
JSON to CSV and CSV to JSON converters in PHP.

0.5.0-alpha 2023-10-21 21:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 04:44:30 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Total Downloads

The most basic CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV converter library in PHP without any dependencies.


Via Composer

$ composer require ozdemirburak/json-csv


JSON to CSV Converter

use OzdemirBurak\JsonCsv\File\Json;

// JSON to CSV
$json = new Json(__DIR__ . '/above.json');
// To convert JSON to CSV string
$csvString = $json->convert();
// To set a conversion option then convert JSON to CSV and save
$json->setConversionKey('utf8_encoding', true);
$json->convertAndSave(__DIR__ . '/above.csv');
// To convert JSON to CSV and force download on browser

You can also convert directly from a JSON string using the fromString method.

$csvString = (new Json())->fromString('{"name": "Buddha", "age": 80}')->convert();

Assume that the input JSON is something like below.

    "name": {
      "common": "Turkey",
      "official": "Republic of Turkey",
      "native": "T\u00fcrkiye"
    "area": 783562,
    "latlng": [39, 35]
    "name": {
      "common": "Israel",
      "official": "State of Israel",
      "native": "\u05d9\u05e9\u05e8\u05d0\u05dc"
    "area": 20770,
    "latlng": [31.30, 34.45]

After the conversion, the resulting CSV data will look like below.

name_common name_official name_native area latlng_0 latlng_1
Turkey Republic of Turkey Türkiye 783562 39 35
Israel State of Israel ישראל 20770 31.3 34.45

CSV to JSON Converter

use OzdemirBurak\JsonCsv\File\Csv;

// CSV to JSON
$csv = new Csv(__DIR__ . '/below.csv');
// To convert CSV to JSON string
$jsonString = $csv->convert();
// To convert CSV to JSON and save
$csv->convertAndSave(__DIR__ . '/below.json');
// To convert CSV to JSON and force download on browser

You can also convert directly from a CSV string using the fromString method.

$jsonString = (new Csv())->fromString('[{"name":"Buddha","age":"80"}]')->convert();

Assume that the input CSV file is something like below.

SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth Name
5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4 Iris-versicolor
6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5 Iris-virginica

After the conversion, the resulting JSON data will look like below.

    "SepalLength": "5.1",
    "SepalWidth": "3.5",
    "PetalLength": "1.4",
    "PetalWidth": "0.2",
    "Name": "Iris-setosa"
    "SepalLength": "7.0",
    "SepalWidth": "3.2",
    "PetalLength": "4.7",
    "PetalWidth": "1.4",
    "Name": "Iris-versicolor"
    "SepalLength": "6.3",
    "SepalWidth": "3.3",
    "PetalLength": "6.0",
    "PetalWidth": "2.5",
    "Name": "Iris-virginica"

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test

Known Issues

Currently, there are not any issues that are known.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.