
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.0alpha1) of this package.

Description of project FormControl.

v1.0.0alpha1 2018-09-05 23:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-09-01 08:22:06 UTC


1. Introduction

Form control is pretty nice and easy way to create, setup and use Forms in Nette applications. Form is encapsulated into Bootstrap4 card and use Bootstrap4 layout and Font Awesome 5 icons. It use annotation based settings of form and its controls.


composer require occ2/form-control

Form control has some important dependecies.

contributte/event-dispatcher - required contributte/recaptcha - required kdyby/translation - optional aleswita/formrenderer - required and whole Nette framework.

All text that are used are untranslated anchors. If you dont want to use translation you may use simple texts

2. Creating FORM

a. Create your form class - for example in MyForm.php

namespace MyApp\Controls;
use occ2\form-control\FormControl;

  *	@ajax
  *	@title app.myForm.title
  *	@comment app.myForm.comment
  *	@styles (headerBackground="light",headerText="dark",size="w-100")
final class MyForm extends FormControl{
	 *	@type hidden
	public $id;

	  * @leftAddon app.myForm.username
	  * @rightIcon user
	  * @type text
	  * @cols 20
	  * @validator (type=':filled',message='user.error.requiredUsername')
	  * @validator (type=':minLength',message='app.myForm.error.minLengthUsername',value=4)
	  * @description app.myForm.usernameDescription
	public $username;

	  * @leftAddon app.myForm.password
	  * @rightIcon key
	  * @type password
	  * @cols 20
	  * @validator (type=':filled',message='user.error.requiredPassword')
	  * @validator (type=':minLength',message='app.myForm.error.minLengthPassword',value=8)
	  * @validator (type=':pattern',message='user.error.patternPassword',value='.*(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*')
	  * @description app.myForm.passwordDescription
	public $password;

	  * @type recaptcha
	public $recaptcha;

	  * @label app.myForm.submit
	  * @type submit
	public $submit;

b. Create control factory interface for example in IMyForm.php

namespace MyApp\Controls;

interface IMyForm{
	  *  @return \MyApp\Controls\MyForm
	public function create();

c. Register factory of Form and Renderer in your config.neon

	formFactory:	\app\Base\controls\FormControl\factories\FormFactory(@Nette\Localization\ITranslator)
	-	\MyApp\Controls\IMyForm

d. Now you can use factory in your presenter - for example in UserPresenter.php

namespace MyApp\Presenters;
use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter as NPresenter,
	Nette\Application\UI\Form as NForm;

final class UserPresenter extends NPresenter{
	  *	@inject @var \MyApp\Controls\IMyForm
	public $myFormFactory;

	  * @return  \MyApp\Controls\MyForm
	public function createComponentMyForm{
		$t = $this;
		$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
		$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
			$values = $form->getValues();
		return $f;

e. Add your form into template - for example default.latte

{block content}
{control myForm}

3. Setup FORM structure

Structure of form is set by properties. One form control = one property (property name =control name)). All settings, and layout of form can be set by class annotations. All settings and layout of cntrols are set by property annotations. Be carefull that some property names are reserved ($name, $parent,$presenter, $params, $snippetMode, $linkCurrent, $template and all that begins by $_) and cannot be used as control name.

a. FORM settings and layout

These are set by annotation of form class. Here is list of them..
@ajax - AJAXify form (set form class ajax)
@title - set form card heading (in Bootstrap4 card) - translatable text
@comment - set form comment (placed between form controls and header)- translatable text
@footer - set form footer (placed under form controls)- translatable text
@styles - array of form Bootstrap card CSS classes
@rControl - array of control renderer wrappers
@rForm - array of form renderer wrappers
@rError - array of error renderer wrappers
@rGroup - array of group renderer wrappers
@rControls - array of controls renderer wrappers
@rPair - array of pair renderer wrappers
@rLabel - array of label renderer wrappers
@rHidden - array of hidden renderer wrappers
@links- add link to footer (array contains link, class and text)
@onSubmit - Symfony event fired while click on submit button
@onError - Symfony event fired while error add
@onValidate - Symfony event fired while validation needed
@onSuccess - Symfony event fired while valid form send

b. CONTROLs settings and layout

These are set by annotations of form properties. Property name is set as control name. Here is list of annotation settings.
@type - set type of control Avalilable type are hidden, text email, number, password, textarea, select, multiselect, checkbox, checkboxlist, radiolist, upload, multiupload, submit, recaptcha
@label - set control label (translatable)
@cols - set number of cols in control - available for TextInput and TextArea
@rows - set number of rows - available for TextArea
@description - set translatable control description (small text under contol)
@leftAddon - set left addon translatable text in control
@leftIcon - set left addon icon in control - conflicts with leftAddon
@rightAddon - set right addon translatable text in control
@rightIcon - set right addon icon in control - conflicts with rightAddon
@placeholder - set translatable control placeholder
@maxlength - set maximal length of control text
@caption - set translatable caption text to checkbox
@multiple - set multiple uploader
@required - set required for recaptcha
@message . set message for recaptcha
@validator - set control validator (array with type, message and value) - multiple validators supported

