
Content management system

1.0.4 2023-04-26 20:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-03 22:03:05 UTC


PHP Build Maintainability

PepisCMS is a content management system. Its main feature consists in the CRUD module generator which makes it easy to set up an entire administration panel based on the database schema definition within minutes. The generated administration panel consists of modules that can be further customized (or just left as they are if you don't care about the presentation details).

The application is designed as a core library on top of the CodeIgniter framework and it allows to be swapped/upgraded with no, or minimal changes in the project code.

PepisCMS Dashboard

Live demo

The demo application is automatically deployed to Heroku and can be reached at:

The sources for the demo application are available at https://github.com/piotrpolak/pepiscms-demo.

Please note that the contents of the demo deployment are automatically cleaned up each time a new version is deployed.

Setting up a local development environment

PepisCMS is meant to be used as a library. A local development environment with a sample project can be initialized as a Docker Compose environment:

docker-compose up

Once a Docker Compose setup is started, all the PepisCMS instance project files will be stored in the tmp/ directory.

To restart the environment, first remove the instance files and then recreate the Docker Compose setup:

sudo rm -rf ./tmp/ && docker-compose up --force-recreate --build

The default admin credentials are demo@example.com / demodemo.

See other useful development commands.

Some history

PepisCMS was started in 2007 as a coursework project. Shortly after its first release the system was implemented to serve a couple of production websites and CRM systems.

CodeIgniter was picked as the application framework. At the time there were few serious PHP frameworks available and CodeIgniter seemed to be a reasonable choice.

During project's lifespan, PepisCMS has been fluently ported from CodeIgniter version CI 1.5.4 to 3.1+. One should be aware that using a pre-PSR framework implies that all the implementation is tightly coupled to the framework libraries.

Due to the minimal footprint and literally no overhead of the framework, project built on top of PepisCMS are really fast.

There are no plans to migrate PepisCMS to use CodeIgniter 4 as the framework introduced backward incompatible changes.

Development philosophy

The project has been developed using a very conservative approach and manually tested on multiple deployments prior to releasing a stable version. Together with Behat and PHPUnit tests it made it possible to keep the regression to minimum.

Becoming an open source project

On the "10th birthday" the project was released as open source under the MIT license.

Prior to pushing the project to GitHub its code has been slightly refactored, cleaned up from any proprietary code, described by some tests and released as a composer dependency.

Together with the first open-source release, PepisCMS 1.0.0 got support for the Composer dependency management and core features got described by Behat functional tests.

Some code has been rewritten in the PSR style and benefits from PSR class autoloading. Being a composer module PepisCMS now benefits from the component management. Upgrading any of its dependencies is now simplified to incrementing composer versions. Version 1.0.* plays well both with PHP5 and PHP. As 2021, the project is fully functional and *well tested.


  • Modularity

    Modularity and consistency. An external modules can be written independent on the system core. System core can be upgraded without any modification in the current application at any time.

    There are two kinds of modules - builtin (available in all projects) and user-space modules. Modules can be enabled or disabled from the administration console. A typical module consists from both admin and public controllers + the support code.

    Read more about modules.

  • Advanced user and user rights management

    The user is granted a certain right above a business entity. Every single controller method has associated a minimal right above a certain entity.

    All violations of security policy are reported in system audit logs.

    You can create as many users as you want, you can assign a user to several groups, the security policy can be modified at runtime.

    Read more about security policy.

  • Audit logs

    All user actions and unexpected application behaviors can be tracked down using an advanced log utility. PepisCMS provides a logging API and a console for analyzing system logs.

  • User session security

    User session will expire after one hour of inactivity (configurable). The session is protected against session spoofing attack by validating the IP each time the system validates the user rights.

  • Web based file manager

    The user can manage files on the server using an AJAX file manager. You can restrict the allowed upload extension list from configuration.

  • Enhanced SMTP Email sender

    A utility for sending emails in a reliable way reliable. When the system is unable to connect to the remote SMTP server, an alternative mail gateway is used and the fallback action is reported in audit logs.

  • Multi language native support

    The application supports internationalization and multi language support by default, both for front-end and backend. An integrated translator speeds up multi language application development.

  • Rich Text Editor

    CKEditor makes you you feel you are using MS Word while editing web site contents. You can change text formatting and attach pictures.

  • Configuration tests on startup

    Basic configuration tests ensure system cohesion and proper operation on any environment.

  • Two level cache mechanism

    Makes your web site bulletproof. The HTML output cache mechanism is run before the framework is initialized and serves static contents at the speed of serving static pages.

  • Backup utility

    Allows to create and download MySQL SQL dumps.

  • Intranet options

    You can restrict access to public contents and uploaded files for unauthenticated users.

