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This library provides means to easily integrate Gedmo Translatable doctrine extension into your project.

3.1.1 2020-11-04 14:47 UTC


This library provides means to easily integrate Gedmo Translatable doctrine extension into your project.


Managing entities translations sometimes can become an overhead, that adds unnecessary cognitive-load for developers. This library helps you by loading all translations and translating the entity automatically, without the necessity to do it manually.


Append new Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\PayseraGedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle() to your project Symfony kernel bundles.

Append config.yml:

    default_locale: '<default_locale>'

default_locale - this is your application default locale.


Define translatable entities


namespace App\Entity;

use Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Entity\TranslatableEntityInterface;
use Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Entity\TranslatableEntityTrait;

class Entity implements TranslatableEntityInterface
    use TranslatableEntityTrait;

    // ... properties
    // ... setters/getters

Complete Doctrine ORM configuration for the translatable properties for Gedmo Translatable to work following the official documentation.

Translating entity or reading translations

With bundle:


namespace App\Service;

use App\Entity\Post;
use Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Entity\Translation;

class PostManager
    public function translate(Post $post)
        $post->addTranslations('name', [
            'lt' => 'Translation for LT',
            'en' => 'Translation for EN',
        // Done. Bundle will seamlessly make sure, that this entity will be translated using Gedmo extension.
    * @param Post $post
    * @return Translation[]
    public function getTranslations(Post $post): array
        return $post->getTranslations('name');
        // Done. Bundle makes sure that translations are lazy-loaded, when accessed. This is done without necessity to
        // manually fetch from repositories. 

Without bundle:


namespace App\Service;

use App\Entity\Post;

class PostManager
    private $translationRepository;

    public function translate(Post $post, array $translations)
        // Your translation structure might be different. Now Post object is coupled with translations and have to be 
        // passed and moved along.
        foreach ($translations as $field => $translation) {
            foreach ($translation as $locale => $value) {
                $this->translationRepository->translate($post, $field, $locale, $value);
    public function getTranslations(Post $post)
        // Not lazy-loaded. Now you have to fetch all translations and set them somewhere, but not sure if they will be
        // accessed.
        // Or implement custom repository method by extending the default Gedmo repository.
        $result = [];
        $translations = $this->translationRepository->findTranslations($post);
        foreach ($translations as $locale => $translation) {
            foreach ($translation as $property => $value) {
                if ($property === 'name') {
                    $result[$locale] = $value;
        return $result;

Modifying queries to join the translations table

In cases, where you might want to join the translations table to select for translations as well, you can use the \Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Service\QueryBuilderTranslationSearchModifier.


namespace App\Service;

use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Entity\PostFilter;
use App\Repository\PostRepository;
use Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Entity\TranslationSearchConfiguration;
use Paysera\Bundle\GedmoTranslatableIntegrationBundle\Service\QueryBuilderTranslationSearchModifier;

class PostManager
    * @var QueryBuilderTranslationSearchModifier
    private $queryBuilderTranslationSearchModifier;

    * @var PostRepository
    private $postRepository;

    public function findPostsByFilter(PostFilter $filter)
        // Let's imagine here you execute your select, andWhere methods to construct a query builder that would search
        // for posts that match the filter.
        $queryBuilder = $this->postRepository->createQueryBuilderFromFilter($filter);
        // Modify the query builder to join the translations table and also select posts that match the translation.
            (new TranslationSearchConfiguration())
                ->setValue(sprintf('%%%s%%', addcslashes($filter->getName(), '%_')))

        return $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();