
Platform agnostic API Wrapper for Amazon SNS

v1.2.1 2023-04-20 14:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 19:10:07 UTC


This package provides helper methods to send mobile push notifications with the Amazon (AWS) SNS API.

Packagist Build Status Packagist

SNS Push is a simple SNS SDK wrapper with a collection of methods to aid in interacting with the AWS SNS API. It works directly with Laravel or can be used as a standalone PHP package.



You need to use Composer to install SNS Push into your project:

composer require onsetsoftware/sns-push

Other PHP Framework (not Laravel) Setup

You should include the Composer autoload.php file if not already loaded:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Instantiate the SNSPush class with the following required config values:

  • account_id
  • access_key
  • secret_key
  • platform_applications

Also configurable:

  • region [default: eu-west-1]
  • api_version [default: 2010-03-31]
  • scheme [default: https]

use SNSPush\SNSPush;

$sns = new SNSPush([
    'account_id' => '<aws-account-id>', // Required
    'access_key' => '<aws-iam-user-access-key>', // Required
    'secret_key' => '<aws-iam-user-secret-key>', // Required
    'scheme' => 'http', // Defaults to https
    'platform_applications' => [ // application endpoints - Required
        'ios' => '<application-endpoint-arn>',
        'android' => '<application-endpoint-arn>'

Laravel Service Provider

If you are a Laravel user, you can make use of the included service provider. Just add SNSPushServiceProvider in your config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
         * Package Service Providers...

Add 'sns' config keys to the config/services.php

    'sns' => [
        'account_id' => env('SNS_ACCOUNT_ID', ''),
        'access_key' => env('SNS_ACCESS_KEY', ''),
        'secret_key' => env('SNS_SECRET_KEY', ''),
        'scheme' => env('SNS_SCHEME', 'https'),
        'region' => env('SNS_REGION', 'eu-west-1'),
        'platform_applications' => [
            'ios' => '<application-endpoint-arn>',
            'android' => '<application-endpoint-arn>'

Add Device to Application

Add a device to a platform application (ios/android) by passing the device token and application key to addDevice().

 * @param string $token the raw device token
 * @param string $platform ( ios | android )  
 * @return ARN the ARN endpoint for the device
$sns->addDevice('<device-token>', '<platform-id>');

Remove Device from Application

Remove a device from AWS SNS by passing the Endpoint ARN to removeDevice().



Subscribe Device to Topic

Subscribe a device to a Topic by passing the Endpoint Arn and Topic Arn to subscribeDeviceToTopic().

 * @return SubscriptionARN
$sns->subscribeDeviceToTopic('<device-endpoint-arn>', '<topic-arn>');

Remove Device from Topic

Remove a device from a Topic by passing the Subscription Arn to removeDeviceFromTopic().



Sending Push Notifications

SNS Push supports sending notifications to both Topic Endpoint or directly to an Endpoint ARN (Device).


Messages must implement SNSPush\Messages\MessageInterface. There are a number of utility classes which format push notifications correctly for the various endpoint types.


use SNSPush\Messages\IOsMessage;

$message = new IOsMessage();

$message->setTitle('Message Title')
        ->setBody('Message body')
              'custom-key' => 'value',

Phonegap Plugin Push

The package includes two classes to help format messages for use with the Phonegap Plugin Push Cordova package.


For the full api, please consult the source of each of the message types

Send to Device

Simply pass an object implementing SNSPush\Messages\MessageInterface, along with the endpoint ARN. The Endpoint platform must match the message type.



Send to Topic

First you should form your SNSPush\Messages\TopicMessage by passing an array of the Message objects for the enpoints you need to address. Then pass the TopicMessage to the sendPushNotificationToTopic method.


$iosMessage = new IOsMessage();
$androidMessage = new AndroidMessage();

$message = new TopicMessage([$iosMessage, $androidMessage]);

 * @param TopicARN $arm
 * @param TopicMessage $message 


This package builds on the work done by ReduGroup.


MIT License © On Set Software Ltd