
A simple PSR-20 Clock implementation for accessing and mocking the current time.

1.0.0 2022-11-26 16:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-10 08:51:28 UTC


A simple PSR-20 Clock implementation for accessing and mocking the current time.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

composer require ordinary/clock



use Ordinary\Clock\ClockInterface;
use Ordinary\Clock\UTCClock;

class MyTimeAwareAction
    public function __construct(protected ClockInterface $clock)
    public function announceTime(): void
        echo 'Time is now ' . $this->clock->now()->format('c') . PHP_EOL;

$action = new MyTimeAwareAction(new UTCClock());



A clock that always returns date objects in UTC.

This should be the primary clock used when managing time.

$clock = new UTCClock();


A clock that wraps another clock for use in different timezones.

Generally this clock should wrap a UTC clock when timezone specific operations are needed.

$clock = new AlternateTimeZoneClock($primaryClock = new UTCClock(), new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'))


A clock that only returns the specific time given on construct.

Generally used for mocking time.


A clock that can be constructing with a valid timezone.

$clock = new \Ordinary\Clock\SystemClock(new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));

ClockInterface Methods


Get a DateTimeImmutable instance representing the current time.


Check to see if the given time is in the future.
Exclusive of given time


Check to see if a given time is in the past.
Exclusive of the given time


Check to see if at the earliest, it is the given time.
Inclusive version of isAfter()


Check to see if at the latest, it is the given time.
Inclusive version of isBefore()

ClockInterface::isBetween($startDate, $endDate)

Check to see if the current time falls in between the provided times.
Exclusive of provided times

ClockInterface::isBetweenInclusive($startDate, $endDate)

Check to see if the current time falls in between the provided times.
Inclusive of provided times

ClockInterface::isBetweenInclusiveStart($startDate, $endDate)

Check to see if the current time falls in between the provided times.
Inclusive ONLY of start time
For situations similar to the given range being 1:00, 2:00 but needing to verify the time is anything from 1:00 and 1:59.