
PHP Excel Helper - Write and read Spreadsheet with easy way based on PhpSpreadsheet

1.1.1 2024-03-28 03:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-28 06:01:44 UTC


PHP Excel Helper - Write and read Spreadsheet with easy way based on PhpSpreadsheet

Latest Stable Version License

This library is a helper that encapsulate PhpSpreadsheet (Documentation) for simple usage.



Write to Excel

Output an Excel file to browser for download:

    ->addRow(['ID', 'Name', 'Email'])
        ['1', 'Nick',''],
        ['2', 'Eric','eric@.....'],
    ->output('My Excel');

Read from Excel

Import above excel file and return two-dimensional array data contained rows > columns spread sheet:

$data = \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper::newSpreadsheet('/tmp/My Excel.xlsx')

Output result:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => ID
            [1] => Name
            [2] => Email

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => Nick
            [2] =>

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 2
            [1] => Eric
            [2] => eric@.....



This library requires the following:

  • Dependent on PhpSpreadsheet
    • PHP 5.6.0+
    • PHP extension php-zip enabled
    • PHP extension php-xml enabled
    • PHP extension php-gd2 enabled (if not compiled in)


Run Composer in your project:

composer require nueip/phpspreadsheet-helper

Then you could call it after Composer is loaded depended on your PHP framework:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';



Import & Export

Simpliy read an Excel file then output to browser:

    ->addRow(['Modified A1'])


New or load an PhpSpreadsheet object

public static array newSpreadsheet(object|string $spreadSheet=null)


Output file to browser

public static void output(string $filename='excel', string $format='Xlsx')

$format list: Xlsx, Xls, Html, Csv, Ods


Save as file

public static string save(string $filename='excel', string $format='Xlsx')


    ->addRow(['Add A1'])
// /tmp/save.xlsx

Get Rows


Get data of a row from the actived sheet of PhpSpreadsheet

public static array getRow(boolean $toString=true, array $options=[], callable $callback=null)


use \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper;

$row1 = Helper::newSpreadsheet($filepath)

$row2 = Helper::getRow();


Example of fetching content per each row (Example Code):

$helper = \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper::newSpreadsheet($filepath);

while ($row = $helper->getRow()) {
    // Each row data process


Get rows from the actived sheet of PhpSpreadsheet

public static array getRows(boolean $toString=true, array $options=[], callable $callback=null)

Example of getRows()

Add Rows


Add a row to the actived sheet of PhpSpreadsheet

public static self addRow(array $rowData, array $rowAttributes=null)

$rowData value: An array contains string or array of attributes for each cell
$rowAttributes value: string or array of attributes for each cell of a row

Example of addRow()

Example of setting attributes for each cell:

    ->addRow([['value'=>'ID'], ['value'=>'Name'], ['value'=>'Email']])
    ->addRow(['ID', 'Name', 'Email']);

Example of setting attributes for each row:

    // Set width as 25 to all cells of this row
    ->addRow([['value'=>'ID'], ['value'=>'Name'], ['value'=>'Email']], ['width'=>25]);


Add rows to the actived sheet of PhpSpreadsheet

public static self addRows(array $data, array $rowAttributes=null)

$data value: array of each $rowData from addRow()
$rowAttributes value: string or array of attributes for each row

Example of addRows()


Attributes is a standard array for defining a cell or even a row, the keys are as follows:

key, value, col, row, skip, width, style

PhpSpreadsheet Original Usage Integration

This helper is flexible that you could inject or extract original PhpSpreadsheet with it, when you need to manipulate some Phpspreadsheet methods integrated with Helper.

Inject PhpSpreadsheet

// Get a new PhpSpreadsheet object
$objSpreadsheet = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
    ->setCreator("Nick Tsai")
    ->setTitle("Office 2007 XLSX Document");
// Get the actived sheet object from PhpSpreadsheet
$objSheet = $objSpreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
$objSheet->setCellValue('A1', 'SN');

// Inject PhpSpreadsheet Object and Sheet Object to Helper
    ->setRowOffset(1) // Point to 1nd row from 0

Extract PhpSpreadsheet

use \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper;

    ->setSheet(0, 'Sheet')
// Get the PhpSpreadsheet object created by Helper
$objSpreadsheet = Helper::getSpreadsheet();
    ->setCreator("Nick Tsai")
    ->setTitle("Office 2007 XLSX Document");
// Get the actived sheet object created by Helper
$objSheet = Helper::getSheet();
$objSheet->setCellValue('A2', '1');
$objSheet->setCellValue('A3', '2');


Merge Cells

It's easy to merge cells by defining each cell's span attributes:

  • row : Number of rowspan cells to merge with
  • col : Number of colspan cells to merge with
  • skip : Number of colspan cells to merge with
        [['value'=>'SN', 'row'=>2], ['value'=>'Language', 'col'=>2], ['value'=>'Block', 'row'=>2, 'col'=>2]],
        ['1', 'Computer','電腦','#15'],
        ['2', 'Phone','手機','#4','#62'],
    ->output('Merged Excel');

Multiple Sheets


Set an active PhpSpreadsheet Sheet

public static self setSheet($sheet=0, $title=NULL, $normalizeTitle=false)


Get PhpSpreadsheet Sheet object from cache

public static object getSheet($identity=null, $autoCreate=false)


use \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper;

