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Pay With Bolt SDK

dev-master 2019-10-02 09:04 UTC


SaaSPayments is the easiest way to integrate payment processing into your software. Bolt NOT a payment processor but rather connects to major processors in each territory.

The ideal use case is working with a B2B SaaS platform that offers merchants the ability collect payments into their own merchant account (ie the SaaS platform does not try to get in the way of funds) - for example an ecommerce platform. In this scenario, merchants value the ability to choose their preferred payment processor rather than be prescribed a limited choice like only offering Stripe or Paypal.


This library is designed to simplify your integration with Bolt for platforms written with PHP. We provide a number of technicques for integration:

  • Popovers: We provide a hosted popover setup and payment process, designed to appear "integrated" with your platform. The use of a hosted payment process can shield you from PCI DSS requirements of handling card details. Note for popovers to work, you will need to include a reference to the following file to your webpage:

    <script src="">

  • Redirect URLs: If you wish to use a hosted setup & payment process but prefer not to popover your existing platform, you can redirect instead, these pages will be hosted from Bolt's domain.

  • Serverside: These are performed entirely by serverside API and do not have a user interface component. Note: The use of APIs which handle card details require your platform to be PCI DSS compiant, are only available in our white-labelled product. You can still however use the popover and redirect techniques.

Setup / Onboarding / Requirements


Use the following Composer command to install the the Pay With Bolt PHP SDK vendor on Packagist

The recommended way to install Pay With Bolt PHP SDK is through Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of PWB SDK:

 $ composer require pay-with-bolt/bolt-saas-php
 $ composer update

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

You can also install composer for your specific project by running the following in the library folder.

 $ curl -sS | php
 $ php composer.phar install
 $ composer install


All the examples below assume the SaasPayments\SaasPayments class is imported into the scope with the following namespace declaration:

use SaasPayments\SaasPayments;
use SaasPayments\Setup;
use SaasPayments\Payment;
use SaasPayments\Refund;

Hosted Setup

Adding a payments setup button to your software that launches a popup or redirect is easy, you simply need to include our JS library, and then add a "Setup Payments" link or button to your page. The button requires two HTML attributes data-bolt-setup and data-bolt-signature as such:

<button data-bolt-setup="setup_encoded_string" data-bolt-signature="signature_encoded_string">Setup Payments</button>

Where the encoded strings are generated server side via our library;

use SaasPayments\Setup;

$settings = [
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$options = [
    "instance_key"=> "client_key",
    "company_name" => "Jim's Shoe Shop",
    "company_country" => "US",
    "contact_name" => "Jim Doe",
    "contact_phone" => "+1614123456",
    "contact_email" => ""

$setup = new Setup($settings);

$setup_encoded_string = $setup->setupButton($options);
$signature_encoded_string = $setup->setupSignature($options);

$html_button = '<button data-bolt-setup="' . $setup_encoded_string . '" data-bolt-signature="' . $signature_encoded_string . '">Setup Payments</button>';

// OR you can alternatively create a setup URL to redirect the user to

$setup_url = $setup->setupUrl($options);

Where options:

Field Description
instance_key (required) A unique key to identify the merchant, this can be any string.
company_name (optional) The name of the merchant
company_country (optional) The country the merchant is from
contact_name (optional) The name of the current user
contact_phone (optional) The phone of the current user
contact_email (optional) The email of the current user

First time users will be required to supply all the above fields during account creation, any fields not passed in the "options" will be prompted to the user.

Serverside Payment Readiness

You can check if an instance has been activated and configured for payments, by calling getSetup.

use SaasPayments\Setup;

$setup = new Setup([
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$options = ['instance_key' => 'client_key'];

echo $setup->getSetup($options);
	active: true,
	id: "1234",
	application: "1023_123",
	instance_key: "ABC1234",
	company_name: "Pay with Bolt",
	contact_name: "Phil Peters",
	contact_email: "",
	contact_phone: "+447985918872",
	payments_ready: true,
	card_types: ["VISA", "MASTERCARD", "AMEX", "PAYPAL"],
	currencies: ["USD", "GBP"],
	gateways: [
			id: "1234_5678",
			code: "G005678",
			type: "STRIPE",
			account_name: "Pay with Bolt",
			card_types: ["VISA", "MASTERCARD", "AMEX"],
			currencies: ["USD", "GBP"],
			id: "1234_5679",
			code: "G005679",
			type: "PAYPAL",
			account_name: "Pay with Bolt Ltd",
			card_types: ["PAYPAL"],
			currencies: ["USD"],
			features: []