  • Notice: Conditions not yet supported. If you need that you must add conditions manually

c. CONTROLs options and values

Select, Multiselect, CheckboxList and Radiolist controls need filling with options. Easiest way is throw callbacks. FormControl has method setLoadOptionsCallback Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->setLoadOptionsCallback('someSelect', function()use($t){
		return (array) $t->someModel->findAll()->fetchPairs();

	return $f;

5. FORM processing

There are two ways how to process form.

a. Use standard Nette Form events

onSubmit, onSuccess, onError, onValidate Example 1 - using callback :

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
		$values = $form->getValues();
			$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	$f->onError[] = function (NForm $form) use( $t){
	return $f;

Example 2 - using method:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->onSuccess[] = [$this,"processMyForm"];
	return $f;

public function processMyForm(NForm $form){
	$values = $form->getValues();
		$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");

b. Use Symfony Events

If you want to use Symfony events on Form you have two options how to do it. First one is siplier by adding @onSuccess (onError, onSubmit, onValidate) annotation on Form class where value is event name registered in subscriber and data container is instance of FormEventData class.

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	... // dont use onSuccess, onSubmit etc.
	return $f;

form specification <?php namespace app\Controls\MyControl;

@onSubmit MyForm.submit
@onError MyForm.error
final class MyForm extends FormControl{


and subscriber (for example MyFormSubscriber.php))..

namespace MyApp\Events;
use Contributte\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriber;

final class MyFormSubscriber implements EventSubscriber{

	protected $model;

	public static function getSubscribedEvents(){
		return [

	public function onSubmit(FormEventData $event){
		$values = $event->form->getValues();
		// do something with data

	public function onError(FormEventData $event){
		.... // do something else

Second way is use setEvent(array $events) method, where $event sis array of events ... public function createComponentMyForm(){ $t = $this; $f = $this->myFormFactory->create(); $f->setEvents([ "success"=>"MyForm.success" ]); ... // dont use onSuccess, onSubmit etc. return $f; }

6. Set form values

There are two ways to fill form controls with values. First one by setDefaults method, second one by predefined callback

a. Use setDefaults()

Easiest way if use setDefaults($values). Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
		$values = $form->getValues();
			$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	$f->onError[] = function (NForm $form) use( $t){
	return $f;

public function handleFillInForm($id){
	$data = (array) $this->model->get($id); // data must be array

b. Use callback You can use callback that loads data and fill in form with then. Setup callback in factory and call in handler Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->setLoadValuesCallback(function($id) use($t){
		return (array) $t->model->get($id);
	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
		$values = $form->getValues();
			$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	return $f;


public function handleFillInForm($id){

!! IMPORTANT !! Be careful that loadValues() and setDefaults() must be call in handle or action method of presenter not in createComponent factory

7. Tips and tricks

a. How to access to form container?

You can find container in form property of FormControl Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$container =  $f->form;
	return $f;

b. How to access to form controls?

You can use form["controlName"] or simplier getItem("controlName") method Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$control =  $f->form["controlName"];
	// or
	$control = $f->getItem("controleName");
	return $f;

c. How to disable form annotation builder?

You can use disableBuilder() method in factory. Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$container =  $f->form;
	return $f;

d. How to override form text in handlers and actions

You can override form title, comment and footer in handlers and actions without changing annotations in form class Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
		$values = $form->getValues();
			$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	return $f;

public function handleChangeTexts(){

e. How to clear values in filled form?

You can use clearValues() method Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->setLoadValuesCallback(function($id) use($t){
		return (array) $t->model->get($id);
	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){
		$values = $form->getValues();
			$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	return $f;


public function handleFillInForm($id){

public function handleResetForm(){

f. Do you want to use your own builder? No problem..

Your builder must implement IFormBuilder interface


public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	$f->setBuilder(new MyOwnBuilder);
	return $f;

g. Is easy way to add error to control?

Yes. You can use error() method Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();

	$f->onSuccess[] = function(NForm $form)use($t){

			$t["myForm]->error("someControl","Error message");
			$t["myForm"]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
		$t["myForm]->flashMessage("Saved !!");
	return $f;

h. Can I use my own latte template instead of predefined bootstrap template?

Yes. You can use yout own template and override default settings by setTemplate() method Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	return $f;

And file myTemplate.latte Example:

{snippet form}
	{snippetArea flashes}
		{include '../../templates/flashes.latte'}
	<form n:name=myForm class=form>
		<p><label n:name=user>Username: <input n:name=user size=20></label>
		<p><label n:name=password>Password: <input n:name=password></label>
		<p><input n:name=send class="btn btn-default">

i. Can I use another iconset then Fon Awesome 5?

Yes you can override _iconPrefix static property Example:

public function createComponentMyForm(){
	MyForm::$_iconPrefix = "fa fa-";
	$t = $this;
	$f = $this->myFormFactory->create();
	return $f;