
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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Provides validation of structured data via yandex API

0.4.0 2017-10-10 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-02-20 00:49:27 UTC


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This package provides validation of responses via Structured data validator API from Yandex. You can automatically check if your embedded structured data markup (aka semantic markup) is correct based on the current vocabularies like schema.org.

To transmit data to the API, you specify the HTML code or URL of the page. After completing validation, the API outputs the structured data extracted from the page in JSON format, > along with the codes of any errors detected. The following syntaxes are currently supported: JSON-LD, RDFa, microdata, and microformats.

Source: https://tech.yandex.com/validator/

With this module you are able to automate tests for semantic data validation in your cests via codeception. You save time during development of new features, because you do not have to copy your markup manually into the structured data testing tool or structured data validator when checking if some new feature or bugfix break your semantic markup.

You also can use this module for automating structured data validation for large quantities of pages.


You need to add the repository into your composer.json file

    composer require --dev portrino/codeception-yandex-module


You can use this module as any other Codeception module, by adding 'Yandex' to the enabled modules in your Codeception suite configurations.

Enable module and setup the configuration variables

  • After registering you can get the apiKey here: https://developer.tech.yandex.ru/
  • The url could be set in config file directly or via an environment variable: %BASE_URL%
        - Yandex:
            depends: PhpBrowser
            url: ADD_YOUR_BASE_URL_HERE
            apiKey: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

Update Codeception build

  codecept build

Implement the cept / cest

  $I->wantToTest('If structured data for page is valid.');
  $I->seeResponseCodeIs(\Codeception\Util\HttpCode::OK); // 200
  // validate all
  // validate only JSON+LD
  // validate only Microdata
  // validate only Microformat
  // validate only Rdfa
  // grab the data array from Yandex API response
  // @see: https://tech.yandex.com/validator/doc/dg/concepts/response_standart-docpage/
  $data = $I->grabStructuredDataFromApiResponse()['json-ld'];
  // grab the data from Yandex API response via jsonPath 
  // !Important: All chars like . // / and - are replaced by _ to make jsonPath working! 



Validates the current response from $I->amOnPage('/foo/bar/'); against the structured data validator API and checks all supported formats like: JSON-LD, RDFa, microdata, and microformats.



Validates the current response from $I->amOnPage('/foo/bar/'); against the structured data validator API and checks only the data which is in JSON-LD format.



Validates the current response from $I->amOnPage('/foo/bar/'); against the structured data validator API and checks only the data which is in microdata format.



Validates the current response from $I->amOnPage('/foo/bar/'); against the structured data validator API and checks only the data which is in microformat format.



Validates the current response from $I->amOnPage('/foo/bar/'); against the structured data validator API and checks only the data which is in RDFa format.



Grab the structured data from the current response and it returns it as array. Please have a look at https://tech.yandex.com/validator/doc/dg/concepts/response_standart-docpage/ for information about the standard response format of the yandex API.

  $data = $I->grabStructuredDataFromApiResponse();



Grab the structured data from the current response by jsonPath query syntax with the help of JSONPath PHP Package. All "special" chars like:

  • .
  • //
  • /
  • :
  • @
  • '
  • \

are replaced in json response from yandex structured data validator API by _ to make jsonPath working!

  $data = $I->grabStructuredDataFromApiResponseByJsonPath('json_ld.0.http___schema_org_name.0._value');


  • André Wuttig - Initial work, Unit Tests - aWuttig

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.