premekkoch / elms-service
Nette service for comunication with ELMS distribution service (
- php: >=7.1
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- nette/application: ^3.0
- nette/di: ^3.0
- nette/robot-loader: ^3.0
ELMS Servis API communication service. It serves to create an order for sending the stored goods to the end customer.
composer require premekkoch/elms-service
1. Register new extension in config.neon
elms: PremekKoch\Elms\DI\ElmsExtension
2. Set-up extension in config.neon
orderSourceCode: 'yourClientCodeFromElmsServis'
debugMode: false # in debug mode no data are send
How to use
1. Inject an service into presenter or somewhere you need
/** @var PremekKoch\Elms\ElmsService @inject */
public $elmsService;
2. Set a customer and order data
Start with creating order and customer basic data:
$this->elmsService->createOrder('123', 'INV_123', false, ElmsService::CURRENCY_CZK);
$this->elmsService->addCustomer('Jan', 'Novák', 'Dlouhá 5', 'Dlouhá Lhota', '12345', ElmsService::COUNTRY_CZE);
You can set another customer properties:
$this->elmsService->setCustomerCompany('Firma s.r.o.', '123456789', 'CZ123456789');
$this->elmsService->setCustomerContact('', '+420777666555');
or even diferent delivery address. You can set any part of delivery address separately. If delivery address is not set, shipping will be provided to customer`s address.
$this->elmsService->setCustomerDeliveryName('Jana', 'Nováková');
$this->elmsService->setCustomerDeliveryAddress('Krátká 8', 'Krátká Lhota', '54321', ElmsService::COUNTRY_SVK);
$this->elmsService->setCustomerDeliveryCompany('Jana Nováková OSVČ');
$this->elmsService->setCustomerDeliveryContact('', '+421777888999');
Next you must specify products to delivery. You can add more products, minimaly you must set one product and shipping:
$this->elmsService->addProduct('Product PLU', 1234.56, 1, 21);
$this->elmsService->addProduct(ElmsService::DELIVERY_CPOSTRR, 55, 1, 21);
Alternatively, you can set products in bulk:
'plu' => 'Product PLU',
'price' => 1234.56,
'amount' => 1,
'vat' => 21,
'plu' => ElmsService::DELIVERY_CPOSTRR,
'price' => 55,
'amount' => 1,
'vat' => 21,
You can add special product items:
// Discount 100 CZK (value or ammount must be negative)
$this->elmsService->addDiscount(-100, 1, 21);
// Rounding (-0.99 to +0.99)
Remember: when you use CZK and cashOnDelivery, you must round an order to integers. In order cases (EURs or not cashOnDelivery) use two decimals maximally.
3. Send an order
catch (PremekKoch\Elms\ElmsException $exc){
// something goes wrong...
When send fails, API returns only brief error. Email with whole request and problems descriptions should arrive from ELMS Servis soon - they checks every failed request manually.