
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Wrapper over 3-rd party cache libraries to optimise saving API/'s search result

1.0.5 2016-11-20 22:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-28 20:15:43 UTC


PHP 7 ready Latest Stable Version License SensioLabsInsight


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CacheManager is an application providing wrapper over 3-rd party cache libraries optimizing for saving RESTful API's or SQL search results.

The general approach to save search response is based on building cache key as a hash of search query. But that is not working well for two slightly different queries. Moreover it's failed to combine data from cache and server. CacheManager solves those problems for special cases like searching entities by it's ids.

Cache libraries

CacheManager does not implement any default cache library neither own one. Instead CacheManager asks objects to implement PSR-6. Having that with Symfony DI and PSR-6 Adapters makes possible to use any cache library without limitation.


  • PHP 7.0.x


  1. Update to your composer.json
    "require": {
        "picamator/cachemanager": "~1.0"
  1. Run composer install --no-dev



Assume application works with RESTful API, where:

  • customer - entity name
  • query - parameter to save search criteria
  • IN - function similar to MySQL IN
  • fields - parameter with comma separated entity's fields

Each of the samples below shows pair of API requests.

Sample 1

  1. GET: customer\?query="id IN(1,2,3)&fields='name,address'"
  2. GET: customer\?query="id IN(1,2)&fields='name'"

The second request SHOULD use cache because it has information about customer with id 1 and 2.

Sample 2

  1. GET: customer\?query="id IN(1,2,3)&fields='name'"
  2. GET: customer\?query="id IN(1,2)&fields='name,address'"

The second request SHOULD NOT use cache because it asks more information about customer that was saved in the cache. Therefore after server data was obtained it SHOULD be saved to cache overriding the previously saved data.

Sample 3

  1. GET: customer\?query="id IN(1,2,3)&fields='name,address'"
  2. GET: customer\?query="id IN(3,4)&fields='name'"

The second query SHOULD use cache for customer with id 3 and application SHOULD ask server only information about id 4.


Let's application use MySQL with:

  • customer - table
  • id, name, and address - columns in customer table

Each of the samples below shows pair of SQL queries. SQL samples SHOULD behavior similar to corresponding RESTful API samples.

Sample 1

  1. SELECT name, address FROM customer WHERE id IN(1,2,3)
  2. SELECT name FROM customer WHERE id IN(1,2)

Sample 2

  1. SELECT name FROM customer WHERE id IN(1,2,3)
  2. SELECT name, address FROM customer WHERE id IN(1,2)

Sample 3

  1. SELECT name, address FROM customer WHERE id IN(1,2,3)
  2. SELECT name FROM customer WHERE id IN(3,4)


CacheManager has two different Facade classes:

  1. CacheManager - provides base operation over cache
  2. CacheManagerSubject - makes extending CacheManager with events

It's up to application to use what kind of extensibility is needed. If it's not need to use events then CacheManager Facade is a best choose.

Here is a steps to use CacheManager:

  1. Choose your cache library with PSR-6 compatible adapter
  2. Instantiate dependencies for CacheManager Facades using DI
  3. Create CacheManager or CacheManagerSubject
  4. Prepare SearchCriteriaBuilder
  5. Apply operation on CacheManager Facades
  6. Handle result

Generally the steps 1-3 executes only once during application bootstrap but 4-6 are executed several times as needed.


MemcachedManager is an example to use CacheManager with Memcached.

Other cache libraries

To use CacheManager with arbitrary Cache library it's need:

  1. Implement PSR-6 interface Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface over your library
  2. or choose one from existing adapters php-cache
  3. Choose between CacheManager and CacheManagerSubject

There is illustrative code bellow shows how to make cache search with CacheManagerSubject. Please use DI library to build dependencies in real application.

declare(strict_types = 1);

use \Picamator\CacheManager\Operation\Save;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\Operation\Search;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\Operation\Delete;

use \Picamator\CacheManager\ObjectManager;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\Cache\CacheItemFactory;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\Data\SearchResultFactory;

use \Picamator\CacheManager\Cache\KeyGenerator;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\CacheManager;
use \Picamator\CacheManager\CacheManagerSubject;

use \Picamator\CacheManager\Data\SearchCriteriaBuilder;

 * 1. Create dependencies objects
// Use your implementation or existing adapters to fit PSR-6
/** @var \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPoolMock */
$cacheItemPoolMock = new CacheItemPoolMock();

// Use your implementation for extending CacheManagerSubject functionality
/** @var \Picamator\CacheManager\Spi\ObserverInterface $afterSearchMock */
$afterSearchMock = new AfterSearchMock();

// Object builder & factories
$objectManager          = new ObjectManager();
$cacheItemFactory       = new CacheItemFactory($objectManager);
$searchResultFactory    = new SearchResultFactory($objectManager);

// Building keys for saving data to cache
$cacheKeyGenerator      = new KeyGenerator();

// In real live please use Proxies or Lazy Loading
$operationSave          = new Save($cacheKeyGenerator, $cacheItemPoolMock, $cacheItemFactory);
$operationSearch        = new Search($cacheKeyGenerator, $cacheItemPoolMock, $searchResultFactory);
$operationDelete        = new Delete($cacheKeyGenerator, $cacheItemPoolMock);

 * 2. Instantiate cache manager 
// Instantiate main cache manager object
$cacheManager           = new CacheManager($operationSave, $operationSearch, $operationDelete);

// Wrap Cache managed as Observer, it's possible to omit wrapper if application does not need such kind extensibility
$cacheManagerSubject    = new CacheManagerSubject($cacheManager);

// Attach observer to execute after search
$cacheManagerSubject->attach('afterSearch', $afterSearchMock);

 * 3. Provide search 
// Prepare criteria
$searchCriteriaBuilder  = new SearchCriteriaBuilder($objectManager);
$searchCriteria = $searchCriteriaBuilder
                    ->setIdList([1, 2, 3])
                    ->setFieldList(['id', 'name'])

$searchResult = $cacheManagerSubject->search($searchCriteria);

 * 4. Handle search result 
// result api details
$searchResult->count();         // number of returned data from cache e.g. 2
$searchResult->getData();       // array of cache items
$searchResult->getMissedData(); // array of missed in cache id's e.g. [1]
$searchResult->hasData();       // boolean to show does something fit $searchCriteria in cache



API includes:


SPI includes:

  • interfaces inside Spi directory
  • events: beforeSave, afterSave, beforeSearch, afterSearch, beforeDelete, afterDelete



To configure developing environment please:

  1. Follow install and run Docker container
  2. Run inside project root in the Docker container composer install

IDE style configuration

Please make sure that your IDE has imported .editorconfig. For more information please visit http://editorconfig.org/.

Backward compatibility

Please follow steps bellow to keep Backward compatibility:

  • keep stable API & SPI SHOULD
  • keep stable constructor injection signature
  • keep stable throwing Exceptions type

Backward compatibility validation

To check backward compatibility please run integration tests in MemcachedManager.


If you find this project worth to use please add a star. Follow changes to see all activities. And if you see room for improvement, proposals please feel free to create an issue or send pull request. Here is a great guide to start contributing.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and its community you agree to abide by those terms.


CacheManager is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.