Payments and Refunds

Hosted Payment

Adding a payments popup is also easy, you simply need to include our JS library, and then add a "Payment" link or button to your page. The button requires two attributes data-bolt-payment and data-bolt-signature as such

<button data-bolt-payment="payment_encoded_string" data-bolt-signature="signature_encoded_string">Pay</button>

Where the encoded strings are generated serverside via our library, for example:

use SaasPayments\Payment;

$payment = new Payment([
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$options = [
    "instance_key" => "1000",

    "currency" => "GBP",
    "amount" => 100, 

    "alt_key" => "1234",
    "description" => "About the payment",
    "source" => "moto",
    "account" => [
        "alt_key" => "yourCustomerId",
        "crm_key" => "ID1",
        "first_name" => "James",
        "last_name" => "Boer",
        "company" => "Jinky's Lollie Shop",
        "email" => "",
        "phone" => "0712345678",
        "address" => [  
            "line1" => "1 High St",
            "line4" => "London",
            "line5" => "W10 6RU",
            "country" => "GB"
    "success_url" => ""

$payment_encoded_string = $payment->paymentButton($options);
$signature_encoded_string = $payment->paymentSignature($options);

// OR you can alternatively create a payment URL to redirect the user to

$payment_url = $payment->paymentUrl($options);

Where options:

Field Description
instance_key (required) A unique key to identify the merchant, this can be any string.
currency The currency in in ISO format eg USD
amount The amount of the payment as a string eg "10", the amount should not have commas and use a . as a decimal seperator
default_amount The default amount of the payment as a string eg "10", the amount should not have commas and use a . as a decimal seperator. A default amount is be editable by the user.
alt_key Your unique reference for the payment (eg order id)
description Your descriptive text for the payment
title Text shown at the top of the payment popup
nonce A unique string that will be used by Bolt to ensure the same transactions is not submitted twice. A nonce can only be used once in a 24 hours period.
source can be any of "moto", "ecommerce" - default "ecommerce"
account can be an id referencing an existing account or a fully formed account object which will be created or amended
success_url an optional URL to send the browser upon successful payment, if you do not pass this be sure to catch the Javascript message
action PAYMENT (default) or AUTHORISE
occurrences Number of payments
default_occurrences Default number of payments
start_date Date of the first payment
default_start_date Default date of the first payment
start_days When the first payment will be processed
default_start_days When the first payment will be processed
save_card To hard code a save_card use boolean true or false, or undefined for user selectable
default_save_card To set the default value of save_card
checkout_text Text dispalyed in the payment form
skip_receipt Set to true to auto close the popup and skip the receipt page after a payment

Where account:

Field Description
id The Bolt id of the account if referencing an existing account and you know the id
alt_key Your reference for this person
first_name The person's first name / giving name
last_name The person's last name / surname
company The person's company
email The person's email (must be a valid email if passed)
phone The person's phone (must be a valid phone if passed)
address The residential address for the card as 6 lines and country

Where address:

Field Description
line1 the first line of the address
line2 the second line of the address
line3 the third line of the address
line4 the city / town
line5 the zip / postcode
line6 the state /territory
country the country (2 digit ISO format) eg UK, GB

Serverside Payment

You can perform a payment request server side via $payment->doPayment($options). A new payment will be attempted, unless the payment is rejected prior to processing the API request will succeed and return a payment object in a SUCCESS or DECLINE status. If however the payment is rejected due to a validation rule (eg no card data), no payment will be created. For example:

use SaasPayments\Payment;

$payment = new Payment([
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$options = [
    "instance_key" => "ABC123",

    "currency" => "GBP",
    "amount" => 100, 

    "alt_key" => "1234",
    "description" => "About the payment",
    "source" => "moto",
    "account" => [
        "alt_key" => "yourCustomerId",
        "first_name" => "James",
        "last_name" => "Boer",
        "company" => "Jinky's Lollie Shop",
        "email" => "",
        "phone" => "0712345678",
        "address" => [  
            "line1" => "1 High St",
            "line4" => "London",
            "line5" => "W10 6RU",
            "country" => "GB"
    "payment_method" => [
        'card_number' => "4444333322221111",
        'card_cvc' => "123",
        'card_expiry' => "1222",
        'save_card' => true

