OriginPHP Application


This is the application template for OriginPHP.


Download and install Composer, then run the following command to create your new OriginPHP project.

$ composer create-project originphp/app [project_name]

OriginPHP comes with a dockerized development environment.

Install Docker Desktop then build the docker containers, this must be done from within the project folder. The build process only needs to be done once or if you change anything in the Dockerfile.

$ cd [project_name]
$ docker-compose build

The container only needs to be built once, after this you will use the up and down commands to start and stop the docker container.

If you just want a web server then run the docker-compose command

$ docker-compose up

Then you will now be able to access your app at https://localhost/.

To shut down the server

$ docker-compose down

If you want to start the docker container with extra services including MySQL, Redis, Minio, MailHog then run the script

$ bin/docker up
$ bin/docker down

To shutdown the containers hit CTRL C, this will close the docker container and additional services.

To learn how to remove or add services such as Postwoman, Elasticsearch, Memcached and PostgreSQL, see Dockerized Development Environment