
The system of banners

1.2.0 2020-04-15 13:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 21:36:05 UTC


This extension helps to place banners on pages of a site and manage them.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require prokhonenkov/yii2-banners-system

or add

"prokhonenkov/yii2-banners-system": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Run the following command

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@prokhonenkov/bannerssystem/migrations --interactive=0


Add module declaration to your config file for web config:


return [
    // ... your config
    'modules' => [
        'bannersSystem' => [
            'class' => \prokhonenkov\bannerssystem\BannersSystem::class,
            'administratorPermissionName' => 'admin', //admin role
            'uploadDir' => '@webroot/media/banners-system',
            'uploadUrl' => '@web/media/banners-system',
    'bootstrap' => [        
        'bannersSystem' // add module id to bootstrap for proper aliases and url routes binding

Also, you can override layout and view files:


return [
    // ... your config
    'modules' => [
        'bannersSystem' => [
            'class' => \prokhonenkov\bannerssystem\BannersSystem::class,
            'administratorPermissionName' => 'admin', //admin role
            'uploadDir' => '@webroot/media/banners-system',
            'uploadUrl' => '@web/media/banners-system',
            'layout' => '@alias/views/layouts/main',
            'views' => [
                'banner' => [
                    'index' => '@path/index',
                    'update' => '@path/update',
                    'create' => '@path/create',
                    'view' => '@path/view',
                'area' => [
                    'index' => '@path/index',
                    'update' => '@path/update',
                    'create' => '@path/create',
                    'view' => '@path/view',


Put this code in your desired controller:

public function behaviors()
    return [
        'banner-system' => [
            'class' => \prokhonenkov\bannerssystem\behaviors\BannerSystemBehavior::class

Then, create a banner zone and banner in the admin panel.

Put this code in your desired view file in the desired place:

<?= \prokhonenkov\bannerssystem\BannerZone::getInstance()->setZoneById(BANNER_ZONE_ID);?>