  • SEO Friendly

    PepisCMS generates SEO friendly links and optimized meta tags. It also automatically generates sitemap (both txt and xml) for the website.

  • Build-in components for generating grids and forms.

    Using these components you have 90% of requested features implemented from the start. The data grid supports ordering table by any column and implements multiple filters. The form generator implements validation, data retrieval and data save, file upload and many others by default.

    You can extend or overwrite behavior of these components using advanced callbacks.

  • Build-in helpers for generating Excel files and PDF files.

    You can easily export application data into XLS file or print any HTML to PDF.

  • Content journaling

    Makes it simple to track down changes upon entities and to restore specific values.

  • CRUD module generator

    Generate database CRUD admin panel in minutes.

    Read more about CRUD module generator.

  • Builtin UI translator

    Localize your application with no effort.

    Read more about Translator module.

  • Builtin SQL console

    Makes maintenance and upgrade tasks a piece of cake.

    Read more about SQL Console module.

  • Seamless Symfony2 integration

    Consume Symfony2 encapsulated business logic inside CMS panel. Benefit from the powerful dependency injection engine.

  • Admin panel customization

    Makes it possible to customize the look of administration panel by offering the possibility of injecting HTML/JS/CSS code in selected sections of the view.

  • Backward compatibility

    Any instance of PepisCMS can be easily upgraded to a newer version with minimal effort. All versions within the same branch are 100% backward compatible.

  • Cache and admin panel speed

    Critical components of administration panel are cached thus improving overall performance of CMS.

  • Twig integration

  • SSH and Array models

    Makes it possible to operate on models that provide data out of any source.

  • Google Chart integration

  • phpCAS/native authentication drivers

    phpCAS authentication driver is disabled by default.


  • PHP 5.6+/7.0+/8.0 with mysqli, gd (recommended), mbstring (recommended)
  • Apache 2 with mod_rewrite
  • MySQL or MariaDB database
  • composer


PepisCMS is installed as a composer dependency and then instantiated in the user directory.

Once the composer dependency has been configured and downloaded (see below) there are two ways of bootstrapping PepisCMS instance:

Configuring composer

Adding composer dependency from command line ()

composer require piotrpolak/pepiscms --prefer-dist

Configuring composer from command line (using dev-master from Github repository)

composer init --type "project" --stability "dev" \
    --repository '{"type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/piotrpolak/pepiscms.git"}' && \
    composer require piotrpolak/pepiscms dev-master --prefer-dist

Creating composer.json by hand (using dev-master from Github repository)

    "name": "yourvendorname/yourprojectname",
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/piotrpolak/pepiscms.git"
    "require": {
        "piotrpolak/pepiscms": "dev-master"

Attended (user) installation

  1. Install composer dependencies

    composer install --prefer-dist
  2. Copy install.php file to root directory

    cp ./vendor/piotrpolak/pepiscms/install.php ./
  3. Open install.php in your browser http://localhost/install.php

    This will create a basic framework structure. Please follow the installation guide.

    • Directory view Directory view

    • Copy files and create framework structure Copy files

    • Database connection setup

      There are two options: native and Symfony import.

      When selecting native you will be asked for database host, name, user and password.

      If selecting Symfony import then PepisCMS tries to automatically parses Symfony parameters.yml configuration.

      Database connection

    • Selecting authorization driver. You can choose from native (users are managed locally) or CAS

      When selecting CAS then user passwords will not be managed by PepisCMS. The local users having minimal access rights will be created upon the first user authentication (use of the system).

      Authorization driver

    • Configuring administrator account Administrator account

    • Configuring site options Site confguration

    • Configuring installed modules

      You can choose which modules to be installed and add specified modules to menu and/or utilities.

      Installed modules

    • Success message Success

    • Dashboard Dashboard

Unattended installation

PepisCMS can be installed and configured in an unattended way.

The following BASH variables can be used to control the installation parameters:

# The variable values are empty by default. The below values are taken from docker-compose.yml file
PEPIS_CMS_AUTH_EMAIL: demo@example.com
PEPIS_CMS_SITE_EMAIL: demo@example.com
PEPIS_CMS_SITE_NAME: Demonstration
PEPIS_CMS_OBJECT_CACHE_OBJECT_IS_ENABLED: true # Set false for cloud deployment
PEPIS_CMS_IS_UNATTENDED_INSTALL: true # Set false for manual installer

Email console is available under http://localhost:60500

The command line for unattended installation:

composer install --prefer-dist && \
    cp vendor/piotrpolak/pepiscms/pepiscms/resources/config_template/template_index.php ./index.php && \
    sed -i -e 's/TEMPLATE_VENDOR_PATH/\.\/vendor\//g' ./index.php && \
    cp vendor/piotrpolak/pepiscms/pepiscms/resources/config_template/template_.htaccess ./.htaccess && \
    php index.php tools install && \
    php index.php tools register_admin $PEPIS_CMS_AUTH_EMAIL $PEPIS_CMS_AUTH_PASSWORD

See demo application setup scripts to see PepisCMS unattended installation in action.

