
Track email engagement on any email sent out via SES using Laravel. Tracks opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, deliveries, and rejections. Can be used with transaction, marketing emails and notifications.

dev-dev 2024-07-07 16:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-07 17:22:55 UTC


This package is current in BETA mode so please be prepared for breaking changes every now and then

Track open rates, deliveries bounce rates, complaints, link clicks and more for every single email you send via SES in your Laravel App.

Setup tracking in minutes by reading the installtion instructions below.

This package uses the SESV2Client to leverage configuration sets and SES's built in tracking. It doesn't use the list management, or campaign management.


Install the package

composer require opetech/laravelses

Add Laravel SES as a mailer

Add to config/mail.php under mailers, to make sure the LaravelSes transport is available.

'laravel-ses' => [
    'transport' => 'laravel-ses',


Run the migrations for the packages.

php artisan migrate

Publish the config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpeTech\LaravelSes\LaravelSesServiceProvider

Setup SES and SNS

For this you'll need IAM credentials that have full access to SNS and SES. Add these crendentials as you would for using SES without the package. i.e. config/mail.php

'ses' => [
    'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),

Before running the below command, make sure your app's endpoints are publically available. SNS will hit your endpoints to confirm the subscriptions. If you're testing or playing around in development, we recommended you use a service like Ngrok to temporarily allow the public internet to interact with your app.

Your APP_URL needs to be set correctly.

Run laravel-ses:setup-config-and-sns

  • You will be prompted for a custom redirect domain. This is optional, but recommended for serious users. See Configuring the redirect domain for more info.

This will create a configuration set called "laravel-ses-{env}-configuration-set". You can customise the prefix by changing the config option "prefix".

It will also create an event destination (laravel-ses-{env}-event-destination) and an SNS topic (laravel-ses-{env}-topic). Again the prefix is customisable by changing the prefix config option.

Configuring the redirect domain


This option isn't required, as AWS will use its own domain, however it is suggested, as email providers see links matching the sending domain in your email content as a positive. From a user's point of view they will see AWS urls instead of your own URLs, which may put them off clicking links in your email.

The tracking domain should ideally be a subdomain of the sending domain's domain. This is better for spam scores. For example: sending domain - myemails.com, tracking domain. ses.myemails.com. Or if you're using a subdomain to send emails e.g. emails.example.com, use ses.example.com for the tracking.

We would also suggest avoiding using tracking in the subdomain as plugins such as ad blockers, malware detection etc, don't look favourably on the wording and could block the email, or break the content.

To configure a custom tracking domain follow these steps - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/configure-custom-open-click-domains.html#configure-custom-open-click-domain.

We would also recommend setting up a custom "MAIL FROM" domain, otherwise messages sent through Amazon SES will be marked as originating from a subdomain of amazon.com. Instead of your own domain. This allows you to comply with DMARC policies and improves trust.


For the purpose of grouping stats, you can use "batching". Implement the OpeTech\LaravelSes\Contracts\Batchable contract, use the OpeTech\LaravelSes\Mailables\Batching trait and implement the getBatch method.

getBatch should return a string representing your batch.

LaravelSes will create a new batch if the batch doesn't exist at the time of sending.

batches are held in the laravel_ses_batches table.

Batching via Mailables

You can use batching directly on your Mailables:


use OpeTech\LaravelSes\Contracts\Batchable;
use OpeTech\LaravelSes\Mailables\Batching;

class MyMailable extends Mailable implements Batchable
    public function getBatch() :string
        return 'my-first-batch';

Batching via the Mail Facade

You can call the withBatch method, and provide the name for your batch.

Warning: This won't work if you're sending a queued mailable. Use Batching via Mailables instead. This is mainly used if you're not using mailables e.g. using the raw method.

use Illuminate\Mail\Message;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

    ->raw('Your export is attached', function (Message $message) {
        return $message
            ->subject('My Subject')

Batching Mail Notifications

You can add batching to your notifcations using the mail channel. Instead of using MailMessage you need to use OpeTech\LaravelSes\Notifications\MailMessageWithBatching

 public function toMail(object $notifiable)
    return (new MailMessageWithBatching)
        ->subject('The item you were watching has been restocked')

        ->line('Asics Superblasts have been restocked in your size')
        ->action('View Product', url('path/to/product'));