
Create a beautiful laravel dashboard in no time

v0.1.8 2021-05-16 20:48 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-26 03:01:25 UTC


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Build a beautiful dashboard with laravel in no time.

Details screen


  • php : ^7.1
  • Laravel : ^6.0


You can install the package via composer:

composer require oza75/laravel-hubble

Then install laravel-hubble

php artisan hubble:install

# Now Add App\Providers\HubbleServiceProvider into providers array in your config/app.php

Now go to : http://yourapp.tld/hubble (or http://localhost:8000/hubble if you use artisan serve)


Hubble uses the default Laravel authorization gate to check if a user can access to the dashboard. By default, everyone can access to hubble dashboard. You can restrict access by using authorizesAccess method on App\Providers\HubbleServiceProvider.

   // file: app/Providers/HubbleServiceProvider.php

    * Determines if a given user can access to hubble dashboard.
    * By default every user can access to hubble
    * @param User $user
    * @return bool
    public function authorizesAccess(User $user): bool
        return $user->isAdmin();



A hubble resource is a simple php class which aims to represent the resource you want to add, namely the different fields, actions, filters, etc. that it has.

Create resource

You can create a new resource by running hubble:resource command

php artisan hubble:resource UserResource

This will automatically create a new resource under app/Hubble folder


namespace App\Hubble;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Action;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Filter;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Actions\DeleteAction;

use App\Hubble\Resource;

class UserResource extends Resource

     * @var string The title will be used as your resource name in the ui
    protected $title = "Users";

     * @var string[]
    protected $searchColumns = ['id'];

     * @var string used to show resource value in relationship
    protected $displayColumn = 'id';

     * Get the fields displayed that the user resource
     * @return Field[] array of fields
    public function fields()
        return [
            Field::make('id', 'ID'),
            Field::make('name', 'Name')

     * Register all actions that the user resource have
     * @return Action[] array of actions
    public function actions()
        return [


     * Register all filters that the user resource have
     * @return Filter[] array of filters
    public function filters()
        return [];

     * @return Builder
    public function baseQuery(): Builder
        return \App\User::query();

     * Return this resource icon
     * @return string|null
    public function icon()
        return null;

After your resource is generated, you need to set the eloquent builder hubble should use to get your data. When generating this resource we will try to obtain the eloquent builder according to the name of the resource passed in php artisan hubble:resource command. You can modify this query builder to add some computed fields.

     * @return Builder
    public function baseQuery(): Builder
        return \App\User::query()->select('*')->selectRaw('age > 18 as is_adult');

fields method is used to return all fields your want to display. By default, hubble comes with some fields like TextField, TextareaField, ImageField and more. But you can also create your own custom field.

     * Get the fields displayed that the user resource
     * @return Field[] array of fields
    public function fields()
        return [
            Field::make('id', 'ID'),

            TextField::make('name', 'Name')->sortable(),

            TextareaField::make('bio', 'Bio')->onlyOnDetails(),

            TextField::make('email', 'Email')->displayOnIndexUsing(function ($value) {
                return "<a href='mailto:$value'>$value</a>";

Configure your resource

You can configure your resource by setting some properties on your resource class.

     * @var string The title will be used as your resource name in the ui
    protected $title = "Users";

     * @var string[]
    protected $searchColumns = ['id', 'name'];

     * @var string used to show resource value in relationship
    protected $displayColumn = 'name';
    /** @var int Number of records per page */
    protected $perPage = 38;
    /** @var bool Determines if a resource should be shown in sidebar */
    protected $displayInSidebar = true;
     * @var bool Determines if a resource can be exported in excel format.
    protected $exportable = true;

If you want to customize the title that should be shown in each different screen (index page, edit page, details page etc...) you may define configure method in your resource. For example:

    // use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Configuration\Configuration;
    // use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Configuration\ScreenConfiguration;
    public function configure(Configuration $configuration)
        $configuration->details(function (ScreenConfiguration $configuration, User $user) {
            $configuration->setTitle("User #". $user->id);

Registering your resource

By default, hubble will automatically register all resources you have under app/Hubble folder.

Just go to http://yourapp.tld/hubble and you will see the new user resource that we add.

You can customize the folder within hubble must look for your resources in config file. The auto registration is very useful when developing your dashboard but you may disable it in production to gain a small performance.

