
Symfony2 bundle that allows configuring Doctrine discrimination maps in children bundles.

v2.0.0 2017-10-30 15:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 00:26:40 UTC


This Bundle solves Doctrine problem with inheritance: discriminatorMap has to be declared on parent entity, and has to have all children declared in it. If you leave it empty, Doctrine will scan ALL files to look for classes that extend the parent class, and will auto-generate entries for them in discriminatorMap along with discriminator values - over which programmer in that case has absolutely no control - they will be derived from name of child class and that's it.

That is especially nasty, if some of the children classes are in other bundles, programmer has to make the parent bundle aware of all the child classes!

This Bundle allows specifying discriminator values and children classes in child bundle configuration - making the code of parent bundle clear of any references to children bundles, avoids scanning all class files in search of children classes and allows specifying custom discriminator values.


composer require ojezu/configurable-discrimination-bundle


Register this bundle in app/appKernel.php:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new OJezu\ConfigurableDiscriminationBundle\ConfigurableDiscriminationBundle(),
            // app bundles
            new Acme\TestBundle\ParentBundle(),
            new Acme\TestBundle\ChildABundle(),
            new Acme\TestBundle\ChildBBundle(),
        return $bundles;

In ParentBundle:

You have to declare non-empty discriminatorMap or otherwise Doctrine will try to auto-generate it. OJezu/ConfigurableDiscriminationBundle will only add entries to it.


 * (...)
 * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({"base" = "AcmeParent"})
class AcmeParent

In ChildABundle:

Add some faux-services tagged with ojezu.configurable_discrimination to your bundle internal config so that OJezu/ConfigurableDiscriminationBundle can read your custom configuration.

Name of the service does not matter.

# service.yml
        class: 'Acme\AcmeChildA\Entity\AcmeChildA'
        public: false
            - name: ojezu.configurable_discrimination
              discriminator_value: 'acme_child_a'

Acme\AcmeChildA\Entity\AcmeChildA of course must be defined, and directly extend Acme\AcmeParent\Entity\AcmeParent

In ChildBBundle:

# service.yml
        class: 'Acme\AcmeChildB\Entity\AcmeChildB'
        public: false
            - name: ojezu.configurable_discrimination
              discriminator_value: 'acme_child_b'


Thanks to https://github.com/sredni who helped me to get into Symfony and did some code reviewing of this package.

This package is somewhat based on DCSDynamicDiscriminatorMapBundle and on Defining Discriminator Maps at Child-level in Doctrine 2
