
User manage / login / register / forgot password with aws cognito

v0.0.3 2023-04-27 06:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-27 10:26:47 UTC


You can install the package via composer.

composer require onetechasia/cognito

Next you can publish the config

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Onetech\Cognito\Providers\CognitoServiceProvider"


Add config to environment file: .env

# AWS Cognito configurations

Last but not least you want to change the auth driver: config/auth.php

    'guards' => [
        'cognito-token' => [
            'driver' => 'cognito-token', // This line is important for using AWS Cognito as API Driver
            'provider' => 'users',

Add to middleware for authentication: app/Http/Kernel.php

    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'onetech.cognito' => \Onetech\Cognito\Http\Middleware\CognitoAuthenticate::class,


Our package is providing you these traits you can just add to your Auth Controllers to get our package running.

  • Onetech\Cognito\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers
  • Onetech\Cognito\Auth\RegistersUsers
  • Onetech\Cognito\Auth\RefreshToken
    use Onetech\Cognito\Auth\RegistersUsers;
    use Onetech\Cognito\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;
    use Onetech\Cognito\Auth\RefreshToken;
    class UserController
        use CognitoAuthenticatesUsers, RegistersUsers, RefreshToken;

Using in code.

  1. Registering to cognito:

Payload: username = email or custom username, password belong to policy of cognito need validation

        "name": "Le Duy",
        "username": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": "123456",
        "any attributes": "add more if needed"
    //Registering user
    $bool = $this->createCognitoUser($request);
    //return boolean
  1. Login cognito

Payload: username and password is required

      "username": "",
      "password": "password",
      "remember": true
    //Login user
    $check = $this->attemptLogin($request);
    //Response using AccessToken for call API
    //Response using RefreshToken to fetch new AccessToken
    //Response using IdToken to get user information
  1. Fetch new token

Payload: username and refresh_token is required

      "username": "",
      "refresh_token": "refresh token"
    //Fetch new AccessToken and IdToken
    $response = $this->refreshCoginitoToken($request);
    //Same API login
  1. Set user password use for reset password

Payload: username and refresh_token is required

      "username": "",
      "password": "password"
    $check = $this->setUserPassword($request);
  1. Change user password

API call need add header. Authorization: Bearer AccessToken

Payload: old_password and new_password is required

      "old_password": "old password",
      "new_password": "new password"
    $accessToken = Auth::guard('cognito-token')->getTokenForRequest();
    $oldPassword = $request->old_password;
    $newPassword = $request->new_password;
    $check = $this->changeUserPassword($accessToken, $oldPassword, $newPassword);
  1. Get User Info

You can using IdToken parse user info or call api to get information

API call need add header. Authorization: Bearer AccessToken

    $userInfo = Auth::guard('cognito-token')->user();
  1. Sign out user

API call need add header. Authorization: Bearer AccessToken

    $accessToken = Auth::guard('cognito-token')->getTokenForRequest();
    $check = $this->signOut($accessToken);