In your app/Providers/HubbleServiceProvider.php :


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\HubbleServiceProvider as BaseProvider;

class HubbleServiceProvider extends BaseProvider
     * Determines if hubble should detects automatically
     * resources under Hubble resource folder. This is useful when you are
     * developing but should be disable in production
     * @var bool
    protected $autoRegistration = false; // set to false to disable auto registration 

     * List of resource Hubble should register. Should be used
     * when you set autoRegistration = false. Optionally you can
     * define a resource method in this class to bypass this property.
     * @var array
    protected $resources = [
        // add your resources manually here

     * Determines if a given user can access to hubble dashboard.
     * By default every user can access to hubble
     * @param User $user
     * @return bool
    public function authorizesAccess(User $user): bool
        return parent::authorizesAccess($user);


Action is used to perform custom tasks on one or more Eloquent models. You can generate action using :

php artisan hubble:action ActiveUsers

This command will generate a new ActiveUsers class under app/Hubble/Actions


namespace App\Hubble\Actions;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\LazyCollection;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Action;

class ActiveUsers extends Action
     * @var string the title of this action
    protected $title = 'ActiveUsers';

     * @var string the confirmation message to warn user before running this action. Set to null to disable it
    protected $confirmationMessage = 'Do you really want to perform this action ?';

     * Handle your action
     * @param LazyCollection $collection
     * @param Builder $query
     * @return string
    public function handle(LazyCollection $collection, Builder $query)
        $query = $query->newQuery();

        $collection->each(function (User $user) use ($query) {
            $query->orWhere('id', $user->id);

        $query->update(['is_active' => true]);

        return "Utilisateurs activé avec succès !";

     * @param \Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User $user
     * @param Model|null $model
     * @return bool
    public function can(\Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User $user, ?Model $model = null): bool
        return true;

    protected function icon()
        return asset('images/lock.svg');

The title property contains the name of the action that will be shown on the User Interface

In the handle method you can perform your action. For our example, let's assume that our users table has an active column which determine whether the user is active or not.

     * Handle your action
     * @param $ids
     * @return void
    public function handle($ids)
        User::query()->whereIn('id', $ids)->update(['active' => true]);

When you created your action you can add it in your resource.

     * Register all actions that the user resource have
     * @return Action[] array of actions
    public function actions()
        return [
            new ActiveUsers(),



As the name suggests, filters are used to filter your data and display only data that satisfy certain conditions. There are many ways to add filter into your resource :

  • the first way (the easiest way ) :
     * Register all filters that the user resource have
     * @return Filter[] array of filters
    public function filters()
        return [
            Filter::make('is_active', 'Only Active Users', ['Yes' => 1, 'No' => 0]),

Filter::make take as is first argument, the column in the database. The second argument is the title and then the third array of options.

The options' argument is an associative array where the key is the label and the value, the value of the option. You can also pass an url where the options should be fetched or a custom array. for those cases you may set the valueKey and the textKey using the setValueKey(string $key), and the setTextKey(string $key).

For example:

    * Register all filters that the user resource have
    * @return Filter[] array of filters
   public function filters()
       return [
           Filter::make('is_active', 'Users Status', [ 
               ['name' => 'All', 'value' => null], 
               ['name' => 'Active', 'value' => 1], 
               ['name' => 'Non active', 'value' => 0]

Another example:

     * Register all filters that the user resource have
     * @return Filter[] array of filters
    public function filters()
        return [
            Filter::make('state', 'Users State', "https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/all")
                ->searchable('Start typing a state...'),
  • the second way to define a filter (more powerful) :
     * Register all filters that the user resource have
     * @return Filter[] array of filters
    public function filters()
        return [
            Filter::make('state', 'Users State', "https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/all")
                ->setHandler(function (Builder $builder, $value) {
                    $builder->whereHas('state', function ($query) use ($value) {
                        $query->where('code', $value);

With this way, you can use the setHandler method to pass a callable that takes the query builder as his first argument and the value of the filter, you can add any where clause you want.

  • The last way is to generate a new filter class.
php artisan hubble:filter MyCustomFilter

This command will generate a new filter class under app/Hubble/Filters.


namespace App\Hubble\Filters;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Filter;

class MyCustomFilter extends Filter
     * @var string the title of your filter that will be shown on the ui.
    protected $title = 'My custom filter';

     * @var string the VueJs component that will be used to display this filter
    protected $component = 'hubble-checkbox-filter';

     * Apply your filter
     * @param Builder $query
     * @param $value
     * @return void
    public function handle(Builder $query, $value)
        // apply your filter here. 
        return null;

