
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the presslabs/stack-mu-plugin package instead.

WordPress must-use plugin for Stack

v0.5.3 2021-02-19 10:07 UTC


Presslabs Stack must use plugin for WordPress.

It provides integration for Presslabs Stack functionalities with WordPress, such as:

  • uploading and serving media files from object storage systems such as Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3
  • object-cache implementation on top of memcached



When using bedrock, just run:

$ composer require presslabs/stack-mu-plugin

WordPress plugin

To run as WordPress classic mu-plugin, download the plugin archive from and extract it into your wp-content/mu-plugins folder.

Then you need to activate the mu-plugin, by copying stack-mu-plugin.php from wp-content/mu-plugins/stakc-mu-plugin into your wp-content/mu-plugins folder.

$ cp wp-content/mu-plugins/stack-mu-plugin/stack-mu-plugin.php wp-content/mu-plugins/

WordPress Object Cache

In order to use the custom object cache, you'll need to copy it into the root of WP_CONTENT_DIR (usually wp-content).

$ cp wp-content/mu-plugins/stack-mu-plugin/src/object-cache.php wp-content/


Clone this repository, copy .env.example to .env and edit it accordingly.

To install dependencies just run

$ make dependencies

Development server

To start a local development server you need wp-cli installed. To start the development server, just run

$ wp server


Running plugin tests:

$ make test-runtime

Running integration tests:

$ make test-runtime