    "payment": {
        "id": "pay_1000_31792",
        "alt_key": "1234",
        "description": "About the payment",
        "source": "moto",
        "action": "PAYMENT",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "gateway_status": "APPROVED",
        "reference": "BOLT-00031792",
        "amount": "100",
        "balance": "100",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "initiative": "in_1000_1661",
        "gateway": "gw_1000_1200",
        "account": "acc_1000_9292",
        "payment_method": "pm_1000_22961",
        "created": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z",
        "processed": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z"

Where options:

Field Description
instance_key (required) A unique key to identify the merchant, this can be any string.
currency The currency in in ISO format eg USD
amount The amount of the payment as a string eg "10", the amount should not have commas and use a . as a decimal seperator
alt_key Your unique reference for the payment (eg order id)
description Your descriptive text for the payment
title Text shown at the top of the payment popup
nonce A unique string that will be used by Bolt to ensure the same transactions is not submitted twice. A nonce can only be used once in a 24 hours period.
source can be any of "moto", "pos", "ecommerce" - default "ecommerce"
payment_method can be an id referencing an existing payment_method or a fully formed payment_method object which will be created or amended. If an existing payment_method is to be used with a cvc, pass an object containing an id and card_cvc
account can be an id referencing an existing account or a fully formed account object which will be created or amended

Where payment_method:

Field Description
id The id of the payment method, if referencing an existing payment method.
card_number The full card PAN (typically 16 digits) without formatting
card_cvc the last 3-4 characters of the cards security text
card_expiry The expiry of the card in YYYY-MM format eg 2020-12
save_card A boolean true if you wish to save the card for use in the future
description When saving the card how you would like the card to be labelled, the card will be assigned an automatic label if ommited
billing The billing address for the card as 6 lines and country

Where account:

Field Description
id The id of the account if referencing an existing account
alt_key Your reference for this person
first_name The person's first name / giving name
last_name The person's last name / surname
company The person's company
email The person's email (must be a valid email if passed)
phone The person's phone (must be a valid phone if passed)
address The residential address for the card as 6 lines and country

Where billing and address:

Field Description
line1 the first line of the address
line2 the second line of the address
line3 the third line of the address
line4 the city / town
line5 the zip / postcode
line6 the state /territory
country the country (2 digit ISO format) eg UK, GB

Serverside Refund

You can refund part of all of a payment, via $refund->doRefund($options), for example:

use SaasPayments\Refund;

$refund = new Refund([
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$options = [
	"instance_key" => "client_key",
	"payment" => "pay_1234_5678",
	"amount" => "100", // Optional - default to original transaction amount 
	"reason" => "Optional description why"

    "refund": {
        "id": "ref_1000_31792",
        "payment": "pay_1000_1234",
        "amount": "100",
        "reason": "Optional description why"
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "gateway_status": "APPROVED",
        "reference": "BOLT-00031792",
        "created": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z",
        "processed": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z"

Where options:

Field Description
instance_key (required) A unique key to identify the merchant, this can be any string.
payment (required) Pass in the payment key, or your alt_key.
amount (optional) The amount to refund (up to the value of the original transaction), if not passed the entire transaction will be refunded.
reason (required) The reason for the refund, if not passed 'no reason' will be used.

Handling Webhooks

Webhooks are sent to your server for various events, such as payments and refunds. When you receive a webhook, you can expand it via $saasPayments->getWebhook($options), where:

use SaasPayments\SaasPayments;

$saasPayments = new SaasPayments([
    "shared_key" => "your shared key",
    "secret_key" => "your secret key"

$paymentWebhookOptions = [
    "action" => "PAYMENT.SUCCESS",
    "application" => "TEST",
    "payment" => null,
    "instance_key" => null,


$refundWebhookOptions = [
    "action" => "REFUND.SUCCESS",
    "application" => "TEST",
    "instance_key" => null,
    'transaction' => null,

    "application": "1084_2872", 
    "instance_key": "123456789",
    "key": "3174_1550246984417_274535e3ba4ed695", 
    "client": "3174", 
    "action": "PAYMENT.SUCCESS", 
    "payment": {
        "id": "pay_1000_31792",
        "alt_key": "1234",
        "description": "About the payment",
        "source": "moto",
        "action": "PAYMENT",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "gateway_status": "APPROVED",
        "reference": "BOLT-00031792",
        "amount": "100",
        "balance": "100",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "initiative": "in_1000_1661",
        "gateway": "gw_1000_1200",
        "account": "acc_1000_9292",
        "payment_method": "pm_1000_22961",
        "created": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z",
        "processed": "2019-01-23T10:24:31.000Z"
    "transaction": "3174_29387", 
    "contract": "3174_29387", 
    "created": "2018-01-01T23:59:59Z"