    ->setSheet(0, 'First Sheet')
    ->addRow(['Sheet Index', 'Sheet Count'])
        [Helper::getActiveSheetIndex(), Helper::getSheetCount()],
// Set another sheet object without giving index 
Helper::setSheet(null, '2nd Sheet')
    ->addRow(['Sheet Index', 'Sheet Count'])
        [Helper::getActiveSheetIndex(), Helper::getSheetCount()],
// Get a sheet which does not exsit with auto creating it  
$obj = Helper::getSheet('3nd Sheet', true);

// Set a sheet with the title which has been auto-normalized
Helper::setSheet(null, '*This [sheet] name has been auto-nomalizing', true)
    ->addRow(['Sheet Index', 'Sheet Count'])
        [Helper::getActiveSheetIndex(), Helper::getSheetCount()],

  • getActiveSheetIndex(): Get active sheet index
  • getSheetCount(): Get sheet count

Map of Coordinates & Ranges

use \nueip\phpSpreadsheet\Helper;

            ['value'=>'SN', 'row'=>2, 'key'=>'sn'], 
            ['value'=>'Language', 'col'=>2, 'key'=>'lang'], 
            ['value'=>'Block', 'row'=>2, 'col'=>2, 'key'=>'block'],
            ['value'=>'English', 'key'=>'lang-en'],
            ['value'=>'繁體中文', 'key'=>'lang-zh'],
            ['skip'=>2, 'key'=>'block-skip'],
        ['1', 'Computer','電腦','#15'],
        ['2', 'Phone','手機','#4','#62'],
// ->output('Merged Excel');  

// print_r(Helper::getColumnMap());
// print_r(Helper::getRowMap());
echo "sn start cell: ". Helper::getCoordinateMap('sn');
echo "\nsn start column: ". Helper::getColumnMap('sn');
echo "\nsn start row: ". Helper::getRowMap('sn');
echo "\nsn range: ". Helper::getRangeMap('sn');
echo "\nAll range: ". Helper::getRangeAll(); 

The result could be:

    [sn] => A1
    [lang] => B1
    [block] => D1
    [lang-en] => B2
    [lang-zh] => C2
    [block-skip] => D2
    [sn] => A1:A2
    [lang] => B1:C1
    [block] => D1:E2
    [lang-en] => B2:B2
    [lang-zh] => C2:C2
    [block-skip] => D2:E2
sn start cell: A1
sn start column: A
sn start row: 1
sn range: A1:A2
All range: A1:E4

Style Attributes

The style attribute could be set on a single cell, a single row or even a range of cells.

  • style: a attribute refers to applyFromArray() for styling
    // Each cell with each style attributes
        ['value'=>'content', 'style'=> [
            'font' => [
                'bold' => true,
                'color' => ['argb' => 'FFFF0000']
            'alignment' => ['horizontal' => 'right'],
            'borders' => [
                'top' => ['borderStyle' => 'thin'],
            'fill' => [
                'fillType' => 'linear',
                'rotation' => 90,
                'startColor' => ['argb' => 'FFA0A0A0'],
                'endColor' => ['argb' => 'FFFFFFFF'],
        ['value'=>'10000', 'style'=> [
            'numberFormat' => [
                'formatCode' => '#,##0',
    // Row with thousands separator format style
    ->addRow(['1000', '2000', '3000', '4000'], ['style' => [
        'numberFormat' => [
            // const FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED1 = '#,##0.00';
            'formatCode' => \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED1,
    // Row with percentage format style
    ->addRow(['0.1', '0.15', '0.3145', '0.855'], ['style' => [
        'numberFormat' => [
            // const FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00 = '0.00%';
            'formatCode' => \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00,

Style array key/value/constant refers Valid array keys for style applyFromArray() or Source Classes

Columns Format

The options for each cell data:

  • width: setWidth() for the column
    ->addRow([['value'=>'ID', 'width'=>10], ['value'=>'Name', 'width'=>25], ['value'=>'Email', 'width'=>50]])
        ['1', 'Nick',''],
        ['2', 'Eric','eric@.....'],
    ->output('My Excel'); 

All Cells Format

This section focuses on applying all actived cells or ranged cells on the sheet, not just effecting single cell, row or column.


Set Style for all actived cells or set by giving range to the actived sheet

public static self setStyle(array $styleArray, string $range=NULL)


    ->addRow(['Title', 'Content'])
        ['Basic Plan', "*Interface\n*Search Tool"],
        ['Advanced Plan', "*Interface\n*Search Tool\n*Statistics"],
    // ->setWrapText('B2')
    // ->setAutoSize('B')
        'borders' => [
            'inside' => ['borderStyle' => 'hair'],
            'outline' => ['borderStyle' => 'thin'],
        'fill' => [
            'fillType' => 'solid',
            'startColor' => ['argb' => 'FFCCCCCC'],
    ->output('Formatted Excel');  


Set WrapText for all actived cells or set by giving range to the actived sheet

public static self setWrapText(string $range=NULL, string $value=true)


Set AutoSize for all actived cells or set by giving column range to the actived sheet

public static self setAutoSize(string $colAlphaStart=NULL, string $colAlphaEnd=NULL, boolean $value=true)


Performance Issue

If you're building large cell data with XLSX, you may face performance issue with memory usage and execution time.

box/spout spreadsheet lirary supports building Excel file with high performance, you could use this library instead if you do not need more style and formatting requirements.