
Orderchamp API client for PHP

1.1.0 2021-07-15 16:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:22:24 UTC


This is a php client for the API of orderchamp.com. More documentation of the API can be found at: https://developers.orderchamp.com


Install the composer package

composer require Orderchamp/orderchamp-api-php


The first steps are only necessary when you are building a public app which needs Oauth. If you are building a private connection, you will receive an access token from Orderchamp which you can use straight away.

use Orderchamp\Api\OrderchampApiClient;

$client = new OrderchampApiClient([
    'client_id'     => 'your_client_id',
    'client_secret' => 'your_client_secret',

// Redirect the user to this url for authorization
$authorizationUrl = $client->authorizationUrl($this->config['scopes'], 'redirect_url_goes_here');

// We redirect the user back to your redirect url
// Call the method with the $_GET parameters and we'll fetch you a token
$token = $client->requestToken($request->all());

// Persist this token and use it moving forward
$response = $client->graphql('{ account { id name } }');
