
Solid foundation for wordpress themes

1.2.0 2023-04-06 13:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 19:33:05 UTC


A library that uses the best OOP practices to provide a solid project structure for component-based WordPress themes.


SolidPress is a Composer and it's avaliable through Packagist

composer require piassi/solidpress


In "composer.json", setup a folder inside your theme as the root namespace

	"autoload": {
		"psr-4": {
			"App\\": "src/"

Init Solidpress in your functions.php

use SolidPress\Core\Theme;
use SolidPress\Core\WPTemplate;

// Composer autoload
require get_template_directory() . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$registrable_namespaces = [];

// Check if ACF plugin is active to register fields
if (function_exists('acf_add_local_field_group')) {
	$registrable_namespaces[] = 'FieldsGroup';
	$registrable_namespaces[] = 'Options';

// Set core registrables
$registrable_namespaces = array_merge($registrable_namespaces, [

// Setup a theme instance for SolidPress
global $theme_class;
$theme_class = new Theme([
	'template_engine' => new WPTemplate(),
	'namespace' => 'App',
	'base_folder' => 'src',
	'registrable_namespaces' => $registrable_namespaces,
	'theme_name' => 'solidpress-theme',
	'css_dist_path' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/%s.css', // %s will be replaced with page bundle css file.
	'js_dist_path' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/%s.js', // %s will be replaced with page bundle js file.

You can check this theme as a reference.



The PostType, Taxonomy, and FieldGroup classes extend the Registrable interface, those classes must have a constructor method that will be automatically called at site startup.

Registering a new post type

  1. Create a new class inside the PostTypes namespace.

  2. Set post_type and args properties inside the constructor method, those properties will be forwarded to register_post_type function.

See register_post_type docs to see more details about the args property.


Registering a new post type called "Products"

// Filepath: src/PostTypes/Products.php

namespace App\PostTypes;

use SolidPress\Core\PostType;

class Products extends PostType{
	public function __construct()
		$this->post_type = "product";

		$labels = [
			"name" => "Products",
			"singular_name" => "Product",
			"menu_name" => "Products",
			"all_items" => "All Products",
			"add_new" => "Add new",
			"add_new_item" => "Add new product",
			"edit_item" => "Edit product",
			"new_item" => "New product",
			"view_item" => "View proct",
			"insert_into_item" => "Insert in product",
			"view_items" => "View products",
			"search_items" => "Search for products",
			"not_found" => "No products found",
			"not_found_in_trash" => "No products found in trash"

		$this->args = [
			"label"               => "Products",
			"labels"              => $labels,
			"description"         => "",
			"public"              => true,
			"publicly_queryable"  => false,
			"show_ui"             => true,
			"show_in_rest"        => false,
			"rest_base"           => "",
			"has_archive"         => false,
			"show_in_menu"        => true,
			"exclude_from_search" => true,
			"capability_type"     => "post",
			"map_meta_cap"        => true,
			"hierarchical"        => false,
			"menu_position"       => 8,
			'rewrite'             => array("slug" => $this->post_type, "with_front" => false),
			'query_var'           => false,
			"supports"            => array("title", "editor", "revisions", "excerpt"),
			"menu_icon"           => 'dashicons-book-alt',
			"taxonomies"          => []

Creating a new custom fields group

  1. Create a new class inside the FieldsGroup namespace, call set_fields and set args inside the class constructor.

  2. The set_fields method receives has an array as an argument, the array key is the field name, and the value is a Field class instance.


Creating a new fields group to product post type.

// Filepath: src/FieldsGroup/Product.php

namespace App\FieldsGroup;

use SolidPress\Core\FieldGroup;
use SolidPress\Core\PostType;
use SolidPress\Fields;

class Product extends FieldGroup{
	public function __construct() {
		// Set fields
			'product_detailts_tab' => new Fields\Tab('Product Details'),
			'value' => new Fields\Number('Value'),
			'subtitle' => new Fields\Text('Subtitle', [
				// You can pass an acf options array as the second argument
				'wrapper' => [
					'width' => 70
			'gallery_thumbnail' => new Fields\Image('Gallery Thumbnail', [
				'wrapper' => [
					'width' => 30

		// Set arguments
		$this->args = [
			'key' => 'product-fields',
			'title' => 'Product Fields',
			'location' => [
					// Pages, Taxonomies, OptionsPages, and PostTypes
					// classes have static methods for acf conditionals.