
OriginPHP Cache

2.0.0 2021-01-04 19:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 03:54:36 UTC


license build coverage

The OriginPHP Cache library Apcu, Memcached and Redis out of the box, you can also use file caching for large objects or time consuming generating content.


To install this package

$ composer require originphp/cache

In your bootstrap file you will the configuration for cache. The caching library can work with multiple configurations and engines at the same time.

Once the configuration is out the way, using the cache is pretty straightforward. Configure a default Cache store

Cache::config('default', [
    'engine' => 'File',
    'duration' => '+60 minutes', // string or number of seconds e.g. 3600,
    'prefix' => 'cache_'
    'serialize' => true // set to false if you going to cache strings such as output
    'path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/cache'



To add an item to the cache.

Use Origin\Cache\Cache;

$success = Cache::write('key',$value);


From version 3.x when reading from the cache, if there is no hit then it will return null instead of false as in previous versions.

To read an item from the cache, if it does not find an item it will return null

Use Origin\Cache\Cache;

$value = Cache::read('key');


To check whether a key exists in the cache

Use Origin\Cache\Cache;

    $bool = Cache::read('key');


Items are automatically deleted based upon the duration setting in the configuration, however if you want to delete an item manually then use the delete method.

Use Origin\Cache\Cache;


Clearing the Cache


Enabling and disabling the cache

Sometimes you will need to disable the cache, when you disable we switch the engine to the NullEngine and your program can work as normal.


Working with Multiple Configurations

Whether you are using multiple caching engines, or you multiple configurations for a single cache engine (e.g. short duration and long duration caches), the Cache utility is flexible.

You can get the configured Cache store:

$cache = Cache::store('long-duration');
$value = $cache->read('My.key');

Or you can pass an options array telling the Cache object which configuration to use

$value = Cache::read('My.key',[


In all these examples,we are only configuring the default configuration, you can set different configuration names instead of default. When you use the caching functions the default configuration is used by default unless you say otherwise.

File Engine

Cache::config('default', [
    'engine' => 'File',
    'duration' => '+60 minutes', // string or number of seconds e.g. 3600,
    'prefix' => 'cache_'
    'serialize' => true // set to false if you going to cache strings such as output,
    'mode' => 0664

Apcu Engine

Cache::config('default', [
    'engine' => 'Apcu',
    'duration' => '+60 minutes', // string or number of seconds e.g. 3600,
    'prefix' => 'cache_'

Memcached Engine

This is a simple configuration for using Memcached.

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Memcached',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => '11211',
        'duration' => '+60 minutes', // string or number of seconds e.g. 3600,
        'prefix' => 'cache_'

If your Memcached server is configured with username and password then

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Memcached',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => '11211',
        'username' => 'james',
        'password' => 'secret',
        'duration' => '+60 minutes', // 3600,
        'prefix' => 'cache_'

If you are going to use socket then instead of setting host and port, then set the path key with the location of the socket.

Cache::config('default', [
     'engine' => 'Memcached',
     'path' => '/var/sockets/memcached'

You can also make connections persistent by setting the persistent key to true, or a string which will be the persistent id.

Memcached supports server pools, if you are going to use them then set an array using the servers key instead of host and port. The array should be compatible with memcached addservers.

Redis Engine

This is a simple configuration for using Redis.

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Redis',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 6379,
        'duration' => '+60 minutes', // string or number of seconds e.g. 3600,
        'timeout' => 0,
        'prefix' => 'cache_'

If your Redis server is configured with a password then

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Redis',
        'host' => '',
        'port' =>  6379,
        'password' => 'secret',
        'duration' => 3600, // duration can also be string e.g. +60 minutes
        'prefix' => 'cache_'

If you are going to use socket then instead of setting host and port, then set the path key with the location of the socket.

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Redis',
        'path' => '/var/sockets/redis',

You can also make connections persistent by setting the persistent key to true, or a string which will be the persistent id.

Cache::config('default', [
        'engine' => 'Redis',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 6379,
        'persistent' => 'my-app',
        'duration' => 3600, // duration can also be string e.g. +60 minutes
        'timeout' => 0,
        'prefix' => 'cache_'

Custom Engine

If you want to work with a different backend, it easy to create your own. When configuring cache, instead of passing the engine key, use className and include the full namespace.

Cache::config('default', [
    'className' => 'App\Cache\CustomEngine',
    'duration' => 3600,
    'prefix' => 'cache_'
namespace App\Cache;
use Origin\Cache\Engine\BaseEngine;
class CustomEngine extends BaseEngine


Installing Cache Engines

The command line instructions have been tested with Ubuntu 18.x.


Apcu is already install in the docker container, however if you need to install this manually.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php-apcu
sudo echo 'apc.enable_cli=1' >>  /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini


To install Memcached in the Docker container

First add the following to the docker-compose.yml file, this will load the memcached image.

      image: memcached

In the Dockerfile add php-memcached to the lines where it installs the php extensions

    php-memcached \

Then run the build command in docker-compose.

docker-compose build

Then set the host to memcached in your cache config.

To install Memcached on a Ubuntu/Debain based server

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install memcached
sudo apt-get install php-memcached


To install Redis in the Docker container

First add the following to the docker-compose.yml file, this will load the Redis image.

      image: redis

In the Dockerfile add the following lines to install and enable the Redis PHP extension.

RUN pecl install redis
RUN echo 'extension=redis.so' >> /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
RUN echo 'extension=redis.so' >> /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini

Then run the build command in docker-compose.

docker-compose build

Then set the host to redis in your cache config.

To install Redis on a Ubuntu/Debain based server

pecl install redis
sudo echo 'extension=redis.so' >> /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
sudo echo 'extension=redis.so' >> /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini


To test this first build the docker container

docker-compose build

To start the container, and access bash

$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose run app bash
$ vendor/bin/phpunit