
v2.0.0-alpha 2021-06-28 15:39 UTC


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CodeGenerator is a library which generates classes in a Clean Architecture context.

From any use case response, developers have the possibility to generate:

  • Generic use case architecture
  • Entity use case Get architecture
  • Entities use case Get architecture
  • Create Entity use case architecture
  • Delete Entity use case architecture
  • ViewModel architecture
  • Controller and models classes
  • Unit tests for each class generated


The easiest way to install CodeGenerator is via composer.

Create the following composer.json file or run the php composer.phar install command to install it.

composer require --dev openclassrooms/code-generator *


    "require": {
        "openclassrooms/code-generator": "*"

Setup post-install and post-update hooks in your composer.json's script section, for the oc_code_generator.yml default configuration to be generated. This file is mandatory for the code generator to work.

  "scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [

    "post-update-cmd": [

The script creates a file named oc_code_generator.yml at the root of the project, and will ask you interactively for parameters which are missing in the parameters file, using the values of the dist file as default values, as follows:

    api_dir: 'ApiBundle\'
    app_dir: 'AppBundle\'
    base_namespace: 'OC\'
    stub_namespace: 'Doubles\OC\'
    tests_base_namespace: 'OC\'
    entity_util_classname: 'OC\Util\EntityUtil'
    security_classname: 'OpenClassrooms\UseCase\Application\Annotations\Security'
    transaction_classname: 'OpenClassrooms\UseCase\Application\Annotations\Transaction'
    use_case_classname: 'OpenClassrooms\UseCase\BusinessRules\Requestors\UseCase'
    use_case_request_classname: 'OpenClassrooms\UseCase\BusinessRules\Requestors\UseCaseRequest'
    paginated_collection_builder_impl: 'OpenClassrooms\UseCase\Application\Entity\PaginatedCollectionBuilderImpl'
    paginated_collection_classname: 'OC\BusinessRules\Entities\PaginatedCollection'
    paginated_collection_factory: 'OC\AppBundle\Repository\PaginatedCollectionFactory'
    paginated_use_case_response_classname: 'OC\BusinessRules\Responders\PaginatedUseCaseResponse'
    paginated_use_case_response_builder_classname: 'OC\BusinessRules\Responders\PaginatedUseCaseResponseBuilder'
    use_case_response_classname: 'OC\BusinessRules\Responders\UseCaseResponse'
    pagination_classname: 'OC\BusinessRules\Gateways\Pagination'
    abstract_controller : 'OC\ApiBundle\Framework\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractApiController'
    collection_information : 'OC\ApiBundle\ParamConverter\CollectionInformation'

You may need to tweak these values depending on the project you are using the code generator in.


Basic execution

To list all commands:

php bin/code-generator

To generate a view model architecture:

php bin/code-generator code-generator:view-models useCaseResponseClassName

To generate a generic use case architecture:

php bin/code-generator code-generator:generic-use-case
php bin/code-generator code-generator:generic-use-case Domain\\SubDomain UseCaseName

To generate an entity CRUD use case architecture:

# Create:
php bin/code-generator code-generator:create-entity-use-case EntityClassName
# Delete: 
php bin/code-generator code-generator:delete-entity-use-case EntityClassName
# Edit:
php bin/code-generator code-generator:edit-entity-use-case EntityClassName
# Get all:
php bin/code-generator code-generator:get-entities-use-case EntityClassName
# Get:
php bin/code-generator code-generator:get-entity-use-case EntityClassName


To generate without tests:

php bin/code-generator code-generator:view-models useCaseResponseClassName --no-test

To generate view model architecture tests only if view model classes already exist:

php bin/code-generator code-generator:view-models useCaseResponseClassName --tests-only

To dump preview for view model classes:

php bin/code-generator code-generator:view-models useCaseResponseClassName --dump

Using the code generator in PHPStorm

You can set up External Tools entries in PHPStorm to be able to run some code generator command from your IDE by right-clicking on classes in the project tree (e.g., an entity class).

For the generic use case generation, add an external tool entry like this:

Program: /usr/local/bin/php Arguments: bin/code-generator code-generator:generic-use-case Working Directory:

For a get entity use case generation, add an external tool entry like this:

Program: /usr/local/bin/php Arguments: bin/code-generator code-generator:get-entity-use-case Working Directory:

Note that this will only work if the code generator is correctly setup in your project's composer.json. You may need to tweak this for your local PHP binary path.

How to create a new generator

To know

  • A generated file is described by a skeleton, in the skeleton directory.
  • A generator grabs data and sends it to the skeleton (just like a web page).
  • A generator MUST generate only one file.
  • A mediator is responsible for calling different generators.
  • A mediator can call many other mediators.
  • The command MUST call a mediator.
  • Each class MUST have an interface and its implementation.
  • FileObject contains all needed class information to generate a file.
  • Factories are used to create FileObject from Domain and Entity name.
  • Entity name and Domain are getting from ClassNameUtility trait.
  • If you need another class information in your generator, use factories to create the needed FileObject.
  • Some utility classes are used to generate stubs, constants and others things.
  • In view model command, if the use case response class name contains base namespace, the generator uses it when needed.


1) Write the file templates you want to generate

First, you have to create twig templates for the expected files after generation.

2) Create generator RequestDTO and generator RequestBuilder

Create class with the entity name suffixed by RequestBuilder , this is used as parameter in generator main method.

3) Start Generator Implementation

The main goal of the generator class is to generate the expected FileObject, but to succeed, it is necessary to build other FileObject from factories and use available Utilities.

4) Create GeneratorTest

Create class with the entity name suffixed by GeneratorTest and the related stub class (entity name suffixed by FileObjectStub1). The stub MUST contain expected values to compare with the actual object.

5) Create skeletonModel and SkeletonModelAssembler

Create two classes both prefixed by the entity name:

  • Firstly, an abstract class SkeletonModel,
  • Secondly SkeletonModelAssembler, Both are used to create the object which will be used in the template.

6) Create mediator or add generator in existing mediator

The command uses a mediator pattern to generate classes by functional group. Add the new generator in the concerned group and update the mediator config.

7) Create config files and update services.xml

Create a new .xml file for the generator and add it in src/Resources/config/service.xml.

8) Create the command if it does not exist

Create your command in src/Commands and call mediator mediate function in the execute method.

See an example

For a practical example, check how src/Generator/ViewModelGenerator.php is built.