
This PHP SDK is designed to help developers easily implement Skyflow into their php backend.

v1.0.0 2023-06-10 14:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 16:19:55 UTC



This PHP SDK is designed to help developers easily implement Skyflow into their php backend.

Table of Contents


Authentication with a Skyflow Service Account and generation of a bearer token.

Vault API operations to insert, retrieve, update, delete and tokenize sensitive data.

Execute SQL queries into vault scheme.

Invoking connections to call downstream third party APIs without directly handling sensitive data.



  • Require PHP 8.1 or above
  • You need to have installed Composer


Type in your terminal:

composer require novadaemon/skyflow-php


You can find samples for all the features of the SDK in the samples directory. To run a given example:

  1. Download the repository using git clone
  2. Run $ composer install into directory project.
  3. Go to the samples directory in your terminal.
  4. Change the values enclosed by <> for the right values into the example file.
  5. Execute the example you want: $ php get_records.php


  • A Skyflow account. If you don't have one, register for one on the Try Skyflow page.
  • PHP 8.1 or above.
  • GIT

Create the vault

  1. In a browser, sign in to Skyflow Studio.
  2. Create a vault by clicking Create Vault > Start With a Template > Quickstart vault.
  3. Once the vault is ready, click the gear icon and select Edit Vault Details.
  4. Note your Vault URL and Vault ID values, then click Cancel. You will need these later.

Create a Service Account

  1. In the side navigation click, IAM > Service Accounts > New Service Account.
  2. For Name, enter "SDK Sample". For Roles, choose Vault Editor.
  3. Click Create. Your browser downloads a credentials.json file. Keep this file secure, as You will need it for each of the samples.

Service Account Bearer Token Generation

The Novadaemon\SkyFlow\ServiceAccount\Token class is used to generate service account tokens from service account credentials file which is downloaded upon creation of service account. The token generated from this class is valid for 60 minutes and can be used to make API calls to vault services as well as management API(s) based on the permissions of the service account.

The Token::generateBearerToken($credentialsPath) static method takes the credentials file path for token generation, alternatively, you can also send the entire credentials as array, by using Token::generateBearerTokenFromCredentials($credentials)

Example using filepath:



use Novadaemon\Skyflow\Exceptions\SkyflowException;
use Novadaemon\Skyflow\ServiceAccount\Token;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

try {

    $token = Token::generateBearerToken($path);

} catch (SkyflowException $e) {

Example using credentials:



use Novadaemon\Skyflow\ServiceAccount\Token;
use Novadaemon\Skyflow\Exceptions\SkyflowException;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

try {
    $credentials = [
        'clientID' => '<CLIENT_ID>',
        'clientName' => '<CLIENT_NAME>',
        'tokenURI' => '<TOKEN_URI>',
        'keyID' => '<KEY_ID>',
        'privateKey' => '<PRIVATE_KEY>',

    $token = Token::generateBearerTokenFromCredentials($credentials);

} catch (SkyflowException $e) {



array (
  'accessToken' => 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL21hbmFnZS5za3lmbG93YXBpcy5jb20iLCJjbGkiOiJlNzVkZmNmMzMwN2Q0M2I2YjZlN2JhNTk2ZTU5ODgxNyIsImV4cCI6MTY3ODEyMzI1NCwiaWF0IjoxNjc4MTE5NjU3LCJpc3MiOiJzYS1hdXRoQG1hbmFnZS5za3lmbG93YXBpcy5jb20iLCJqdGkiOiJmZTZkYzRjNGY1YmM0OTllODhjOTc0ZmNjZGRjZGMyZCIsImtleSI6ImJlNjk0YTJlYTFmNjQ3ZDM5N2E1YzIwNWZlYjRmMzUxIiwic2NwIjpudWxsLCJzdWIiOiJUZXN0U2VydmljZSJ9.WXSqZh7fQwx9E1ngKKSD9jfPLNWLzE46CKWuZ0bovbZFTGLKcHy94z-SKb1qxtW-CedcbgbnK7Wjd-H20PusjbLGCcjPcAQt7pghUvdpLabuR8DIW0sbfTwen5JnhVupHp0_3tXwp8jJDGF6s8JExVA9DhMLoyusqC9wD_Gmemdj4dU_r4drKhiVYgnsbD8NgZyc6yfgWXrE51IoqLd9FsZ0rDDrys3ttwEbYLRXnr1NGGsftqI0-y4K2gu090BJ2wtDlQO61ZD8_KZSZSEpxr6ZYIMuYsG7SxvnkR6OMz1fVWbtptf1EzEk-ky2M2r5oGGYH_WFBakVk8wKHQy3og',
  'tokenType' => 'Bearer',

Vault API

The Novadaemon\Skyflow\Vault\Client has all methods to perform operations on the vault such as get records, inserting records, detokenizing tokens, retrieving tokens for a skyflow_id, excute sql query and to invoke a connection.

