
Processton Interactions to manage users

1.1.11 2024-07-13 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 14:16:30 UTC


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This is a module for processton-setup provides user management feature. This module provides following functionalities to the processton setup.

  • Add User/Role
  • Users/Roles Listing
  • Allow/Block User
  • Role Permissions


You can install the package via composer:

composer require processton-io/processton-user


After installation publish configurations and resolvers.

php artisan vendor:publish

Run migrations

php artisan migrate

Extend you user model using Trait

use Processton\ProcesstonUser\Models\Trait\ProcesstonUser;
class User {
    use ProcesstonUser;

above script will add three functions to your User model

//Return role assigned to the user

//Return array of permissions assign to user role.

$request->user()->havePermission($permission, $createNew = true);
//Check does user have specified permission or not. pass permission key as argument. If second argument is true checked permission will automatically get mapped from configuration file and database record will be created.

This package follow standard Processton App module functionality. module config file have

  • base_url (users)
  • menu_items
    • Users
    • Roles
  • interactions
    • Users
    • Roles
  • charts
    • total_users
    • new_users
    • total_sessions ! not working yet
    • pending_validation
    • avg_sessions_duration !not working yet
  • resolvers
    • user-invitation
    • user-block
    • user-un-block
    • reset-password-email
  • permission_mappings
    • admin.setup.users
    • admin.setup.users.block
    • admin.setup.users.unblock
    • admin.setup.users.resetpassword
    • admin.setup.roles
    • admin.setup.roles.edit
    • admin.setup.roles.permissions

You can publish and alter them as per your needs.

This module uses three Primary models

  • User
  • Role
  • Permission
Remember First Role always have all permissions.


testing is not available for this module yet.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please use issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.