pepsit36 / summernotebundle
This bundle provides a form type based on Summernote, a WYSWYG editor
- php: >=5.5.9
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle: *
- symfony/form: ~2.3
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.3
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 3.7.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 21:59:26 UTC
This bundle provides a form type based on Summernote, a WYSIWYG editor. (A CKEditor and TinyMCE alternative and Open Source).
Proudly develop by Sébastien Duplessy.
Minimum requirements for this bundle:
- Symfony 2.3
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
- JQuery 1.9
- Add Pepsit36/SummernoteBundle to your application's
{ "require": { "pepsit36/summernotebundle": "dev-master" } }
- Add Pepsit36/SummernoteBundle to your application's
new Pepsit36\SummernoteBundle\Pepsit36SummernoteBundle(),
- Add routing information to your application's
pepsit36_summernote: resource: "@Pepsit36SummernoteBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /
Minimal Configuration
- You must to execute a update of your database to add images' entity.
doctrine:schema:update --force
You need to download the package on summernote's website : and you can extract his
folder on the folderYourApp/web/resources/summernote
, you can change it in yourconfig.yml
, for more information see below. -
Please consider installing yourself the dependence of Summernote (Bootstrap + JQuery) in the page you'll use it. Please refer to Bootstrap's Website and JQuery's Website for more informations.
<!-- include libraries(jQuery, bootstrap) --> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
- For security reasons you need to create the folder manually where the picture will be storage. The default folder is
, you can change it in yourconfig.yml
, for more information see below.
Additional Configuration
Pepsit36/Summernote supports some configuration parameters. These parameters can be configured in config.yml. See below the default configuration.
- width: This is the width of Summernote widget (default: 0)
pepsit36_summernote: ... width: 0
- height: This is the height of Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... height: 0
- focus: This will focus editable area after initializing Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... focus: false
- toolbar: This will configure the toolbar of Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... toolbar: - { name: 'style', buttons: ['style'] } - { name: 'fontsize', buttons: ['fontsize'] } - { name: 'font', buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear'] } - { name: 'fontname', buttons: ['fontname'] } - { name: 'color', buttons: ['color'] } - { name: 'para', buttons: ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph'] } - { name: 'height', buttons: ['height'] } - { name: 'table', buttons: ['table'] } - { name: 'insert', buttons: ['link', 'picture', 'hr'] } - { name: 'view', buttons: ['fullscreen', 'codeview'] } - { name: 'help', buttons: ['help'] }
- styleTags: This will configure the style tags available for Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... styleTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']
- fontNames: This will configure the font names available for Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... fontNames: ['Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Impact', 'Lucida Grande', 'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana']
- fontSizes: This will configure the font sizes available for Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... fontSizes : ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '14', '18', '24', '36']
- colors: This will configure the colors available for Summernote widget.
pepsit36_summernote: ... colors: - ['#000000', '#424242', '#636363', '#9C9C94', '#CEC6CE', '#EFEFEF', '#F7F7F7', '#FFFFFF'] - ['#FF0000', '#FF9C00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#9C00FF', '#FF00FF'] - ['#F7C6CE', '#FFE7CE', '#FFEFC6', '#D6EFD6', '#CEDEE7', '#CEE7F7', '#D6D6E7', '#E7D6DE'] - ['#E79C9C', '#FFC69C', '#FFE79C', '#B5D6A5', '#A5C6CE', '#9CC6EF', '#B5A5D6', '#D6A5BD'] - ['#E76363', '#F7AD6B', '#FFD663', '#94BD7B', '#73A5AD', '#6BADDE', '#8C7BC6', '#C67BA5'] - ['#CE0000', '#E79439', '#EFC631', '#6BA54A', '#4A7B8C', '#3984C6', '#634AA5', '#A54A7B'] - ['#9C0000', '#B56308', '#BD9400', '#397B21', '#104A5A', '#085294', '#311873', '#731842'] - ['#630000', '#7B3900', '#846300', '#295218', '#083139', '#003163', '#21104A', '#4A1031']
- placeholder: This will configure the placeholder.
pepsit36_summernote: ... placeholder: ''
- summernote_path: This will configure the path of summernote's folder, if false the summernote's files will be not include. (default: false)
pepsit36_summernote: ... summernote_path: 'resources/summernote'
- images_path: This will configure the path where will be storage uploaded images.
pepsit36_summernote: ... images_path: 'uploads/images/summernote'
Pepsit36/Summernote bundle provides a formtype. This example form uses it:
class TestFormType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { ... $builder->add('test_content', SummernoteType::class); ... } ... }
You also need to add some twig tags in your templates to import all CSS and JS needed to make summernote work: (form is your formview)
... {# Pepsit36/Summernote CSS - usefull only if summernote_path is configurate with one path #} {{ summernote_form_stylesheet(form) }} {# Pepsit36/Summernote JS #} {{ summernote_form_javascript(form) }}