
dev-master 2019-02-06 10:22 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-20 16:26:35 UTC


Pesamoni php client sdk

The Pesamoni Pesaway php Library provides integration access to Pesamoni services. You can view API features by clicking the link


PHP 5.5 and later


Using Composer

Download the Pesamoni github repository by clicking here and once your done simply run composer install on the files root directory. You can also

require 'pesamoni_php'

or composer require pesamoni/composer without further specifying where Composer should look for the package.

Manual Installation

Download the files from the Pesamoni github repository by clicking here and include autoload.php:


Quick Start Example

The SDK needs to be instantiated using your API username and API password, which you can get from your Pesamoni business account.

You can register a new Pesamoni business account Here or Sign in Here

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: apipassword
$config = psm\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('apipassword', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = psm\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('apipassword', 'Bearer');
// Configure API key authorization: apiusername
$config = psm\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('apiusername', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = psm\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('apiusername', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new psm\Api\DefaultApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

Accepting funds from mobile subscriber

//  you can either use method acreceive or acreceivekeac as explained below
//  method acreceive
// This method enables you receive funds from a mobile subscriber in your registered native currency on the Pesamoni platform. If for instance your account is registered in currency UGX and you request money from a Kenyan number e.g 254712346789, a Pesamoni exchange rate will automatically be applied and money deposited into your Pesamoni wallet in your default currency
//  method acreceivekeac
//  You can have two native currencies on your Pesamoni account on request. If you would like to deposit funds from a mobile subscriber to your Kenyan Pesamoni wallet account then this is the method you use.
//  example
$method = "acreceive"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methodsref=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to request for. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$mobile = "mobile_example"; // string | Enter the mobile number you would like to execute the above method in format 256.... or 254...<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, senderid, sendsms, sendairtime</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Sending funds to a mobile subscriber

// you can either use method acreceive or acreceivekeac as explained below
// acsend
// This method enables you send funds to a mobile subscriber in your registered native currency on the Pesamoni platform. If for instance your account is registered in currency UGX and you send money to a kenyan number e.g 254712346789, a Pesamoni exchange rate will automatically be applied and the equivalent exchange amount deducted from your Pesamoni wallet in your default currency
// acsendkeac
// You can have two native currencies on your Pesamoni account on request. If you would like to send funds from your Pesamoni wallet to a mobile subscriber from your Kenyan Pesamoni wallet account then this is the method you use.
$method = "acsend"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methodsref=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to send funds to. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$mobile = "mobile_example"; // string | Enter the mobile number you would like to execute the above method in format 256.... or 254...<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, senderid, sendsms, sendairtime</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Accepting Card Payments e.g VISA/MASTERCARD

$method = "cardaccept"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$holdername = "holdername_example"; // string | Enter name of payer for Visa/MasterCard transactions<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$cardnumber = "cardnumber_example"; // string | Enter the Visa/MasterCard cardnumber<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$cvv = "cvv_example"; // string | Enter the Visa/MasterCard cvv<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$exp = "exp_example"; // string | Enter the Visa/MasterCard expiry date in the format MM/YYYY e.g 07/2030<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$currency = "currency_example"; // string | Enter the currency you intend to make the transaction for Visa/MasterCard based transactions<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Bank Transfers

// you can either use method acsendbank or acsendbankeac as explained below
// acsendbank
// This method enables you send funds to a users bank account. A Pesamoni exchange rate will automatically be applied and the equivalent exchange amount deposited to your bank account dependent on your default currency.
// acsendbankeac
// You can have two native currencies on your Pesamoni account on request. If you would like to send funds from your Pesamoni wallet to a mobile subscriber from your Kenyan Pesamoni wallet account then this is the method you use.
$method = "acsendbank"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to send to. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$account = "account_example"; // string | Enter the Pesamoni account you would like to use for this transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>paybills</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Sending Airtime to a mobile subsriber

$method = "sendairtime"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to send funds to. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$mobile = "mobile_example"; // string | Enter the mobile number you would like to execute the above method in format 256.... or 254...<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, senderid, sendsms, sendairtime</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Sending to a Pesamoni users wallet

$method = "pesab2c"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to send funds to. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$account = "account_example"; // string | Enter the Pesamoni account you would like to use for this transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>paybills</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Paying Utility Bills

$method = "paybills"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$amount = "amount_example"; // string | Enter the amount you would like to request for. <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, acsendbank, pesab2c, sendairtime, cardaccept</b></p>
$mobile = "mobile_example"; // string | Enter the mobile number you would like to execute the above method in format 256.... or 254...<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, senderid, sendsms, sendairtime</b></p>
$currency = "currency_example"; // string | Enter the currency you intend to make the transaction for Visa/MasterCard based transactions<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>cardaccept</b></p>
$account = "account_example"; // string | Enter the Pesamoni account you would like to use for this transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request method <b>paybills</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$bouquet = "bouquet_example"; // string | Enter the bouquet or package you would like to pay for<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>paybills</b></p>
$payoption = "payoption_example"; // string | Enter your prefered payment option<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>paybills</b></p>
$meternumber = "meternumber_example"; // string | Enter the meter number for the intended payment<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>paybills</b></p>

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Checking transaction status

$method = "transactionstatus"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Checking your Pesamoni Business Wallet Balance

$method = "acbalance"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>
ry {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Sending SMS to a mobile subscriber

$method = "sendsms"; // string | Enter a request method. To check for request methods <a href=''>click here</a>

$mobile = "mobile_example"; // string | Enter the mobile number you would like to execute the above method in format 256.... or 254...<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, senderid, sendsms, sendairtime</b></p>
$message = "message_example"; // # String | Enter your message <p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>sendsms</b></p>
$reference = "reference_example"; // string | Enter your user generated transaction reference<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, transactionstatus, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$genericmsg = "genericmsg_example"; // string | Enter your user generated generic message for the requested transaction<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
$token = "token_example"; // string | Enter your user generated token for the above mentioned method<p style=\"color:red\">This method applies for request methods <b>acreceive, acreceivekeac, acsend, acsendkeac, sendsms, sendairtime, pesab2c, sendsms, cardaccept</b></p>
try {
    $result = $apiInstance->transactionsPost($method, $amount, $mobile, $holdername, $cardnumber, $cvv, $exp, $currency, $account, $reference, $genericmsg, $token, $bouquet, $payoption, $meternumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->transactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The Pesamoni php Api library is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.