
1.0.2 2019-11-08 12:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 01:23:23 UTC


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Geoliteip is a php tool to use and manage maxmind GeoLite2 free databases in mmdb format.

🌊 Features

  • Use 3 free dbs as asn, country, city.
  • Change db on the fly without re-instanciate.
  • Input ip list from plain text file.
  • Output as array, json, csv.
  • Update dbs on the fly or from composer.

👍 Pro

  • Flexibility and scalability with factory/adapter pattern.
  • Annotated and tested with full coverage.
  • Changing behaviours can be simply done by overloading/adding adapters.
  • All constants class centralized in src/Interfaces can be overloaded;

👎 Cons

  • do not use non free GeoLite dbs (but can be extended to do the job).

👷 Dependencies

  • geoip2/geoip2

😇 Testing & Coverage

  • before running tests install db doing
composer run db
  • Require xdebug to enable coverage.
  • Tests all passed with php version >= 7.0.
  • /!\ updater tests makes real db update from maxmind, abusing leads to a 503.


Facilities run

  • db (download and install db in assets db).
  • test (pass all tests).
  • coverage (pass all tests with coverage).
  • testIp (run IpTest only).
  • testDownloader (run DownloaderTest only).
  • testFileManager (run FileManagerTest only).
  • testUpdater (run UpdaterTest only).
  • lint (check and fix source errors).


Best is with composer :

composer require pier-infor/geoliteip

To integrate the postInstall process, adjust your composer.json as below.

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [

Dummy app

From the root of the project, create a src folder then a file app.php inside.

Copy paste the code below in app.php


namespace Company\MyApp;

use PierInfor\GeoLite\Ip;

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Paris');
ini_set('register_globals', 0);
ini_set('opcache.enable', 0);

if (function_exists('opcache_get_configuration')) {
    ini_set('opcache.memory_consumption', 128);
    ini_set('opcache.load_comments', true);

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$geoInst = new Ip();
$forceUpdate = false;
echo 'Begin update @' . microtime(true) . "\n";
echo 'End   update @' . microtime(true) . "\n";
$ipv6ToCheck = '2a01:e35:2422:4d60:2ad2:44ff:fe06:2983';
$ipv4ToCheck = '';
echo 'Scanning ipv6 ' . $ipv6ToCheck . "\n";
echo 'Scanning ipv4 ' . $ipv4ToCheck . "\n";
echo $geoInst->process()->toJson();

From the root of the project running

php ./src/app.php

Should be immediate with no errors and display messages as below

Begin update @1568318808.9869
End   update @1568318808.9871
Scanning ipv6 2a01:e35:2422:4d60:2ad2:44ff:fe06:2983
Scanning ipv4
        "ip": "2a01:e35:2422:4d60:2ad2:44ff:fe06:2983",
        "country": "FR",
        "city": "?",
        "lon": 48.85,
        "lat": 2.5,
        "radius": 10
        "ip": "",
        "country": "FR",
        "city": "Aubervilliers",
        "lon": 48.9163,
        "lat": 2.3869,
        "radius": 5

Changing forceUpdate to true will force update in silent mode.

You can figure out the accuracy changing from ipv4 to ipv6 for the same location.

🐹 Todo

  • Implement input arguments to read stdin.
  • Find a good php documentation generator...