Command line interface

Available command line utilities:

  • php index.php tools install [<clean_database>]
  • php index.php tools register_admin <email> <password>
  • php index.php tools passwd <email> <password>
  • php index.php tools inactivate <email>
  • php index.php tools activate <email>
  • php index.php tools set_config <name> <value>
  • php index.php tools get_config <name>
  • php index.php tools index - lists all the commands


PepisCMS distinguishes between two types of modules, based on where the modules code is placed:

  • system modules - these modules are bundled in the system and are upgraded each time PepisCMS is upgraded, those modules are available for all PepisCMS applications. See the list of built-in modules or check the modules source.
  • user modules - user space modules, those are specific to instance of your application.

By default all modules are disabled and must be manually enabled (installed) (during PepisCMS installation or at any later point).

Module installation

Module installation consists in enabling the module and configuring its parameters (if available). Modules that do have administration interface can be attached to an admin panel menu and/or utilities dashboard. Most modules come with predefined configuration and presentation defaults. Configuration options and presentation details are defined in a module descriptor (a class that implements ModuleDescriptableInterface).

An SQL code can be executed upon module installation/uninstallation. A file containing SQL code can be optionally specified in module descriptor.

To view installed modules please navigate to Start > Utilities > Installed modules.

Accessing modules in the browser

Admin module actions


Public module actions


Where <modulename> is the module name (directory name) and <action> is the method name (the method must have public classifier).

If no action is specified, the default action is index, i.e. http://localhost/<modulename> is equal to http://localhost/<modulename>/index

Please note that the module must be installed and the Frontend support (pages and modules) must be enabled in order to access public controllers. This can be enabled from Start > Utilities > Site's configuration.

Module structure

  • Module descriptor (optional, when specified must implement ModuleDescriptableInterface)
  • Admin controller (optional)
  • Public controller (optional)
  • Admin views (optional)
  • Public views (optional)
  • Models (optional)
  • Libraries (optional)
  • Language files
  • Security policy (security_policy.xml)
  • Additional resources (like default icons: <module_name>/resources/icon_16.png and <module_name>/resources/icon_32.png)

Sample module structure

Below the structure of sample labels module:

Module structure - new

There is also a legacy module structure layout. The legacy layout is no longer supported by default, however it can be enabled from configuration in case you already have modules generated with a past version of PepisCMS and do not want to upgrade:

Module structure - legacy

Built-in modules


A utility for managing user groups and groups access rights.

Read more about security policy.


User accounts

A utility for managing and registering new users.

User accounts

Development tools

Development tools

System logs

All user actions and unexpected application behaviors can be tracked using an advanced log utility.

PepisCMS provides a logging API and a console for analyzing system logs.

Every single log consists of the following entry:

  • Timestamp of the event
  • User ID/email generating the event
  • IP address of the user creating the entry
  • Module name (if case)
  • Collection name – abstract label used for grouping the events and drawing statistics
  • Debug message
  • URL where the event occurred
  • Severity of the event –info, notice, warning, error

System logs

SQL console

SQL console

System information

Displays system information, paths, versions, storage occupied.

System information


A utility for translating user interface.


Symfony2 bridge

Allows to invalidate Symfony cache and to view Symfony logs.

Symfony2 bridge must be first enabled by adding an piotrpolak/codeigniter-symfony2-bridge library. See the codeigniter-symfony2-bridge project.


Allows to create and download MySQL SQL dumps.


This module is a base for any other CRUD module. It is not installable.

HTML customization for admin panel

Allows to inject HTML snippets to admin panel header and footer.

Configuration values

Allows editing database stored configuration values.

Generating a CRUD module

CRUD stands for Create Read Update and Delete. PepisCMS aims to ease creating typical CRUD modules for managing data saved in a database table.

To generate a CRUD module for a given database table:

  1. Execute SQL DDL against the database. You can use the bundled SQL console module.

  2. Make sure development tools module is installed.

  3. Navigate to Start > Utilities > Development tools > Build a new module.

  4. Provide mandatory database table name and optional module details:

    Generating a CRUD module

    • Module name - leave empty to keep default name equal to the database table name
    • Whether to parse database schema
    • Whether to generate implicit security policy
    • Module type (CRUD or Default/basic)
    • Database connection (if you have multiple databases configured)
    • Languages for generating translation files
    • Whether to generate a public controller
  5. Proceed

  6. Customize translations (optionally)

  7. Customize generated controller code (optionally)

  8. Upload custom icons (optionally)

You can find a sample SQL file to play with at sql/sample.sql.

