) {
        echo "  item($idx) = {$item->attributes->title}\n";

Often, when fetching container docs such as "stories", you'll want to interrogate child items based on their profile types. This SDK handles this for you, allowing the retrieval of just items-of-profile.

echo "looking at a cdoc of profile = {$story->getProfileAlias()}\n";
$items = $story->items();
$audios = $story->items('audio');
$images = $story->items('image');
$videos = $story->items('video');

echo "  contains {$items->count()} items\n";
echo "           {$audios->count()} audios\n";
echo "           {$images->count()} images\n";
echo "           {$videos->count()} videos\n";

Document Links

To navigate links, we can interrogate them directly on the \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson object, or browse them via the \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJsonLinks object, containing a collection of \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJsonLink objects.

Note that links have either an href or an href-template attribute. To get a full URL from the link either way (and optionally passing an array of parameters), use the expand() method.

$queryLinks = $doc->links('query');
if (empty($queryLinks)) {
    echo "document didn't have any links of reltype = query!\n";
foreach ($queryLinks as $link) {
    $fakeParams = array('guid' => 'foobar');
    $url = $link->expand($fakeParams);
    echo "link = $url\n";

In some cases, we may know an URN (uniform resource name) of the link we're looking for. In this case, we can directly fetch the link from the document.

$link = $doc->link('urn:collectiondoc:query:profiles');
if (!$link) {
    echo "failed to find link in the document\n";

// or only look in a specific link relType (links.query[])
$link = $doc->link('query', 'urn:collectiondoc:query:profiles');

To fetch the \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson at the other end of a link, simply follow() it. This method optionally accepts the same array of href-template params as expand(). If the url can't be loaded (404) or is inaccessible (403), null will be returned.

$ownerLinks = $doc->links('owner');
if (empty($ownerLinks)) {
    echo "document didn't have an owner!\n";
    echo "which is really strange, because it's auto-generated by the API\n";
$ownerLink = $ownerLinks[0];

// or use the shortcut
$ownerLink = $doc->getOwner();

// now follow the link
$ownerDoc = $ownerLink->follow();
if (!$ownerDoc) {
    echo "owner link must have been a 403 or 404!\n";
echo "owner = {$ownerDoc->attributes->title}\n";

A document's links.collection will often contain PMP topics, series, properties, and contributors. These links are normally distinguished by rels such as urn:collectiondoc:collection:property. As a shortcut for finding these links, you can just refer to the last property segment of that urn.

// these statements are equivalent
$links = $doc->links('collection');
$links = $doc->getCollections();

// these statements are also equivalent
$topicLinks = $doc->links('collection', 'urn:collectiondoc:collection:topic');
$topicLinks = $doc->getCollections('urn:collectiondoc:collection:topic');
$topicLinks = $doc->getCollections('topic');

// more examples...
$contribCount = $doc->getCollections('contributor')->count();
$firstSeriesLink = $doc->getCollections('series')->first();
$firstPropertyLink = $doc->getCollections('property')->first();
if ($firstPropertyLink) {
    $propertyDoc = $firstPropertyLink->follow();
    echo "Got a property - {$propertyDoc->attributes->title}\n";

Modifying documents

To create a document, you should first know which Profile Type you'd like to create. Then use the SDK to instantiate a new \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson of that type.

$data = array('attributes' => array('title' => 'foobar'));
$doc = $sdk->newDoc('story', $data);

// or alter the document data manually
$doc->attributes->title = 'foobar2';
$doc->attributes->valid = new \stdClass();
$doc->attributes->valid->to = '3013-07-04T04:00:44+00:00';

// save, but catch any pmp errors
try {
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\RemoteException $e) {
    echo "unable to create document: $e\n";

To update documents, all you need is an instance of \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson that you can modify. You can also catch any \Pmp\Sdk\Exception\ValidationException separately, to handle PMP schema violations separately.

