
GoPay SDK for Laravel

v1.0.1 2022-11-12 16:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 19:15:18 UTC



The GoPay SDK for Laravel package requires PHP 8.0+, Laravel 8+.


Step 1: Install package

Add the package in your composer.json by executing the command:

composer require pavelzanek/laravel-gopay-sdk

This command installs the package into the vendor/ directory.

Step 2: Configuration

You can initialise config file by running command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PavelZanek\LaravelGoPaySDK\Providers\GoPayServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Next, you can see newly created file located in config folder - gopay.php.

By default, the config file looks like this


return [
    'goid' => env('GOPAY_ID'),
    'clientId' => env('GOPAY_CLIENT_ID'),
    'clientSecret' => env('GOPAY_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'defaultScope' => env('GOPAY_DEFAULT_SCOPE', 'ALL'),
    'gatewayUrl' => env('GOPAY_PRODUCTION_ENV', true) ? 
        '' : '',
    'languages' => [ 
        'en' => 'ENGLISH',
        'sk' => 'SLOVAK',
        'cs' => 'CZECH'
    'timeout' => 30

Basic variables can be set in .env file.



You can set up payment gateway interface language when you creating new payment.

Via GoPay Definition


Via Language Code


Via String



Via GoPay Definition


Via String



Name Class
PaymentCreated PavelZanek\LaravelGoPaySDK\Events\PaymentCreated
Event::listen(\PavelZanek\LaravelGoPaySDK\Events\PaymentCreated::class, function ($event) {


Facade GoPaySDK

For example you can use facade GoPaySDK in a Controller to create standard payment:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Support\Orders;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\Orders\StoreOrderRequest;
use GoPaySDK;
use GoPay\Definition\Payment\Currency;
use GoPay\Definition\Payment\PaymentInstrument;

class OrdersController extends Controller
  public function storeOrder(StoreOrderRequest $request, Order $order): RedirectResponse

    // your code

    GoPaySDk::log(function($request, $response){
      \Log::info("{$request->method} {$request->url} -> {$response->statusCode}");

    // You can use
    $response = GoPaySDK::lang(strtoupper($order->locale))->scope('CREATE_PAYMENT')->createPayment([ 
      'payer' => [
        'default_payment_instrument' => PaymentInstrument::PAYMENT_CARD,
        'allowed_payment_instruments' => [PaymentInstrument::PAYMENT_CARD],
        'contact' => [
          'first_name' => $order->customer_name,
          'last_name' => $order->customer_surname,
          'email' => $order->customer_email,
          'phone_number' => $order->customer_telephone,
          'city' => $order->customer_city,
          'street' => $order->customer_street,
          'postal_code' => $order->customer_postal_code,
          'country_code' => $order->customer_state_code,
      'amount' => $order->total_price, // Total price (float, two decimal places, without separator - fe. 19900 will be 199,00)
      'currency' => Currency::CZECH_CROWNS,
      'order_number' => $order->id,
      'order_description' => 'Test',
      'items' => [
        // Only example, you have to do yourself
          'name' => 'test',
          'amount' => 19900
      'additional_params' => [
          'name' => 'invoicenumber',
          'value' => $order->invoice_number
      'callback' => [
        'return_url' => route('', $order),
        'notification_url' => route('gopayNotification')


    if ($response->hasSucceed()) {
      // Logic when the response is successful
      // For example you can redirect users after some logic to process payment
      return redirect()->to($response->json['gw_url'], 301);

    // rest of your code


Check Payment State

Here's a simple example of how you can get a payment status and how you can assign the status to an order.

List of possible payment states

use GoPaySDK;
use App\Enums\Orders\OrderStatus;

// your code

$response = GoPaySDK::getStatus($order->gopay_payment_id);

    $status = match($response->json['state']) {
        'CREATED' => OrderStatus::Waiting,
        'PAID' => OrderStatus::Paid,
        'CANCELED' => OrderStatus::Canceled,
        'TIMEOUTED' => OrderStatus::Timeouted,
        'REFUNDED' => OrderStatus::Refunded,
        default => $response->json['state']

        'status' => $status,

// rest of your code


Copyright (c) Pavel Zaněk. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.