
PHP wrapper library for Buffer API.

1.0.4 2014-10-22 18:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:27:25 UTC


Latest Stable Release Build Status License

Puffer is a Buffer API wrapper library for PHP.

Full documentation coming soon. Meanwhile take a look at Basic Usage and Basic Docs sections below. Also dig deeper into the source code, aren't we hackers? :)


Best way to get Puffer up and running is Composer. Include otar/puffer in your composer.json requirements:

    "require": {
        "otar/puffer": "1.*"

Alternatively you can grab code from this repository, but you will have to manually install dependencies in the vendor/ directory and take care of PSR-4 autoloading.

Basic Usage

Initialize & Authorize


use Puffer\Puffer;

$puffer = new Puffer([
    'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE',
    'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE',
    'access_token' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE', // If you have one, or authorization will be required
    'storage' => new \Puffer\Storages\Session // Stores tokens in the session (default). Implement Puffer\StorageInterface class to save tokens in the database.

if (!$puffer->isAuthorized()) {
    header('Location: ' . $puffer->getAuthUrl());

var_dump($puffer->user); // Get user settings

List Your Profiles


use Puffer\Profiles;

$profiles = new Profiles;

var_dump($profiles->all()); // All profiles

// Also Profiles object can be accessed as an array,
$first_profile = $profiles[0];

// be counted,
$number_of_profiles = count($profiles);

// or even be iterated.
foreach ($profiles AS $profile) {
    $profile->create('Hello World');

List Pending Updates


use Puffer\Profiles;

// Grab first profile and it's pending updates in one line.
$pending = (new Profiles)[0]->pending();

Create An Update


use Puffer\Profile;

$profile = new Profile('YOUR_PROFILE_ID_HERE');
$result = $profile->create('Hello World');

if ((bool) $result->success) {
    echo 'One more update buffered in your queue.';
} else {
    echo 'Something went wrong.';

// Or like this:

$result = (new Profile('YOUR_PROFILE_ID_HERE'))->create('Hello World');

Delete Pending Update


use Puffer\Profiles;
use Puffer\Update;

// If you have an update id, then:
$update = new Update('UPDATE_ID_HERE');

// Or grab first profile and delete first pending update in one line:

$result = (new Profiles)[0]->pending()[0]->destroy();

Basic Docs

Library is contextually separated into four major classes:

  • Puffer
    • Used for initialization, auth and making calls to the API.
    • Access user and configuration object properties for related results from /user and /info/configuration.
    • shares() accepts link as an argument and return it's number of shares through Buffer platform.
  • Profiles
    • Retrieves all profiles under your account.
    • Use all() method for returning profiles as an array.
    • Profiles can be accessed as an array, iterated in the loops or counted using PHP's count function.
    • All profiles are returned as an objects that have their own functionality. See Profile description below.
  • Profile
    • Accepts profile ID as an argument.
    • Profile data can be accessed from the objects' properties or as an associative array.
    • sent() method returns already sent updates from this profile and pending() method returns currently buffered/pending updates.
    • You can create/buffer an update directly from the create() method. Accepts text as an argument.
  • Update
    • Accepts update ID as an argument.
    • Update data can be accessed from the objects' properties or as an associative array.
    • Supports these methods: edit(), share(), interactions(), destroy() and moveToTop().

It's highly recommended to wrap your Puffer code in the try/catch block, it will throw an Puffer\Exception in case of errors.


If you want to contribute to this project first and the foremost you'll need to setup local development environment.

I encourage you to use GruntJS. You'll need to install these NodeJS modules (I'll probably switch to Bower in the future) from the NPM:

  • grunt-phplint
  • grunt-php-cs-fixer
  • grunt-phpunit
  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-notify

After installing GruntJS plugins, simply run the grunt command. It will begin to "watch" modifications in the src/ and tests/ directories and run Grunt tasks as soon as you change something in the *.php files.

For testing you may prefer to use local PHPUnit installation, please make sure it's updated to the latest version.

First create an issue, fork a repository, make changes and make "pull request".

Final Notes

Best way to reach me is an email or Twitter. See my contact information here: http://otar.me

And to help you finish reading this stuff in a good mood here's a joke:

Husband: make me a sandwich.
Wife: what? make it yourself!
Husband: sudo make me a sandwich.
Wife: okay...

Thanks for staying tuned! :)