Built-in utilities

  • Site's configuration
  • Modules management
  • Cache management/flush
  • Reload (own) privileges
  • Security policy builder
  • Check own access rights utility
  • Configuration tests

Security policy

A security policy is a set of required user rights above certain entities required to access a controller's method. The user is granted one of the four access rights above above the defined entities.

When a security policy is created, the administrator first defines desired entities (such as page, user, group, configuration etc.) and assigns the entities to methods of controllers.

How access check works:

  1. User accesses a controller method
  2. If the user is marked as root, the access is immediately granted
  3. SecurityManager parses appropriate security_policy.xml and reads the entity and minimum access level for a given controller method
  4. SecurityManager checks groups for the authenticated user and computes associated entity-granted access map
  5. SecurityManager checks if the computed user entity-granted access map contains an entry related to the entity
  6. SecurityManager checks the user access level against the minimum required access level, if it is satisfied or if the required access level is NONE the user is granted access to the controller method. Otherwise the user is denied access.

All violations of security policy are reported using system logs.

Possible access levels

There are four access levels:

  • NONE
  • READ
  • ALL


An entity is just a string representing the core business object.

Example: Managing, rearranging, managing, and running modules is realised by different method of the module controller. Each method has different minimal access levels for module entity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<security_policy generated_at="2018-04-18 23:18:56" version="1.1">
  <policy module="system">
    <!-- ... -->
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="index">
        <entity name="module" access="READ"/>
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="move">
        <entity name="module" access="WRITE"/>
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="setup">
        <entity name="module" access="FULL_CONTROL"/>
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="do_setup">
        <entity name="module" access="FULL_CONTROL"/>
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="uninstall">
        <entity name="module" access="FULL_CONTROL"/>
    <controller name="module">
      <method name="run">
        <entity name="module" access="READ"/>
    <!-- ... -->

Security policy management console view: Security policy

Also see groups module.

Controllers, methods and reflection

Every controller method for which a security policy is defined has associated a minimal required access right above an entity.

The reflection mechanism is used to scan for the controller methods.

Changing security policy at runtime

Security policy can be changed at any time without need to change code or recompile anything. AdminControllers initializes SecurityManager that handles security transparently to the programmer or user of the system.

Marshaling a security policy and caching

Security policy is serialized onto XML file (security_policy.xml) that is platform independent and can be manually edited. In order to reduce time needed for parsing XML file with each request, the security policy is storied in a processed and serialized cached format on the permanent storage or directly in the memory.

Types of security policies

There are two types of security policy:

User groups

Once the security policy is created for both core and modules the administrator can create user groups. Creating a group is process similar to building security policy - the administrator picks an access level for every single entity that is granted to anyone who belongs to the group.

A single user can belong to any number of user groups. This offers high flexibility because you can manage the groups separately.

Deployment configurations

A project can be deployed in several configurations. The following options will be presented in the small-to-enerprise order.

Small website (Content Management System, Web)

The framework is installed as the core only and provides basic functions for building a website that can use multiple template; there is a SEO friendly frontend and simple administration panel for managing pages, menu, files and administrators.

Administration panel for a database (Intranet Application)

In this option the framework acts as a basic database application that can be accessed from various locations.

The framework can manage several databases of different types at the same time. There is no public frontend available.

Example: Invoicing application

Portal/eCommerce application (Content Management System, Web)

Portal combines the features of a small website and an intranet application. Some pages of the portal are generated dynamically; there can be some kind of interaction between the platform and the visitor (comments, user login, order processing etc.). Administrator of such applications has some extra features and dedicated modules available.

All of the components including business logic are placed on the same machine.

Advantages: simple to implement, low cost

Disadvantages: any failure can be deadly, can have scalability issues

Example: blog, online shop.

Architecture overview

Core of the system

Core implements most of the base features and it is supposed to be stable over the time. The core takes advantage of CodeIgniter framework that provides basic architecture, input security and database ActiveRecord access method.

Specifically for the core of PepisCMS some of the classes were overloaded or rewritten (see overwritten core libraries.

PepisCMS distinguishes between 4 types of controllers:

  • Basic controller (same as for CodeIgniter)
  • ModuleController - public module controller
  • AdminController - for core administration panel, handles security check transparently
  • ModuleAdminController - module administration panel controller that supports "hotplug" and a kind of visualization where the original AdminController acts as a host and maps all accessible resources (translates) to ModuleAdminController instance without duplicating them in memory


Modules implement business specific features that are not generic and should not be distributed for all the instances of the application. Modules can be easily transferred from a project to project and should not create dependency conflicts. Every single module can be enabled/disabled at any time.

