
A modern maintained install helper for WPML

Installs: 22 187

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


v1.0.2 2021-05-24 12:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-10-24 18:47:51 UTC


A composer plugin that makes installing WPML with composer easier.

It reads your WPML subscription info from the environment or a .env file.


1. Add our WPML Composer Bridge repository to the [repositories][composer-repositories] field in composer.json

This repository simply provides a periodically updated packages.json, that redirects composer to the WPML provided downloads. Note that this repository does not provide any WPML packages itself, it only tells Composer where it can find WPML packages. Secondly it is important to note that your subscription info is not submitted to the repository, since the installer downloads the WPML zip files directly from WPML's servers.

Why this repository?

Since it enables you to use wpml/* packages with version constraints like any normal Packagist package. You no longer have to update the version manually as you have to do with ad-hoc composer packages.

  "type": "composer",
  "url": ""

This installs the package as wordpress-plugin type, in case you want a different type, use the following URL:




2. Make your subscription info available

There are 3 ways to make the WPML_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and WPML_USER_ID available:

  • Using the WPML_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and WPML_USER_ID environment variable
  • .env file
  • Setting wpml-subscription-key and wpml-user-id in $COMPOSER_HOME/config.json

Select the one that best matches your setup:

2.a Using the environment variables

Set the environment variable WPML_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and WPML_USER_ID to your WPML subsription key and user id.

2.b Use a .env file

Alternatively you can add an entry to your .env file:

# .env (same directory as composer.json)

2.c. Setting the key in $COMPOSER_HOME/config.json

You specify the wpml-subscription-key in the config section of your $COMPOSER_HOME/config.json

  "config": {
    "wpml-subscription-key": "Your-key-here",
    "wpml-user-id": "Your-user-id-here"

$COMPOSER_HOME is a hidden, global (per-user on the machine) directory that is shared between all projects. By default it points to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer on Windows and /Users/\<user\>/.composer on macOS. On nix systems that follow the XDG Base Directory Specifications, it points to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/composer. On other nix systems, it points to /home/\<user\>/.composer.

3. Require a WPML plugin

composer require wpml/sitepress-multilingual-cms