
the "xin" command for Laravel artisan.

1.2.0 2016-06-03 15:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 23:04:36 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Xin Logo

Xin, in Vietnamese, is to "ask for something on demand". Now, you can xin something right into Laravel Artisan console.


Via Composer

$ composer require petehouston/xin-artisan


Append this line to $providers variable on config/app.php file:

    'providers' => [


You need to add xin config file xin.php to your project:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Petehouston\Xin\XinServiceProvider" --tag=config

Some config variables for use:

  • browser.bin: the absolute path to the browser binary you want to use. Default, xin will automatically look up for you.

Command list

Following commands are supported:


Ask for IP address

Get local IP address:

$ php artisan xin:ip
Local IP address is:

Get public/external IP address:

$ php artisan xin:ip --public
External IP address is:

Open a Laravel documentation section

List all available Laravel documentation sections:

$ php artisan xin:docs list

All of Laravel documentation sections are listed below:
| Section                    | Key                     |
| Release Notes              | releases                |
| Upgrade Guide              | upgrade                 |
| Contribution Guide         | contributions           |
| Installation               | installation            |
| Configuration              | configuration           |
| Homestead                  | homestead               |
| Valet                      | valet                   |
| Basic Task List            | quickstart              |
| Intermediate Task List     | quickstart-intermediate |
| Routing                    | routing                 |
| Middleware                 | middleware              |
| Controllers                | controllers             |
| Requests                   | requests                |
| Responses                  | responses               |
| Views                      | views                   |
| Blade Templates            | blade                   |
| Request Lifecycle          | lifecycle               |
| Application Structure      | structure               |
| Service Providers          | providers               |
| Service Container          | container               |
| Contracts                  | contracts               |
| Facades                    | facades                 |
| Authentication             | authentication          |
| Authorization              | authorization           |
| Artisan Console            | artisan                 |
| Billing                    | billing                 |
| Cache                      | cache                   |
| Collections                | collections             |
| Elixir                     | elixir                  |
| Encryption                 | encryption              |
| Errors & Loggin            | errors                  |
| Events                     | events                  |
| Filesystem & Cloud Storage | filesystem              |
| Hashing                    | hashing                 |
| Helpers                    | helpers                 |
| Localization               | localization            |
| Mail                       | mail                    |
| Package Development        | packages                |
| Pagination                 | pagination              |
| Queues                     | queues                  |
| Redis                      | redis                   |
| Session                    | session                 |
| SSH Tasks                  | envoy                   |
| Task Scheduling            | scheduling              |
| Testing                    | testing                 |
| Validation                 | validation              |
| Database - Getting Started | database                |
| Query Builder              | queries                 |
| Migrations                 | migrations              |
| seeding                    | seeding                 |
| Eloquent - Getting Started | eloquent                |
| Relationships              | eloquent-relationships  |
| Eloquent Collections       | eloquent-collections    |
| Mutators                   | eloquent-mutators       |
| Eloquent Serialization     | eloquent-serialization  |

Open the section on browser:

Xin will use the default system browser to open URL. Key is the value available from "list".

$ php artisan xin:docs read --key=envoy

Open documentation in different languages:

Use --locale option. Currently, only "en" and "vn" are supported. Default is "en".

$ php artisan xin:docs read --key=structure --locale=vn

Play with log files

All logs are stored under storage/logs directory.

Read log file

The default log file is laravel.log.

$ php artisan xin:log

You can read content of different log files by name:

$ php artisan xin:log --name=custom.log

Clean log file content

$ php artisan xin:log --clean

The log file will be empty.

You can combine clean a custom log file:

$ php artisan xin:log --name=custom.log --clean

Remove all logs

$ php artisan xin:log --remove-all

This command will remove all files in storage/logs directory.

Share code via Gist

This command will share a source file to public Gist. It will response with Gist Id and Gist Url.

$ php artisan xin:gist [filename] --desc="Sharing description."

For example, if you want to share public/index.php file:

$ php artisan xin:gist public/index.php --desc="Sharing Laravel index file."
Gist Sharing Information
Gist Id:  37c55c18cd63c34195c22fafbff6fe16
Gist Url:

Note: on Windows, since the path separator is \, so you need to wrap the filename with double-quotation mark " like this:

$ php artisan xin:gist "public\index.php"

Create empty Blade view

Wanna create Blade view file from command quickly? Use this:

$ php artisan xin:view admin.auth.login

It will create login.blade.php at resources/views/admin/auth, it also does create any directory that doesn't exist in the path.

Apparently, in Linux/Unix/Mac, you can use touch.

$ mkdir resources/views/admin/auth
$ touch resources/views/admin/auth/login.blade.php


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.