Pollen Solutions - Mail Component - Tools for creating and sending emails.

v1.0.1 2021-08-20 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 06:54:03 UTC


Latest Stable Version MIT Licensed PHP Supported Versions

Pollen Solutions Mail Component provides tools for creating and sending emails.


composer require pollen-solutions/mail

Basic Usage

Send an email

use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;

$mail = new MailManager();

    'to'   => ['to@domain.ltd', 'Recipient Name'],
    'from' => ['from@domain.ltd', 'Sender Name'],

Debug an email

use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;

$mail = new MailManager();

    'to'   => ['to@domain.ltd', 'Recipient Name'],
    'from' => ['from@domain.ltd', 'Sender Name']

Queue an email (work in progress)

coming soon ...

Mail configuration

 * Name identifier in mail manager.
 * @var string|null
'name'         => null,
 * Recipients of the message.
 * @var string|array|null
'to'           => null,
 * Message sender.
 * @var string|array|null
'from'         => null,
 * Reply-to contact of the message.
 * @var string|array|null
'reply-to'     => null,
 * Blind carbon copy recipients of the message.
 * @var string|array|null
'bcc'          => null,
 * Carbon copy recipients of the message.
 * @var string|array|null
'cc'           => null,
 * Attachments of the message.
 * @var string|array|null
'attachments'  => null,
 * HTML content of the message.
 * {@internal false or empty to disable|true to use the html/message template|string of the HTML
 * content|array of message parts. The Array parts could have header|body|footer key and typed
 * as bool|string.}
 * @var bool|string|array|null
'html'         => true,
 * Plain text content of the message.
 * {@internal false or empty to disable|true to use the text/message template|string of text content.}
 * @var string|null
'text'         => null,
 * List of template datas.
 * @var array
'datas'        => [],
 * Subject of the message.
 * @var string
'subject'      => 'Mail test',
 * Locale of the message.
 * @var string
'locale'       => 'en',
 * Charset of the message.
 * @var string
'charset'      => 'utf-8',
 * Encoding of the message.
 * @var string|null 8bit|7bit|binary|base64|quoted-printable
'encoding'     => null,
 * Content type of the message.
 * @var string|null multipart/alternative|text/html|text/plain
'content_type' => null,
 * Css properties of the HTML message.
 * @var string
'css'          => file_get_contents($this->mail()->resources('/assets/css/styles.css')),
 * Inline CSS formatting flag.
 * @var bool
'inline_css'   => true,
 * List of parameters of the template view|View instance.
 * @var array|ViewInterface $view
'view'         => [],

Use registered mail

use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;

$mail = new MailManager();

    'name' => 'my-first-mail',
    'to'   => ['to@domain.ltd', 'Recipient Name'],
    'from' => ['from@domain.ltd', 'Sender Name'],

if ($mailable = $mail->get('my-first-mail')) {

Use Mailable

Send an email with the base Mailable

use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;
use Pollen\Mail\Mailable;

$mail = new MailManager();
$mailable = new Mailable($mail);
    ->setFrom(['from@domain.ltd', 'Sender Name'])
    ->setTo(['to@domain.ltd', 'Recipient Name']);


Send an email with a custom Mailable

use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;
use Pollen\Mail\Mailable;

$mail = new MailManager();
$mailable = new class($mail) extends Mailable {
    protected ?array $from = ['from@domain.ltd', 'Sender Name'];
    protected ?array $to = ['to@domain.ltd', 'Recipient Name'];


Templating email

@see https://tedgoas.github.io/Cerberus/


Email testing with MailHog

MailHog must be installed and running on your server.

More details : https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog

  1. Start MailHog with default configuration
  1. Configure Pollen Mail Component for MailHog
use Pollen\Mail\MailManager;
use Pollen\Mail\Drivers\PhpMailerDriver;

$mail = new MailManager();
$mail->setMailerConfigCallback(function (PhpMailerDriver $mailer) {
    $mailer->Host = '';
    $mailer->Username = 'mailhog.example';
    $mailer->Port = 1025;


Visit MailHog Web Ui :

Configure MailHog in Wordpress

For Wordpress environnement add this configuration in current theme functions.php

# functions.php 
add_action('phpmailer_init', function (PHPMailer $mailer) {
    $mailer->Host = '';
    $mailer->Username = 'mailhog.example';
    $mailer->Port = 1025;