
Service layer for CRUD

4.0.1 2018-10-14 17:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:37 UTC


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Generalized Service layer


Run the following command from you terminal:

composer require "omnicode/lara-service: 2.0.*"

or add this to require section in your composer.json file:

"omnicode/lara-service": "2.0.*"

then run composer update


First, create your Service class like shown below with example AcccountService


namespace App\Services;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\AccountRepositoryInterface as AccountRepository;
use App\Validators\AccountValidator;
use LaraService\Services\LaraService;

class AccountService extends LaraService
    public function __construct(AccountRepository $accountRepository, AccountValidator $accountValidator)
        $this->baseRepository = $accountRepository;
        $this->baseValidator = $accountValidator;

The Repository and Validator classes should have the following methods pushCriteria, saveAssociated, findForShow, findFillable, getKeyName, destroy, getIndexableColumns, paginate, setSortingOptions and isValid, getErrors respectively. Those are already implemented in Lara Validation and Lara Repository packages.

And finally, use the service in the controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Services\AccountService;

class AccountsController extends Controller
    public function __construct(AccountService $accountService)
        $this->baseService = $accountService;

Available Methods

The following methods are available in LaraService:

    public function setBaseRepository(RepositoryInterface $repository)
    public function getBaseRepository()
    public function setBaseValidator($validator)
    public function getBaseValidator ()
    public function setValidationErrors($errors)
    public function getValidationErrors()
    public function paginate($sort = [], $group = self::GROUP)
    public function create($data)
    public function createWithRelations($data, $relations = null)
    public function findForShow($id, $columns = null)
    public function find($id)
    public function update($id, $data)
    public function updateWithRelations($id, $data, $relations = null)
    public function destroy($id)
    public function validate($validator, $data, $options = [])
    public function paginateRepositoryWhere($repository, $group = self::GROUP, $column = null, $val = null)
    public function paginateRepository($repository, $group = self::GROUP)
    public function setSortingOptions($repository, $options = [], $group = self::GROUP)

Example - create a new account repository:

    // for index page use
    // returns item list and columns with their columns information 
    // if you want to sort your index page use
    // to create new record
    // returns validation errors of last operation
    // to save items with relations
    $this->accountService->createWithRelations($data, $relations)
    // to find based on $showable attributes
    // usual find with fillable columns
    // to update based on primary key
    $this->accountService->update($id, $data)

    // to update and item with relations
    $this->accountService->updateWithRelations($id, $data, $relations)
    // to delelte
    // to validate the data (internally uses the injected Validator)
    $this->accountService->validate($validator, $data, $options = [])