System and user modules they work exactly the same. If an user space module of the same name as an existing system module is installed, the system module will be completely ignored – you can overwrite the default users and logs modules.

Read more about Modules.

Model-View-Presenter architectural pattern

The application is built around Model View Presenter pattern).

A request triggers a presenter (controller) method that uses logic encapsulated in models (and libraries) to prepare data for the view layer.


Model encapsulates data access using the Data Access Object pattern.

Models provide methods that read, update and delete entities. CodeIgniter uses instances of stdClass to represent entities.


  • have no methods
  • have fields that reflect database structure (query result set structure)

All models must start with a capital letter and must be suffixed with _model. Unlike libraries, the model instance names are case sensitive (this comes from CodeIgniter engine).

Read more about CodeIgniter models.

PepisCMS provides some base models that can be extended in order make development simpler:


View is used as the presentation layer. It is fully controlled by controller but it can also pull some data provided by models or libraries initialized by controller. It is a good technique to prepare all the data inside the controller and to use view only as the "display layer" with absolutely no logic inside - doing so makes it**** much easier to change the view, for example from pure HTML to JSON format used by JavaScript.

To load a view you should use the $this->display() method from the Enhanced_controller. It will automatically compute view's path based on the module name (if any), controller name and method name.

To assign a variable to the view, you should use the $this->assign('variable-name', 'variable-value)` method.


Controllers are these components that interpret input, take some decisions and prepare data for the output. In the case of web applications by input we understand GET/POST variables, Session variables Cookies and several others. Controller implements some of the logic and pulls data from different locations – database, web services, APIs, sockets etc.

Controllers take advantage of libraries and models they load, they should not manipulate the database directly but by using models.

PepisCMS distinguishes 4 types of controllers:

Generic model

Generic_model is an extended Model that implements EntitableInterface required by FormBuilder.

The EntitableInterface interface specifies the 3 basic methods: saveById($id, $data), deleteById($id) and getById($id). You can implement the EntitableInterface class by default but for most of the cases Generic_model with its helper methods is more than enough – in most situations Generic_model should only be extended.

Generic_model also implements AdvancedDataFeedableInterface interface that is needed by DataGrid component.

Methods of the generic model are worth to mention because they are present in all the models used by PepisCMS.

Sometimes it is not desired to use the default Generic_model methods, for example when you need to obtain minimalistic data set. Generic_model by default selects all from your database using the * wildcard sign.

FormBuilder library

A library that can build and handle HTML forms based on the provided definition. Form builder can render the form using the default layout or you can register an additional renderer. FormBuilder can either use an instance of EntitableInterface or a anonymous instance of the Generic_model that binds to an arbitrary database table.

The main features of form builder are:

  • Generates HTML forms from definition
  • Handles input validation, both on server side (for security) and on client side (JavaScript for increased responsiveness)
  • Handles database read/update/insert
  • Can be customized using templates
  • Can be extended using callbacks and custom feed objects that implement the EntitableInterface
  • Can handle database foreign keys
  • When using FormBuilder you can specify the fields of the form and their attributes in two manners: by API methods or by definition. The API methods were first that were developed but they are not recommended to use in new projects. Initializing the form from definition that is an associative array (multidimensional hash table) makes it much more flexible and reusable – when new attributes are implemented, the previously defined forms work with no problems. It is also simpler for the programmer because the order of attributes in the definition does not matter. If there is no attribute specified its default value is automatically completed.
  • The definition used for generating FormBuilder is compatible with the definition used by DataGrid so that one definition can be written and reused both for the Form and for the Grid.
  • Form builder is closely coupled with EntitableInterface - it uses its saveById() and getById() methods.

See complete FormBuilder API

Generating a form

In the most common scenario the customizable Generic_model is used as the feed object for FormBuilder. The scenario looks as follows:

  1. Initialize FormBuilder $this->load->library('FormBuilder')
  2. Specify data model or use GenericModel providing the table name
  3. Specify the value of entity ID - $this->formbuilder->setId($id)
  4. Specify the fields and their properties by $this->formbuilder->setDefinition($definition)
  5. Specify the back link $this->formbuilder->setBackLink($link) - URL that is used for the "Cancel" button and for redirecting the user once the form is saved
  6. Trigger form populate/save actions and generate the resulting HTML

Lifecycle callbacks

Callbacks are used to extend or to overwrite certain operations done by FormBuilder.

READ related callbacks should take the OBJECT as the parameter while the WRITE callbacks should take ARRAY as parameter. The reason for that is that rows are retrieved from database as objects while the form values come as associative array.

