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Software development kit to connect with the 3ds server's API

V1.4 2022-11-14 21:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 05:06:51 UTC


Software development kit to connect with the 3DS Server's API


You should add PlacetoPay repository:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

Then, you can install the package via composer:

composer require placeto/sdk-3ds-server

The first thing you need to do is create an instance of the Server3DS class and pass the credentials (token, baseUrl) as a parameter. Example:

return new Server3DS([
    'token' => 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIzIQvhzVU',
    'baseUrl' => '',

Available methods


To create a merchant, you must call the createMerchant() method from the Server3DS class instance and pass the request fields (array) to the API as a parameter. Example:

$request = [
    "name" => "EGM Ingenieria sin froteras" . mt_rand(),
    "brand" => "placetopay",
    "country" => "COL",
    "currency" => "COP",
    "document" => [
         "type" => "RUT",
         "number" => "123456789-0"
    "url" => "",
    "mcc" => 742,
    "isicClass" => 111,
    "branch" => [
         "name" => "Ofic principal." . mt_rand(),
         "brand" => "placetopay dos",
         "country" => "COL",
         "currency" => "COP"
    "subscriptions" => [
              "franchise" => 1,
              "acquirerBIN" => 400900,
              "version" => 2
    "invitations" => [
         "" => ""

$response = $this->server3DS()->createMerchant($request);


To create a new session, you must call the createSession() method from the Server3DS class instance and pass the request fields (array) to the API as a parameter. Example:

$request = [
    'acctNumber' => '4111111111111111',
    'cardExpiryDate' => '2411',
    'purchaseAmount' => '8.25',
    'redirectURI' => '',
    'purchaseCurrency' => 'COP'

$response = $this->server3DS()->createSession($request);


To get transaction information, you must call the transactionInformation() method from the Server3DS class instance and pass the transactionID (string) to the API as a parameter. Example:

$transactionID = '135';

$response = $this->server3DS()->transactionInformation($transactionID);


To add branches to a merchant, you must call the addBranchesMerchants() method from the Server3DS class instance and pass the request fields (array) and the merchantID of the URL to the API as a parameter. Example:

$request = [
    "branches" => [
              "name" => 'namebranch,
              "brand" => "Evertec Medellin",
              "country" => "COL",
              "currency" => "COP",
              "url" => ""
              "name" => 'namebranch2,
              "brand" => "Evertec Bogotá",
              "country" => "COL",
              "currency" => "COP",
              "url" => ""

$merchantID = '135';

$response = $this->server3DS()->addBranchesMerchants($request, $merchantID);

Get only the message from the response with the getResponse() method.


To get the token obtained in the response when creating a merchant, call the getToken() method.


For more information about the 3DS Server API see the documentation Here