
PayApi SDK for PHP

4.0.8 2018-08-29 06:34 UTC


PayApi Payments PHP SDK


    - 1. to log into sdk thought :
          $sdk -> settings ( $payapi_public_id , $payapi_api_enc_key ) ;
           this returns merchantSettings payload if valid
            and creates an encrypted cache for both:

    - 2. commands :
          $sdk -> instantPayment ( $data ) ;                     //-> validate/sanitize/cache product/payment data
                                                                      returns array ( "metadata" , "endPointPayment" , "endPointProductPayment" ) ;
          $sdk -> brand () ;                                     //-> gets brand/partner info
          $sdk -> callback () ;                                  //-> gets/cache callback decoded transaction
          $sdk -> localize () ;                                  //-> gets/cache ip decoded localization (plugin adds adapt country and zone ids)
          $sdk -> localize ( true ) ;                            //-> gets & refresh ip decoded localization cache (plugin adds adapt country and zone ids)
          $sdk -> settings ( 'public_id' , 'api_key' , true ) ;  //-> verify account & gets/cache instance merchantSettings, also refresh account data
          $sdk -> settings ( false , false , true ) ;            //-> refresh & gets instance merchantSettings
          $sdk -> settings () ;                                  //-> gets instance cached merchantSettings
          $sdk -> partialPayment ( $totalInCents , $currency ) ; //-> calculate partialPayment from merchantSettings
          $sdk -> response ( <standard_response_code_int> ) ;    //-> get response info
          $sdk -> info () ;                                      //-> gets sdk debug info


    - success :
          array (
            "code"  =>    ( int )            200 ,
            "data"  =>  ( array ) <expectedData>
          ) ;

    - error :
          array (
            "code"  =>    ( int )    <errorCode> ,
            "error" => ( string )    <errorData>
          ) ;

@NOTE to debug, in payapi folder:

    $ tail -f -n300 debug/debug.payapi.log | perl

@NOTE check 'test' folder out