If you are not fine with that, you can ensure a certain type by type casting: $object = (object) $array and PHP will do all the magic.

Callbacks are usually defined in controller code as methods prefixed with "_"to prevent it from being accessed via HTTP. They can be delegated to external classes or can be simple functions as long as they are callable with the specified parameters. The concept of the callback is very similar to the concept of the ActionListener. Please note that if you define the callback in the controller class it must be public so that it can be called from an an external instance.

Callback setup:

$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_before_render'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_BEFORE_RENDER ); 
$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_before_save'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_BEFORE_SAVE ); 
$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_after_save'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_AFTER_SAVE ); 
$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_on_save'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_ON_SAVE ); 
$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_on_save_failure'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_ON_SAVE_FAILURE ); 
$this->formbuilder->setCallback( array($this, '_fb_callback_on_read'), FormBuilder::CALLBACK_ON_READ ); 
 * Called after validation, before saving 
 * @param array $data_array 
public function _fb_callback_before_save( &$data_array ){} 
 * Some logs or statistics maybe? 
 * @param array $data_array  
public function _fb_callback_after_save( &$data_array ){} 
 * Put here your rollback action 
 * @param object $object  
public function _fb_callback_on_save_failure( &$object ){} 
 * Must overwrite the save procedure and return true or false 
 * @param object $object  
public function _fb_callback_on_save( &$object ){} 
 * Must populate object 
 * @param object $object  
public function _fb_callback_on_read( &$object ){} 
 * Can manipulate data after read, before rendering 
 * @param object $object  
public function _fb_callback_before_render( &$object ){} 

Image fields’ callbacks

You can attach an independent callback to the image fields. The difference between form builder general callbacks and image callbacks is that image callback is only called when a new image is being uploaded while form builder callback is called each time you save a form.

Sample callback (taken from admin module CRUD template):

 * Callback function changing the name of the file to SEO friendly
 * @version: 1.2.3
 * @date: 2015-06-11
 * @param $filename
 * @param $base_path
 * @param $data
 * @param $current_image_field_name
 * @return bool
public function _fb_callback_make_filename_seo_friendly(&$filename, $base_path, &$data, $current_image_field_name)
    // List of the fields to be used, if no value is present for a given key
    // then the key will be ignored. By default all values of the keys
    // specified will be concatenated
    $title_field_names = array('name', 'title', 'label');

    $path = $base_path . $filename;
    $path_parts = pathinfo($path);

    // Attempt to build a name
    $new_base_filename = '';
    foreach ($title_field_names as $title_field_name) {
        // Concatenating all the elements
        if (isset($data[$title_field_name]) && $data[$title_field_name]) {
            $new_base_filename .= '-' . $data[$title_field_name];

    // Making it web safe
    if ($new_base_filename) {
        $new_base_filename = niceuri($new_base_filename);

    // This should not be an else statement as niceuri can return empty string sometimes
    if (!$new_base_filename) {
        $new_base_filename = niceuri($path_parts['filename']);

    // This should normally never happen, but who knows - this is bulletproof
    if (!$new_base_filename) {
        $new_base_filename = md5(time() + rand(1000, 9999));

    $new_base_path = '';
//        $new_base_path = date('Y-m-d') . '/'; // Will create directory based on date
//        $new_base_path = $new_name_base . '/'; // Will create directory based on the niceuri value
//        @mkdir($base_path . $new_base_path); // Do not forget!
    // We don't like upper case extensions
    $extension = strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
    $new_name = $new_base_filename . '.' . $extension;

    // Protection against existing files
    $i = 2;
    while (file_exists($base_path . $new_base_path . $new_name)) {
        $new_name = $new_base_filename . '-' . $i . '.' . $extension;
        if ($i++ > 50 || strlen($i) > 2) // strlen is a protection against the infinity loop for md5 checksums
            // This is ridiculous but who knowss
            $i = md5(time() + rand(1000, 9999));

    // No need to change filename? Then we are fine
    if ($filename == $new_name) {
        return TRUE;

    // Finally here we go!
    if (rename($path, $base_path . $new_base_path . $new_name)) {
        $data[$current_image_field_name] = $new_base_path . $new_name;
        $filename = $new_base_path . $new_name;

        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

DataGrid library

A library that feature rich data view grids, including pagination, sorting and filtering.


  • Generates HTML views with minimum effort using grid definition
  • Makes it possible to apply callback formatting functions to individual cells.
  • Can define and apply filters
  • Supports dataset pagination
  • Enables dataset sorting by specified colums
  • Resolves OneToMany and ManyToMany foreign keys
  • Supports row actions (links)
  • Supports row icons (thumbails) and additional row styling based on the tuple data

DataGrid filters

Filters are used to restrict the dataset by applying "where" conditions to the query in a way that is transparent to the user.

