
Swedish BankId integration for Laravel 8

v0.2.0 2021-06-08 06:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 19:32:45 UTC


While this package is free to use, you can hire help of integrating it, contact

Swedish BankID for Laravel 8 with Livewire

You will need laravel 8 to use route facade but it might work with earlier versions when using middleware. Livewire is a required dependency so it will be installed. I think however its possible to quite easy call the service from another controller action and it will work quite well.

Anyway, there are a plenthora of improvements to be made to this project but it is used in production for atleast one company. PRs are very welcome.



composer require patrikgrinsvall/laravel-bankid
  • Publish the config, views and transaltions with
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\LaravelBankidServiceProvider"
  • Then check in app/config/bankid.php for info on how to add your own certificates.
  • Views will be editable in your views directory
  • Translations will be editable in defauit translations directory. Swedish and English are provided with package.


  • Service provider should be auto discovered since larvel 8 so no need to register service provider.
  • However i have noticed in many cases this does not work so usually:
  • Register service provider Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\BankidServiceProvider in config/app.php

There are a few different ways to use this package

  1. Use the supplied Route macro:
// You can change the route prefix '/bankid' to whatever you want, for example /login.
// This is then the entrypoint for where users should be sent to start authentication.
// This line of code should be placed in routes.
  1. As a facade (this might work, dont remember.)
use Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\BankidFacade;
Bankid::login(); // will redirect user and start a login. After login user is returned to url in config/bankid.php
Bankid::user(); // returns the user previously logged in or false.
  1. As a middleware, first register in App\Http\Kernel class: (WIP! Dont use yet!)
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'bankid' => \Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\BankidMiddleware::class,

Then use in one of the following ways:

// On a single route
Route::get('/profile', function () {
// your stuff

// On a group of routes
Route::middleware([BankidMiddleware::class])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/your-route', View::render('your-route'))

// On a group of routes without adding to kernel
Route::middleware([\Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\BankidMiddleware::class])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/your-route', View::render('your-route'))

Retrieve authenticated user.

// Get the user from the session
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
Session::get('bankid.user');            // returns user details as an array
Session::get('bankid.personalNumber');  // returns personal number as a string
Session::get('');            // returns full name as a string
Session::get('bankid.givenName');       // returns first name as a string
Session::get('bankid.surname');         // returns lastn name as string
Session::get('bankid.signature');       // returns signature as string.

From facade:

use Patrikgrinsvall\LaravelBankid\BankidFacade;


composer test

Final notes.

  • Basic authentication works for mobile devices.
  • But alot in this package is not finished i will continue to iterate over it when need arises.
  • PRs are welcome!
  • Sign is not working.
  • QR is not working.
  • Same device is not working (bankid on fil)

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.