$doc->attributes->title = 'foobar3';
try {
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\ValidationException $e) {
    echo "invalid document: {$e->getValidationMessage()}\n";
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\RemoteException $e) {
    echo "unable to save document: $e\n";

To delete a document, just get an instance of \Pmp\Sdk\CollectionDocJson that you can modify.

$doc->attributes->title = 'foobar3';
try {
catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\RemoteException $e) {
    echo "unable to delete document: $e\n";


One of the main concerns of the PMP are document links. The syntax basically involves manipulating PHP array and stdClass to represent your links. For instance, to set an alternate link on a story:

$doc->links->alternate = array(new \stdClass());
$doc->links->alternate[0]->title = 'Foobar Home Page';
$doc->links->alternate[0]->href = '';

When linking to other docs within the PMP, you should first load those documents to make sure they exist. The exception to this is when you're using a known alias for a topic, profile, etc. Here's an example of several different kinds of links:

// let's create-or-update an image, with a known guid
$img = $sdk->newDoc('image', array(
    'attributes' => array(
        'guid'        => $KNOWN_IMAGE_GUID,
        'title'       => 'Alternate text here',
        'byline'      => 'Myimage Credit',
        'description' => 'This is a caption for this image',
    'links' => (
        'enclosure' => array(
                'href' => 'http://path/to/image/thumbnail.jpg',
                'type' => 'image/jpeg',
                'meta' => array(
                    'crop'   => 'small',
                    'height' => '100',
                    'width'  => '50',
                'href' => 'http://path/to/image/fullsize.jpg',
                'type' => '',
                'meta' => array(
                    'crop'   => 'primary',
                    'height' => '1000',
                    'width'  => '500',

// now attach it to the story
$doc->links->item = array(new \stdClass());
$doc->links->item[0]->href = $img->href;

// put the story in a topic, while we're at it
$doc->links->collection = array(new \stdClass());
$doc->links->collection[0]->href = $sdk->hrefTopic('arts');


Document-level caching is not yet implemented (see #21). But you can cache the \Pmp\Sdk itself, to optimize requests for the PMP home-doc and Oauth tokens across your application requests.

$sdk = new \Pmp\Sdk($host, 'client-id', 'client-secret');
$cache_str = serialize($sdk);
$my_cache_mechanism->set('pmpsdk', $cache_str, 3600);

// awhile later, in a different HTTP request
$cache_str = $my_cache_mechanism->get('pmpsdk');
if ($cache_str) {
    try {
        $sdk = unserialize($cache_str);
        if ($sdk === false) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to unserialize SDK');
    } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
        // failed to unserialize SDK, so need to start fresh
        $sdk = new \Pmp\Sdk($host, 'client-id', 'client-secret'); 
    // if retrieved from cache successfully, this would only generate 1 request, 
    // since we would already have both the PMP home doc and an auth token
    $doc = $sdk->fetchDoc('SOME-GUID');

Note that if the serialized string is somehow corrupt:

  • for PHP 7.2.8 and later, the call to unserialize() will return false and also might generate a PHP RuntimeException
  • for PHP 7.2.7 and earlier, the call to unserialize() will generate a PHP RuntimeException


To get started on development, check out the this repo, and run a make install. (This requires Composer be present on your system).

This module is tested using the TAP protocol and requires the prove command, part of the standard Perl distribution on most Linux and UNIX systems. You'll also need to provide some valid PMP credentials.

The test suite can be invoked as follows...

$ export PMP_HOST=
$ export PMP_USERNAME=myusername
$ export PMP_PASSWORD=password1234
$ export PMP_CLIENT_ID=my_client_id
$ export PMP_CLIENT_SECRET=my_client_secret
$ make test

To debug the HTTP calls occurring during the tests, set the DEBUG environment variable to 1 with DEBUG=1 make test.

To build a PHAR version of this SDK, run make build.

Issues and Contributing

Report any bugs or feature-requests via the issue tracker.


The PMP PHP SDK is free software, and may be redistributed under the MIT-LICENSE.

Thanks for listening!