
Pimcore Payment Provider - Paypal Smart Payment Button

v2.0.1 2024-06-07 12:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 16:21:22 UTC



Install latest version with Composer:

composer require pimcore/payment-provider-paypal-smart-payment-button

Enable bundle via console or extensions manager in Pimcore backend:

php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable PimcorePaymentProviderPayPalSmartPaymentButtonBundle
php bin/console pimcore:bundle:install PimcorePaymentProviderPayPalSmartPaymentButtonBundle

For configuration details see further below. For additional information of PayPal API credentials see API Docs


The Payment Manager is responsible for implementation of different Payment Provider to integrate them into the framework.

For more information about Payment Manager, see Payment Manager Docs.

Configure payment provider in the pimcore_ecommerce_config.payment_manager config section:

        payment_manager_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\PaymentManager\PaymentManager

                provider_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\PaymentManager\Payment\PayPalSmartPaymentButton
                profile: sandbox
                        client_id: <YOUR PAYPAL REST API CLIENT ID>
                        client_secret: <YOUR PAYPAL REST API CLIENT SECRET>
                        # defines, if payment caputure should take place automatic or manual, default is automatic
                        capture_strategy: automatic   
                        # defines mode of PayPal API, default value is sandbox  
                        mode: sandbox                 
                        # defines PayPal application context for shipping, default value is NO_SHIPPING
                        # see https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#definition-application_context 
                        shipping_preference: NO_SHIPPING

                        # defines PayPal application context for user action, default value is PAY_NOW
                        # see https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#definition-application_context                        
                        user_action: PAY_NOW

                        client_id: <YOUR PAYPAL REST API CLIENT ID>
                        client_secret: <YOUR PAYPAL REST API CLIENT SECRET>
                        mode: live


Integrate the PayPal payment button to your view template

Integrate PayPal payment button and overwrite a few methods like in the sample. At least createOrder and onApprove need to be overwritten.

        /** @var \Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\PaymentManager\Payment\PayPalSmartPaymentButton $payment */
    <script src="<?= $payment->buildPaymentSDKLink() ?>">

    <div id="paypal-button-container"></div>
            onCancel: function (data) {
                // e.g. redirect to a certain page or show message
            createOrder: function() {
                return fetch('/path/to/your/startPaymentAction', {
                    method: 'post',
                    headers: {
                        'content-type': 'application/json'
                }).then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(data) {
                    return data.id;
            onApprove: function(data) {
                // make sure you deliver orderID, payerID and paymentID to your 
                // handle response controller action, e.g. by creating a form and 
                // posting the data
                var form = document.createElement('form');
                form.method = 'POST';
                form.action = '/path/to/your/handleResponseAction';

                var orderID = document.createElement('input');
                orderID.type = 'hidden';
                orderID.name = 'orderID';
                orderID.value = data['orderID'];

                var payerID = document.createElement('input');
                payerID.type = 'hidden';
                payerID.name = 'payerID';
                payerID.value = data['payerID'];

                var paymentID = document.createElement('input');
                paymentID.type = 'hidden';
                paymentID.name = 'paymentID';
                paymentID.value = data['paymentID'];

  1. Create a startPaymentAction in your controller

Initialize checkout manager, call startOrderPaymentWithPaymentProvider of the payment implementation. It is creating an order at PayPal and its response is the default PayPal response, which need to be returned as a json response of the action.

//in your payment controller, e.g. startPaymentAction

public function startPaymentAction() {
    // ... some other stuff
        $paymentConfig = new AbstractRequest($config);
        $response = $checkoutManager->startOrderPaymentWithPaymentProvider($paymentConfig);
    $checkoutManager = Factory::getInstance()->getCheckoutManager($cart);
    $paymentInformation = $checkoutManager->initOrderPayment();
    $payment = $checkoutManager->getPayment();
    $config = [
        'return_url' => $returnUrl,
        'cancel_url' => $cancelUrl . 'payment?error=cancel',
        'OrderDescription' => 'My Order ' . $order->getOrdernumber() . ' at pimcore.org',
        'InternalPaymentId' => $paymentInformation->getInternalPaymentId()
    $paymentConfig = new AbstractRequest($config);
    $response = $checkoutManager->startOrderPaymentWithPaymentProvider($paymentConfig);
    return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse($response->getJsonString(), 200, [], true);

  1. Handle Response of PayPal

In handle response just call handlePaymentResponseAndCommitOrderPayment of checkout manager. It does the rest - which is checking at PayPal if payment was authorized by the payer and committing the order.

Depending on your settings (see below), the payment is also automatically captured. If not you need to capture the payment manually by calling $payment->executeDebit().

public function handleResponseAction() {

    // ... do some stuff 
    $checkoutManager = Factory::getInstance()->getCheckoutManager($cart);
    $params = array_merge($request->query->all(), $request->request->all());

    $order = $checkoutManager->handlePaymentResponseAndCommitOrderPayment($params);
    // optional to clear payment
    // if this call is necessary depends on payment provider and configuration.
    // its possible to execute this later (e.g. when shipment is done)
//  $payment = $checkoutManager->getPayment();
//  $paymentStatus = $payment->executeDebit();
//  $orderAgent = Factory::getInstance()->getOrderManager()->createOrderAgent($order);
//  $orderAgent->updatePayment($paymentStatus);    
    // ... check order state and redirect user to error page or order success page

Further Information

For further information and/or more custom integrations, also have a look at following resources: