
Easy and complete YooKassa (previously Yandex Checkout) integration for Laravel

1.2.0 2022-02-09 18:04 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-10 00:28:29 UTC


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Easy and complete YooKassa (previously Yandex Checkout) integration for Laravel


  • Test coverage

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Models
  5. Commands
  6. Events
  7. Configuration


  • PHP 7.3 or above
  • Laravel 6 or above


You can install the package via composer:

composer require orkhanahmadov/yandex-checkout

Run this command to publish required migration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\YandexCheckoutServiceProvider" --tag=migrations


First, set Yandex Checkout shop ID and secret key in .env file. You can get these from YooMoney merchant page.


To use Yandex Checkout service you need instance of Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\YandexCheckoutService. You can instantiate this class using Laravel's service container, for example by injecting to your controller

use Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\YandexCheckoutService;

class MyController
    public function index(YandexCheckoutService $yandexCheckout)

Or you can use Laravel's service resolver to create instance of the class:

use Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\YandexCheckoutService;

class MyClass
    public function doSomething()
        $yandexCheckout = app(YandexCheckoutService::class);

Available methods:


Creates new payment based on passed credentials and accepts 2 arguments:

  • Model - Eloquent model payment is associated
  • Payment request - Payment request that contains amount, currency, etc information
$product = Product::first();
$yandexCheckout = app(YandexCheckoutService::class);
$paymentRequest = CreatePaymentRequest::builder()->build([
    'amount' => [
        'value' => 49.99,
        'currency' => 'RUB',
    'confirmation' => [
        'type' => 'redirect',
        'return_url' => 'https://example.com',
    'capture' => true,
    'description' => 'Payment for product: ' . $product->id,
$yandexCheckout->createPayment($product, $paymentRequest);

Method returns created instance of Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout model.

You should use $confirmation_url property to get unique payment URL and redirect user to this URL to start payment.


Gets information on previously created payment. Accepts single argument:

  • Payment - This is Yandex Checkout's payment id as a string, or instance of previously created Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout model.
$product = Product::first();
$yandexCheckout = app(YandexCheckoutService::class);
$payment = $yandexCheckout->createPayment($product, ...);

$paymentInfo = $yandexCheckout->paymentInfo($payment);
// or
$paymentInfo = $yandexCheckout->paymentInfo('1234-ABCD-5678');

Method returns updated instance of Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout model with Yandex Checkout's response.


Package ships with Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout Eloquent model. Model stores following information for each payment:

  • payment_id - string, unique payment key provided by Yandex Checkout
  • status - string, payment status code
  • response - array, serialized checkout object

Besides usual Eloquent functionality this model also has specific accessors, scopes and relationship abilities which you can utilize.


  • succeeded - Returns true if payment marked as "succeeded", false otherwise
  • paid - Returns true if checkout is paid, false otherwise
  • confirmation_url - Returns "confirmation URL" which should be used to start payment
  • cancellation_reason - Returns payment's cancellation/fail reason. Returns null when payment is successful or not started yet


  • succeeded() - Filters "succeeded" payments only
  • pending() - Filters "pending" payments only. Pending payments are the payments that has status other than "succeeded" or "canceled".


You can make any existing Eloquent model "payable" and attach Yandex Checkouts to it. Use Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Traits\HandlesYandexCheckout trait in your existing model to establish direct model relationship.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Traits\HandlesYandexCheckout;

class Product extends Model
    use HandlesYandexCheckout;

Now Product model has direct relationship with Yandex Checkouts. By using HandlesYandexCheckout your model also gets access to payment related relationships and payment methods.


$product = Product::first();

$paymentRequest = CreatePaymentRequest::builder()->build([
    'amount' => [
      'value' => 49.99,
      'currency' => 'RUB',
    'confirmation' => [
      'type' => 'redirect',
      'return_url' => 'https://example.com',
    'capture' => true,
    'description' => 'Payment for product: ' . $product->id,


Eloquent relationship method. Return all related Yandex Checkouts.

$product = Product::first();
$product->yandexCheckouts; // returns collection of related Yandex Checkouts
$product->yandexCheckouts()->where('payment_id', '123-ABC-456'); // use it as regular Eloquent relationship
$product->yandexCheckouts()->pending(); // use scopes on YandexCheckout model


Package ships with artisan command for checking payment results.

php artisan yandex-checkout:check

Executing above command will loop through all "pending" checkouts and update their models.

Command also accepts payment ID as an argument to check single checkout result.

php artisan yandex-checkout:check 1234-ABCD-5678

You can set up a Cron job schedule to frequently check all "pending" checkout.

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


Package ships with Laravel events which gets fired on specific conditions.

Available event classes:

  • Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutCreated - gets fired when new checkout is created
  • Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutSucceeded - gets fired when payment status changes to "succeeded"
  • Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutCanceled - gets fired when payment status changes to "canceled"
  • Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutChecked - gets fired when payment information is checked

Each event receives instance of Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout Eloquent model as public $yandexCheckout property.

You can set up event listeners to trigger when specific payment event gets fired.

protected $listen = [
    'Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutSucceeded' => [


Run this command to publish package config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\YandexCheckoutServiceProvider" --tag=config

Config file contains following settings:

  • shop_id - Defines Yandex Checkout's "shop ID", defaults to .env variable
  • secret_key - Defines Yandex Checkout's "secret key", defaults to .env variable
  • table_name - Defines name for Yandex Checkout payments database table. Default: "yandex_checkouts"
  • events - Payment events related settings
    • created - "Checkout created" event class. By default uses Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutCreated class
    • succeeded - "Checkout succeeded" event class. By default uses Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutSucceeded class
    • canceled - "Checkout canceled" event class. By default uses Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutCanceled class
    • checked - "Checkout checked" event class. By default uses Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutChecked class

If you want to use your own event class for specific payment event you can replace class namespace with your class namespace. Each checkout event receives instance of Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Models\YandexCheckout Eloquent model. Because of this, make sure you add payment model as dependency to your event class constructor signature or you can extend Orkhanahmadov\YandexCheckout\Events\CheckoutEvent class which already has payment model as dependency.

Setting specific payment event to null disables that event.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email orkhan@fastmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.