     * Return all options for this filter
     * @return array
    public function options()
        // first way
        return ['Option 1' => 1, 'Option 2' => 2]; // the key is the label and the value is the option value
        // second way
        return [
                    ['name' => 'Option 1', 'value' => 1],
                    ['name' => 'Option 2', 'value' => 2],
        // third way
        return "https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/all";
        // do not forget to use `setValueKey(string $key)` and `setTextKey(string $key)` in the constructor of this class
        // or when instantiating this class to set the value key and the text key


You can also generate a filter with a custom VueJs components.

php artisan hubble:filter MyCustomFilter --custom

This will generate a VueJs component under resources/hubble/components/filters/my-custom-filter.vue


Fields are used to display your data. the base Field class can be used to create fields. Any types of fields extend this class.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field::make('column', 'title');
  • sortable
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field::make('column', 'title')->sortable(); // now this field can be used to sort your data

You can also tell to Hubble to sort your data by default using a certain field.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field::make('column', 'title')->sortable(true, 'desc');

Custom Display

There are a few methods you can use to customize how you want to display the field value in the different sections of the dashboard.

  • displayUsing
  • displayOnIndexUsing
  • displayOnDetailsUsing
  • displayOnFormsUsing
  • displayWhenEditingUsing
  • displayWhenCreatingUsing

The displayUsing method customize the display in all sections of the dashboard.

All these methods as the same signature.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field::make('fullname', 'Full Name')->displayUsing(function ($value, $resource) {
    return $resource->first_name . ' '. $resource->last_name; // in this case resource is a User model

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field::make('email', 'Email')->displayOnIndexUsing(function ($value) {
    return "<a href='mailto:$value'>$value</a>";


Field comes with some methods that you can use to tell when to display

  • hide : will hide the field in all screen
  • hideOnIndex
  • hideOnForms
  • hideOnDetails
  • hideWhenCreating
  • hideWhenEditing
  • hideOnExport
  • showOnIndex
  • showOnDetails
  • showOnForm
  • showWhenCreating
  • showWhenEditing
  • showOnExport
  • onlyOnIndex
  • onlyOnDetails
  • onlyOnForms
  • onlyOnCreating
  • onlyOnEditing
  • onlyOnExport
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\TextField::make('email', 'Email')->hideOnIndex();

All of these methods can pass a closure that will be used to hide or display the field on a specific screen.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\PasswordField::make('password', 'Change the password')->onlyOnForms(function (User $user, ?\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model = null) {
        return $user->isAdmin() || ($model && $model->id === $user->id);

Hubble ships with many types of fields, but you can also create your own.

  • TextField
  • BooleanField
  • NumberField
  • TextareaField
  • DateTimeField
  • SelectField
  • ColorField
  • FileField
  • ImageField
  • BelongsToField (relation field)
  • HasManyField (relation field)


Used to display a text Field.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\TextField::make('email', 'Email');
  • text type
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\TextField::make('email', 'Email')->type('email');

this type will be used to display correct input type in forms.

  • limit
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\TextField::make('bio', 'Bio')->limit(100);

limit the number of character that should be displayed in tables.


    \Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\BooleanField::make('active', 'Active ?')->text('Yes', 'No');

the text method set the text to display when this field has true or false value.


Used to display number values

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\NumberField::make('articles_count', 'Articles');


Used to display long text values

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\TextareaField::make('bio', 'Bio');


Used to display dates values

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\DateTimeField::make('created_at', 'Created at');
  • date format
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\DateTimeField::make('created_at', 'Created at')->format('Y-m-d at h:i');
  • date locale
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\DateTimeField::make('created_at', 'Created at')->setLocale('fr')->format('Y-m-d at h:i');


\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\SelectField::make('user_type', 'Type')->options(['Pro' => 'pro', 'Normal' => 'normal']);
  • display using label
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\SelectField::make('user_type', 'Type')
->options(['Pro' => 'pro', 'Normal' => 'normal'])


Used to display colors

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\ColorField::make('primary_color', 'Color');
  • display using hex value
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\ColorField::make('primary_color', 'Color')->displayUsingHex();


Used to display and upload files

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\FileField::make('avatar', 'Avatar'),
  • multiple
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\FileField::make('avatar', 'Avatar')->multiple(),
  • max

Limit number of files

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\FileField::make('avatar', 'Avatar')->multiple()->max(5),


Used to display image and upload images.

ImageField extends to FileField so it has all methods that FileField has, such as multiple or max.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\ImageField::make('avatar', 'Avatar'),


\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\ImageField::make('avatar', 'Avatar')->multiple()->max(5),


Used to display a related resource

  • signature
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\BelongsToField::make('method_name', 'related_class', 'Title');

The first argument is the name relationship method. Let's assume we have in our User model a belongsTo method to City Model.

