
Commonly used classes to authenticate and authorize users and resources.

0.0.2 2017-07-20 19:44 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 18:16:24 UTC


This library enables your application to check whether a user has a specific role and if this user is allowed to access certain parts of your application. For now it assumes, that your user objects are accessible via an integer id, and role objects via a string containing the role's name.


First create a new Authorisator object; the constructor takes an object implementing the IRoleChecker interface and a collection of variables.

$variables = new VariableCollection();
$variables->add(new Variable('baseHost', ''));

$authorisator = new Authorisator(
    new MyRoleChecker(), // implements IRoleChecker

The IRoleChecker interface defines a check method, which takes a user id and role name as parameters; an implementation must check whether the user with the id $id has the role with the name $roleName. You don't call the IRoleChecker's directly; it will be called from within the Authorisator's check method.

A sample IRoleChecker implementation might look like this:

class MyRoleChecker implements IRoleChecker
     * @var model\ImpersonationPeer
    private $impersonationPeer;

     * @var model\RolePeer
    private $rolePeer;

    public function __construct(model\ImpersonationPeer $impersonationPeer = null, model\RolePeer $rolePeer = null)
        $this->impersonationPeer = $impersonationPeer;
        $this->rolePeer = $rolePeer;

    public function check($id = 0, $roleName = '')
        // init
        $result = false;

        // action
        $roles = $this->rolePeer->queryPath('role[@name='.$roleName.']#');
        if (count($roles) == 1) {
            /** @var model\Role $role */
            $role = $roles[0];
            $impersonations = $this->impersonationPeer->queryPath(
            if (count($impersonations) == 1) {
                $result = true;

        // return
        return $result;

In this example, the constructor takes two peer objects, which access data from a data source like a database. The roles are read by the RolePeer, while the information which user impersonates which role is read via the ImpersonationPeer. First, we query a role with $roleName; if we found a role, we also check, if the user $id impersonates the role $roleName. If yes, we return true, otherwise false.

The variables collection noted while instancing the Authorisator object contains variables, which can be used in the patterns as described in the next section.

The next step is to add an access restriction, which is done by calling the addAccessRestriction method on the Authorisator object. This method takes a AccessRestriction object as parameter, which has the following properties:

  • pattern

    A pattern describing the resource's url. In this example we defined the variable baseHost, which we can use by surrounding the name with % signs (%baseUrl%). If you add a wildcard (*) at the end, all urls starting with the given path are protected as well.

  • authenticator

    An authenticator, which authenticates a user.

  • roleName

    The name of the role a user must have.

  • callbackUrl

    A url which is called, if the user is not allowed to access the resource.

  • callback

    A function which is called when the callbackUrl is empty and if the user is not allowed to access the resource.

  • exceptionPaths

    An array of resource url patterns, which must not be checked and therefore useful for example for the urls of login forms. You may use the %baseHost% variable.

To add a new access restriction to only allow users of the role 'Administrator' to access backend resources, call the addAccessRestriction method as follows:

    new AccessRestriction(
        new CredentialAuthenticator(), // implements IAuthenticator

An example implementation of the IAuthenticator interface might look like this:

class CredentialAuthenticator implements IAuthenticator
     * @var IPathQueryable
    private $storage;

    public function __construct(IPathQueryable $storage = null)
        $this->storage = $storage;

     * @param Entity $credentialEntity
     * @return bool
    public function check(Entity $credentialEntity)
        // init
        $result = false;

        // action
        if (($nameProperty = $credentialEntity->Properties['name']) !== null) {
            /** @var IPathQueryable $storage */
            $storage = $this->storage;
            $userList = $storage->queryPath('user[@name='.$nameProperty->Value.']#');
            if ( sizeof($userList) > 0 ) {
                /** @var Entity $userEntity */
                $userEntity = $userList[0];
                if ($userEntity != null
                    && password_verify(
                ) {
                    $result = $storageEntity->Properties['id']->Value;

        // return
        return $result;

In this example, the check method gets credentials in form of name and password. If the name property is set, we query a storage, if a user with this name is known. We then verify the password and return the users id. You can easily adopt this class to check the user ip or session id.

Now it's time to actually check if a resource is accessible to an user. Do this with the check method of the Authorisator object:

// setup credentials
$credentials = new Entity();
$credentials->Properties = new IPropertyCollection();
$result->Properties->add(new Property('name', $name), 'name');
$result->Properties->add(new Property('password', $password), 'password');

if ($authorisator->check($url, $credentials)) {
  // load protected content