pazuzu156 / kparser
Parsing package for my website
- php: >=5.3.0
- geshi/geshi: dev-master
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 5.0.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-15 11:21:58 UTC
A simple parsing tool for my website.
KParser is a parsing tool for my website. It's got BBCode, some of my own variants of it, and syntax highlighting support with GeSHi
Supported Tags
[p]Paragraph Tag[/p]
[b]Bold Text Tag[/p]
[i]Italicized Tag[/i]
[u]Underlined Text Tag[/u]
[s]Strikethrough Text Tag[/s]
[o]Overlined Text Tag[/o]
[hr] - Horizonal Rule Tag
[hr type=classname] - Horizonal Rule Tag with custom class
[ul]Unordered List[/ul]
[ol]Ordered List[/ol]
[li]List Item Tag - Place inside ordered or unordered list tags[/li]
[code=language]Code Block Tag[/code] - Code block is tied in with GeSHi; the syntax highlighter for PHP. GeSHi is required to use KParser because of this
[youtube url=YOUTUBE_VIDEO_URL] - Uses full or share link for YouTube videos
[size=SIZE]Sized text based on SIZE[/size]
[color=COLOR]Colored text based on COLOR. Can be real value or HEX (red OR #ff0000)[/color]
[center]Centered Text[/center]
[quote]Quoted text with no source cited[/quote]
[quote=Quoted Dude]Quoted text with source cited[/quote]
[url]Unnamed URL[/url]
[url=]Named URL[/url]
[url= newtab]Named URL that opens in a new tab[/url]
[img src=] Image
[img src= class=img-class] Image with class
[img src= size=150] Sized image defining width
[img src= size=150x100] Sized image defining width and height
[video src=] HTML5 video
[video src= controls] HTML5 video with controls
[video src= size=500x400] HTML5 video with width and height
[video src= size=500] HTML5 video with global size
[video src= controls size=500] HTML5 video with global size and controls
[hNUMBER] Heading. 1-6 for NUMBER[/hNUMBER]
[space] A single space
[spaceNUMBER] A NUMBER of spaces
[tab] A single tab
[tabNUMBER] A NUMBER of tabs
[cmd] Command line command[/cmd] - Shows a command block using <pre> and <code>
[noparse] Place KScript code in here[/noparse] - Prevents KScript from being parsed inside this block
[cmt=COMMENT] Write a comment in your code to yourself ;)
To install this into Laravel, include the following in your composer.json:
"pazuzu156/kparser": "1.*",
If you wish to use the lastest "bleeding-edge" version of KParser, use the following instead of the official release:
"pazuzu156/kparser": "dev-master"
Or..just use composer ;) $ composer require pazuzu156/kparser
Once you've done that, include the service provider and facade into app/config/app.php
'KParser' => Pazuzu156\KParser\Laravel\KParserFacade::class
To use KParser, you can either include it into the php file or use the facade to integrate it into Blade using the service provider/facade included.
use Pazuzu156\KParser\KParser;
class MyController extends Controller
public function controllerFunction($text)
$p = new KParser;
return $p->parse($text);
{!! KParser::parse('[code=php]<?php echo "Hello World!"; ?>[/code]') !!}
KParser has support for the popular Laravel framework as well as support for my own MVC framework Scara