olekjs / elasticsearch
2024-10-05 10:39 UTC
- php: ^8.1
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.2
- illuminate/http: 10.*
- illuminate/support: 10.*
Requires (Dev)
- nunomaduro/collision: ^7.5
- orchestra/testbench: ^8.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10
This is a simple package that is used to integrate the Elasticsearch API with a Laravel project.
The package is still in development.
Install using composer
composer require olekjs/elasticsearch
Set Elasticsearch base URL in .env
Custom Indices
Custom Indices work similarly to Laravel models. First, you need to define your own class that extends AbstractIndex:
<?php namespace App\Indices; use Olekjs\Elasticsearch\Contracts\AbstractIndex; class LogIndex extends AbstractIndex { protected string $index = 'logs'; }
You can then use Custom Index to perform a search operation without specifying an index name:
use App\Indices\LogIndex; ... LogIndex::query()->where('type', 'error')->get();
General usage
There are three options for making requests:
- Using builder
use Olekjs\Elasticsearch\Builder\Builder; ... $results = Builder::query() ->index('shops') ->where('slug', 'test-slug') ->where('email', 'test@test.com') ->whereLike('name', 'test') ->whereIn('_id', [123, 321]) ->get(); // Resturns SearchResponseDto
- Using Custom Index How to use Custom Indices? See: Custom Indices
use App\Indices\MyCustomIndex; ... $results = MyCustomIndex::query() ->where('slug', 'test-slug') ->where('email', 'test@test.com') ->whereLike('name', 'test') ->whereIn('_id', [123, 321]) ->get(); // Resturns SearchResponseDto
- Directly using the Client class
use Olekjs\Elasticsearch\Client; ... $client = new Client(); $client->search('logs', [ 'query' => [ 'bool' => ['filter' => ['term' => ['email' => 'test@test.com']]] ] ]);
- Index the new document
use Olekjs\Elasticsearch\Client; ... $client = new Client(); $client->create( index: 'logs', id: 1, data: ['level' => 'error', 'message' => 'Error...', ...] );
- Find the document
use Olekjs\Elasticsearch\Client; ... $client = new Client(); // If document doesn't exists null will be returned $client->find( index: 'logs', id: 1 ); // If document doesn't exists NotFoundResponseException will be thrown $client->findOrFail( index: 'logs', id: 2 );
Client class reference
public function search(string $index, array $data): SearchResponseDto; public function find(string $index, string|int $id): ?FindResponseDto; public function findOrFail(string $index, string|int $id): FindResponseDto; public function create(string $index, string|int $id, array $data): IndexResponseDto; public function update(string $index, string|int $id, array $data): IndexResponseDto; public function delete(string $index, string|int $id): IndexResponseDto; public function searchWhereIn(string $index, string $field, array $values): SearchResponseDto; public function searchWhereKeyword(string $index, string $field, string $value): SearchResponseDto; public function searchWhereLike(string $index, string $field, string|int|float $value): SearchResponseDto; public function increment(string $index, string|int $id, string $field, int $value = 1): IndexResponseDto; public function decrement(string $index, string|int $id, string $field, int $value = 1): IndexResponseDto;
Running Tests
To run tests, run the following command
php vendor/bin/testbench package:test