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
    public function city() {
        return $this->belongsTo(City::class);

Then to add this relationship in our resource

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\BelongsToField::make('city', CityResource::class);


Used to display related resources

  • signature
\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\BelongsToField::make('method_name', 'related_class', 'Title');

As the BelongsToField, the HasManyField takes the relationship method name as his first argument.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\HasManyField::make('roles', RoleResource::class, 'User Roles');

Create a custom field

You can create a custom field by using this command:

php artisan hubble:field ColorField 

You can also generate a new field with custom components by using this command:

php artisan hubble:field ColorField --custom

This will create new VueJs components for your field under resources/hubble/components/fields/color

Use this command to build the newly components

npm run hubble:watch


npm run hubble:prod

php artisan hubble:field will generate a new Field Class under app/Hubble/Fields


namespace App\Hubble\Fields;

use Oza75\LaravelHubble\Field;
use Oza75\LaravelHubble\HubbleResource;

class ColorField extends Field
     *  Register your vuejs components
    protected function registerComponents()

        $this->components = [
            'index' => 'index-text-field',
            'editing' => 'edit-text-field',
            'creating' => 'edit-text-field',
            'details' => 'show-text-field'

     * This hook is called when the field is ready to work.
     * Basically it will just set the resource within your field is added.
     * So if you have some attributes to add  or actions that depends on the resource
     * this is where you should do it.
     * @param HubbleResource $resource
    public function prepare(HubbleResource $resource)

        // do action that depends on the resource within this field is added



You can automatically validate your forms data by setting rules on each field.

\Oza75\LaravelHubble\Fields\TextField::make('email', 'Email')->rules('required|email|max:255');

There are also rules methods for each creation and editing screen

  • rulesWhenUpdating will define the rules only when updating
  • rulesWhenCreating will define the rules only when creating

Warning: the rules' method cannot yet take a validation object (such as a rule class) or a closure but any Pull Request is welcoming.

For frontend interactivity, you may set a handler that can be used to validate automatically your field value under resources/hubble/rules.js. If you don't, an ajax request will be sent to the backend to check if the value is valid when user is filling the form.

// this method must return a boolean, a string or a promise (for validations that need to make ajax requests) 
export const string = function (value, fieldName) {
    if (typeof value !== "string") {
        // For localization purposes your laravel validation language file is injected into the javascript window,
        // then you can use the `window.trans` method to return a translated string
        return window.trans('validation.string', {attribute: fieldName})

    return true;


Authorization is used to restrict access of certain screen of your dashboard. Internally, it uses mostly Laravel Authorization Gate.

You just need to create a Laravel Policy for your resource that will control which user can access or not to a specific screen.

For example, let's assume I have a Post model :

php artisan make:policy PostPolicy --model=Post

This will generate a new Laravel Policy under app/Policies.


namespace App\Policies;

use App\Post;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\HandlesAuthorization;

class PostPolicy
    use HandlesAuthorization;

    public function before(User $user)
        // bypass all authorization check when user is admin
        if ($user->isAdmin()) {
            return true;

     * Determine whether the user can view any models.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @return mixed
    public function viewAny(User $user)
        return true; // Anyone can see `the index table`. You can also return false to remove the hubble' PostResource in sidebar.

     * Determine whether the user can view the model.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @param \App\Post $model
     * @return mixed
    public function view(User $user, Post $model)
        return true; // anyone can see the details screen.

     * Determine whether the user can create models.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @return mixed
    public function create(User $user)
        return true; // anyone can create a new user

     * Determine whether the user can update the model.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @param \App\Post $model
     * @return mixed
    public function update(User $user, Post $model)
        return $user->id === $model->user_id; // only the owner of the post can edit this post

     * Determine whether the user can delete the model.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @param \App\Post $model
     * @return mixed
    public function delete(User $user, Post $model)
        return $user->id === $model->user_id; // only the owner of the post can delete this post

     * Determine whether the user can restore the model.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @param \App\User $model
     * @return mixed
    public function restore(User $user, User $model)
        return false;

     * Determine whether the user can permanently delete the model.
     * @param \App\User $user
     * @param \App\User $model
     * @return mixed
    public function forceDelete(User $user, User $model)
        return false;

    * Determines if the current user can attach users to post 
    * when using a HasManyField
    public function attachUser(User $user) {
        return false;

    * Determines if the current user can detach users to post 
    * when using a HasManyField
    public function detachUser(User $user, Post $model) {
        return false;



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email abouba181@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.