opensaucesystems / chartwire
Charts.js for Livewire
- php: ^7.4|^8.0
- illuminate/support: ^8.0
- livewire/livewire: ^2.6
- spatie/data-transfer-object: ^2.6
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.2
- orchestra/testbench: ^6.4
- pestphp/pest: ^1.0
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^1.0
- pestphp/pest-plugin-livewire: ^1.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^0.12.58
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- psalm/plugin-laravel: ^1.4
- vimeo/psalm: ^4.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 22:40:59 UTC
Chart.wire are simple charts for use with Laravel Livewire.
Requirements ^
This package requires the following packages/libraries:
Installation ^
You can install the package via composer:
composer require opensaucesystems/chartwire
Usage ^
Chart.wire supports out of the box the following types of charts
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Pie Chart
- Area Chart
- Sparkline Chart
Each one comes with its own "model" class that allows you to define the chart's data and render behavior.
- Line Chart uses LineChartModel
- Bar Chart uses BarChartModel
- Doughnut Chart uses DoughnutChartModel
- Pie Chart uses PieChartModel
- Area Chart uses AreaChartModel
- Sparkline Chart uses SparklineChartModel
For example, to render a line chart, we create an instance of LineChartModel and pass it to the Livewire Line Chart component:
$colors = new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue([
'background' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
'border' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
'pointBackground' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
$lineChartModel = (new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Models\LineChartModel())
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1405544000, 'China', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1370279686, 'India', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 330736378, 'United States', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 269603400, 'Indonesia', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 220892331, 'Pakistan', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 212404659, 'Brazil', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 206139587, 'Nigeria', $colors);
<livewire:line-chartwire :line-chart-model="$lineChartModel" />
Chart Model Methods ^
Common methods
These methods are common to all chart models
Method | Arguments | Description |
addDataToDataset | string $datasetName name of the dataset string|int|float $value data value string $label data label Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue $color color of data on chart null|string $type chart type array $extras extra chart options | Add data to chart dataset |
reactiveKey | returns a string based on its data | |
setOptions | array $options chart.js options | This will override any of the options set by the model methods as well as the default options. See Chart.js docs |
Legend methods
The following chart types support these methods:
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Pie Chart
- Area Chart
Method | Arguments | Description |
withLegend | Show legend | |
withoutLegend | Hide legend | |
legendPositionTop | Set legend position to top | |
legendPositionLeft | Set legend position to left | |
legendPositionRight | Set legend position to right | |
legendPositionBottom | Set legend position to bottom | |
legendHorizontallyAlignedLeft | Align legend horizontal left | |
legendHorizontallyAlignedCenter | Align legend horizontal center | |
legendHorizontallyAlignedRight | Align legend horizontal right |
Axis methods
The following chart types support these methods:
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Pie Chart
- Area Chart
Method | Arguments | Description |
withoutXAxis | Hide x-axis | |
withXAxis | Show x-axis | |
withoutYAxis | Hide y-axis | |
withYAxis | Show y-axis |
Title methods
The following chart types support these methods:
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Pie Chart
- Area Chart
Method | Arguments | Description |
withTitle | Show title | |
withoutTitle | Hide title | |
setTitleText | string $text | Set chart title |
titlePositionTop | Set title position to top | |
titlePositionLeft | Set title position to left | |
titlePositionRight | Set title position to right | |
titlePositionBottom | Set title position to bottom |
Event methods
The following chart types support these methods:
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Pie Chart
- Area Chart
Method | Arguments | Description |
withOnClickEventName | string $onClickEventName | Livewire event name that will be fired when chart data is clicked |
When an event of type mouseup
or click
is triggered on the chart, then Livewire will emit an event with the name of the argument passed into this method. It will also pass the label and value that was clicked.
$lineChartModel = (new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Models\LineChartModel())
Now you may register this event in another components $listeners property:
class ShowData extends Component
public $label;
public $value;
protected $listeners = ['onMyLineChartClicked' => 'handleMyLineChartClicked'];
public function handleMyLineChartClicked(array $data)
$this->label = $data['label'];
$this->value = $data['value'];
Stacked methods
The following chart types support these methods:
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Area Chart
Method | Arguments | Description |
isStacked | bool $stacked = true | Stacked charts can be used to show how one data is made up of a number of smaller pieces. |
Sparkline charts ^
Sparkline charts are just a normal Line Chart with the default options hiding the legend, title, axes, tooltips etc.
To set the height and width of the Sparline Chart just use CSS.
This examples use TailwindCSS:
$colors = new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue([
'background' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
'border' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
$sparklineChartModel = (new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Models\SparklineChartModel())
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1405544000, 'China', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1370279686, 'India', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 330736378, 'United States', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 269603400, 'Indonesia', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 220892331, 'Pakistan', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 212404659, 'Brazil', $colors)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 206139587, 'Nigeria', $colors);
<div class="h-10 w-20">
<livewire:sparkline-chartwire :sparkline-chart-model="$sparklineChartModel" />
Colors ^
Each dataset requires a ColorValue object.
The ColorValue instance requires a border color. The background and pointBackground is optional.
The color can be simple a hexadecimal, RGB, or their color names.
$colors = new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue([
'border' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
Since Chart.js supports a CanvasGradient object, the ColorValue supports a LinearGradientValue object that is converted into a JS CanvasGradient object.
use Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorStopValue;
use Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\LinearGradientValue;
$backgroundColorStops = [
new ColorStopValue(['color' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)', 'offset' => 0]),
new ColorStopValue(['color' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0)', 'offset' => 1]),
$borderColorStops = [
new ColorStopValue(['color' => '#80b6f4', 'offset' => 0]),
new ColorStopValue(['color' => '#f49080', 'offset' => 1]),
$backgroundGradient = new LinearGradientValue([
'x1' => 0,
'y1' => 100,
'x2' => 0,
'y2' => 370,
'colorStops' => $backgroundColorStops,
$borderGradient = new LinearGradientValue([
'x1' => 500,
'y1' => 0,
'x2' => 100,
'y2' => 0,
'colorStops' => $borderColorStops,
Multiple Datasets ^
You can also add multiple datasets to a chart that will allow you to group data.
Stacked charts allows you to see that data is made up of a number of smaller pieces.
$colors2010 = new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue([
'background' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.6)',
'border' => 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
$colors2020 = new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Values\ColorValue([
'background' => 'rgba(37, 194, 160, 0.6)',
'border' => 'rgba(37, 194, 160, 1)',
$barChartModel = (new \Opensaucesystems\Chartwire\Models\BarChartModel())
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 1339724852, 'China', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 1182105564, 'India', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 309349689, 'United States', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 237641326, 'Indonesia', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 173510000, 'Pakistan', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 193252604, 'Brazil', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2010', 158258917, 'Nigeria', $colors2010)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1405544000, 'China', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 1370279686, 'India', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 330736378, 'United States', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 269603400, 'Indonesia', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 220892331, 'Pakistan', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 212404659, 'Brazil', $colors2020)
->addDataToDataset('Populations 2020', 206139587, 'Nigeria', $colors2020);
<livewire:bar-chartwire :bar-chart-model="$barChartModel" />
Troubleshooting ^
Chart components must be placed inside a container with fixed height. This is because the chart will use all the given vertical space. A fixed height is needed to render properly.
<div style="height: 32rem;">
<livewire:livewire-column-chart .../>
>Note: if a fixed height is not given, the chart will grow vertically infinitely. That's not what we want, right?
Testing ^
composer test
Changelog ^
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Contributing ^
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Security ^
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
Credits and Influences ^
License ^
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.