Every filter can have "filter_condition" parameter associated with it that specifies the condition type. You can have several filters associated with a field as long as the filter condition differs – for example you can implement "date between" filter by using "date ge" and "date le" at the same time.

Possible filter types

Possible filter conditions


DataGrid definition is an associative array and it is best to be build using CrudDefinitionBuilder.


echo $this->datagrid->setFiltersShownBeforeGrid(TRUE)
    ->setTitle("My Table")
    // All links will be generated with respect to this base URL
    ->setBaseUrl(admin_url() . 'somepage/edit')
    ->setDefaultOrder('id', 'asc')
    ->addFilter('Since', 'published_since_datetime',DataGrid::FILTER_DATE, FALSE,
    ->addFilter('To', 'published_since_datetime', DataGrid::FILTER_DATE, FALSE,
    ->setRowCssClassFormattingFunction(function ($line) {
        if ($line->is_active == 1) {
            return DataGrid::ROW_COLOR_GREEN;
        } else {
            return DataGrid::ROW_COLOR_RED;

Minimalistic, with implicit values

// All links will be generated with respect to this base URL
echo $this->datagrid->setBaseUrl(admin_url() . 'somepage/edit')
    ->setTable('items') // Will automatically instantiate Generic_model for 'items' table

See complete DataGrid API

DataGrid cell value formatting callbacks

Using cell value formatting callbacks you can modify the value of the cell on run time, for example add a string suffix, display image or insert a link.

A callback must be a function or a public method that returns a string and that takes two parameters: cell inline value and the object representing line (row) values. Usually a callback method is defined inside the controller and is prefixed with "_" (underscore) to prevent it from being accessed via HTTP.

public function _datagrid_format_order_value( $cell_value, &$line ) { 
    return $cell_value.' PLN'; 


CrudDefinitionBuilder makes it easier and safer (typesafe) to generate DataGrid and FormBuilder definitions.

Below some sample code (see CrudDefinitionBuilder code for complete reference):

$definition = CrudDefinitionBuilder::create()
            0 => $this->lang->line('global_dialog_no'),
            1 => $this->lang->line('global_dialog_yes')
            0 => $this->lang->line('global_dialog_no'),
            1 => $this->lang->line('global_dialog_yes')
    ->withImplicitTranslations($module_name, $this->lang)


ContainerAware is a way to access CodeIgniter container services in a seamless way from your libraries and custom classes.

All you need to do is to make your class extend ContainerAware and you can then immediately access all services just like you access them from within the controllers or models.

Makes it possible to transform the code from:

// The oldschool CodeIgniter way

class YourOldSchoolNastyLibrary
    public function myServiceMethod() {
        $CI = CI_Controller::getInstance(); // THAT IS NASTY

        // Autocomplete and method prediction does not work or requires additional hacks :(
        return $this->email->from('noreply@example.com')
                ->body('Hello World!')

into code having no static calls in your method bodies:

// The PepisCMS way

class YourNewNiceLibrary extends ContainerAware
    public function myServiceMethod() {

        // Autocomplete and method prediction works out of the box :)
        return $this->email->from('noreply@example.com')
                ->body('Hello World!')

If you can't (or don't want) to extend the ContainerAware class then you can implement your own magic method `__get()' and to reuse a static helper provided by ContainerAware:

class YourNewNiceAlternativeLibrary
    public function __get($var)
        return ContainerAware::__doGet($var);

    public function myServiceMethod() {

        // Autocomplete and method prediction does not work out of the box :(
        return $this->email->from('noreply@example.com')
                ->body('Hello World!')

Simplified domain model

Simplified domain model

Application helpers

Below the list of the PepisCMS helpers:

  • dialog_message dialog / UI related functions.

    • display_error($message)
    • display_warning($message)
    • display_notification($message)
    • display_success($message)
    • display_tip($message)
    • display_breadcrumb($breadcrumb_array, $icon = false)
    • display_session_message() - Renders and prints session flash message.
    • get_warning_begin()
    • get_warning_end()
    • display_steps($steps, $type)
    • display_steps_circle($steps)
    • display_steps_dot($steps)
    • display_action_bar($actions)
    • button_generic($label, $url, $icon_path, $extra_classes = '', $id = false)
    • button_cancel($url = '#', $extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • button_back($url = '#', $extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • button_next($url = '#', $extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • button_previous($url = '#', $extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • button_apply($extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • button_save($extra_classes = '', $id = false, $label = false)
    • dashboard_box($name, $url, $icon_path = false, $description = false, $is_popup = false, $target = false)
    • display_confirmation_box($message, $explanation = '')
    • display_error_box($message, $explanation = '')
  • email_html functions that ease building HTML system emails.

    • email_html_open($padding = 20)
    • email_html_close()
    • email_h1_open()
    • email_h1_close()
    • email_h2_open()
    • email_h2_close()
    • email_p_open()
    • email_p_close()
    • email_a_open($url)
    • email_a_close()
    • email_html_footer_open($padding=0, $margin_top=40)
    • email_html_footer_close()
  • google_maps functions for getting coordinates for a given address.

    • google_maps_locate($address) - Returns an array (lat, lng) representing coordinates of a given address.
  • mysqldump functions for creating backups from MYSQL database.

    • mysqldump($db_host, $database, $db_user, $db_password, $tables = false, $dump_to_filename = false, $dump_structure = true) - Dumps MySQL database to file.
  • os functions for detecting Windows systems.

    • is_windows()
  • path path helper functions.

    • module_path($module_name = false)
  • popup popup / UI related functions.

    • popup_close_html() - Returns string used to close popup window.
  • youtube YouTube URL parsing functions.

    • youtube_get_id_by_url($url) - Extracts YouTube ID from YouTube video URL.

CodeIgniter helpers customization or extension:

  • PEPISCMS_date extension to CodeIgniter date helper.

    • utc_timestamp() - Generates a timestamp value compatible with MySQL UTC_TIMESTAMP function.
    • date_spectrum($today_time, $days_before = 30) - Generates a date spectrum from days before to now.
    • fill_date_spectrum_values($values, $today_time, $days_before = 30, $default_value = 0) - Takes values map and makes sure there are no date gaps.
  • PEPISCMS_string extension to CodeIgniter string helper.

    • niceuri($name) - Generates a URL friendly string that can be used as URL slug (URL id). Supports Cyrillic as well.
    • shortname($name, $maxlength = 60, $separator = '...') - Generates a shortened string, inserts ... in the middle of the shortened value.
    • `remove_separators($str)' - Returns string with all word separators removed (space, dash, minus, plus).
  • PEPISCMS_url extension to CodeIgniter url helper.

    • admin_url($is_absolute = true) - Returns base URL for admin.
    • module_url($module_name = false) - Returns relative admin module base URL. If no module is specified, the currently running module is used.
    • module_resources_url($module_name = false) - Returns relative module public resources URL for the specified module. If no module is specified, the currently running module is used.
    • site_theme_url($theme_name = false) - Returns relative theme path. If no theme is specified then the system configured theme is used.
    • module_icon_small_url($module_name = false) - Returns admin module icon URL. If no module is specified, the currently running module is used.
    • current_url() - Returns absolute URL for the current request.


PepisCMS was designed with small memory footprint and processing power in mind.

To enable profiler please change the following property:

// application/config.php

$config['enable_profiler'] = TRUE;

You might observe that for concurrent requests access check and menu rendering is skipped.

Changes comparing to CodeIgniter

Enabling library and models autocomplete prediction

Autocomplete and method prediction works out of the box for classes that extend either EnhancedController (all PepisCMS controller types), Generic_model and ContainerAware.

This is obtained by adding @property annotations to the above mentioned classes.

Generating project headers manually

To regenerate libraries and models definition and enable autocomplete predictions for CodeIgniter in PepisCMS you need to:

  1. Install Development tools module and navigate to the module's dashboard Autocomplete

  2. Generate headers file, the action will generate a definition file located under application/dev/_project_headers.php _project_headers.php

  3. Mark CodeIgniter Controller.php and Model.php as text (Right click -> Mark as plaintext). The files paths are vendor/codeigniter/framework/system/core/Controller.php and vendor/codeigniter/framework/system/core/Model.php respectively.

  4. Benefit from autocomplete predictions and code suggestions :) Autocomplete

Optional libraries

PHPExcel for Excel spreadsheet import/export

PHPSpreadsheet bridge library is not provided by default. To enable support for Excel file import/export please add the missing dependency. Once the library is present in the classmap, the Excel support capabilities will automatically be enabled. Excel support can be enabled at any point.

composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 1.5.* --update-no-dev

PHPCas for CAS authentication

PHPCas bridge library is not provided by default. To enable CAS support, please install PHPCas library prior to PepisCMS setup configuration.

composer require jasig/phpcas 1.3.5 --update-no-dev

Enabling Symfony bridge

Symfony bridge library is not provided by default. Symfony bridge can be enabled at any point.

composer require piotrpolak/codeigniter-symfony2-bridge --update-no-dev

Enabling Twig support

composer require twig/twig 1.* --update-no-dev

Icon set

Farm Fresh Icons Pack https://fatcow.com/free-icons licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.