To use this class, the skyflow client must first be initialized as follows.


use Novadaemon\Skyflow\Vault\Client;
use Novadaemon\Skyflow\ServiceAccount\Token;

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

# User defined function to provide access token to the vault apis
$tokenProvider = function (string $token): string {

    if (Token::isExpired($token)) {
        $token = Token::generateBearerToken('<YOUR_CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH>');
        return $token['accessToken'];

    return $token;

#Initializing a Skyflow Client instance with the required constructor parameters
$client = new Client(
    vaultID: '<YOUR_VAULT_ID>', 
    vaultUrl: '<YOUR_VAULT_URL>', 
    tokenProvider: $tokenProvider

All Vault API endpoints must be invoked using a client instance.

Get Records

Use the method Client@getRecords() to perform bulk operation of retrieve records of table. This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
ids Values of the records to return. If not specified, this operation returns all records in the table. array no null
redaction Redaction level to enforce for the returned records. Subject to policies assigned to the API caller. RedactionType no RedactionType::DEFAULT
tokenization If true, this operations returns tokens instead of field values where applicable. Only applicable if skyflow_id values are specified. bool no null
fields Fields to return for the records. If not specified, all fields are returned. array no null
columnName Name of the column. It must be configured as unique in the schema. string no null
columnValues Column values of the records to return. column_name is mandatory when providing column_values array no null
offset Record position at which to start receiving data. int no 0
limit Number of record to return. Maximum 25. int no 25

Note: There are parameters that cannot be used together with others. If you pass the getRecords method arguments incorrectly, a SkyflowException is thrown.

Note: If the tokenization argument is true, you can set only tokenized field names in the fields parameter. An error is returned if you set the tokenization parameter to true and set a non-tokenized field name in the fields parameter.

An example of Client@getRecords() call:


$response = $client->getRecords(
    table: 'cards',
    ids: [
    redaction: RedactionType::PLAIN_TEXT,
    tokenization: false



array (
  'records' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'fields' => 
      array (
        'card_cvv' => '123',
        'card_expiration' => '03/26',
        'card_number' => '4242424242424242',
        'skyflow_id' => '1a8ec9d5-9be6-465d-a8ad-2797d7258a10',
    1 => 
    array (
      'fields' => 
      array (
        'card_cvv' => '234',
        'card_expiration' => '12/24',
        'card_number' => '4111111111111111',
        'skyflow_id' => '76c892f4-7523-4e74-ac82-afc7bdea7d74',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 5,
    'http_code' => 404,
    'message' => 'No Records Found',
    'http_status' => 'Not Found',

Get record by id

To retrieve only once record from your Skyflow vault, use the method Client@getRecordById(). This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
id Skyflow id of the record string yes none
redaction Redaction level to enforce for the returned records. Subject to policies assigned to the API caller. RedactionType no RedactionType::DEFAULT
tokenization If true, this operations returns tokens instead of field values where applicable. Only applicable if skyflow_id values are specified. bool no null
fields Fields to return for the records. If not specified, all fields are returned. array no null

An example of Client@getRecordById() call:


$response = $client->getRecordById(
    table: 'consumers',
    id: '76193681-d272-4ffe-80f9-6498398e4c7b',
    fields: [



array (
  'fields' => 
  array (
    'email' => 'j******',
    'first_name' => '*REDACTED*',
    'last_name' => '*REDACTED*',
    'phone' => 'XXXXXX0000',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 5,
    'http_code' => 404,
    'message' => 'No Records Found',
    'http_status' => 'Not Found',

Insert records into the vault

To insert data into your vault use the Cient@insertRecord() method. The parameters to this method are:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
records Records to insert array yes none
tokenization If true, this operations returns tokens instead of field values where applicable. Only applicable if skyflow_id values are specified. bool no null
upsert Name of a unique column in the table. Uses upsert operations to check if a record exists based on the unique column's value. If it does, the record updates with the values you provide. If it does not, the upsert operation inserts a new record. string no null

An example of Client@insertRecords() call:


$records = [
        "fields" => [
            "card_number" => "5555555555554444",
            "card_expiration" => "12/25",
            "card_cvv" => "111",
        "fields" => [
            "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
            "card_expiration" => "04/28",
            "card_cvv" => "123",

$response = $client->insertRecords(
    table: 'cards',
    records: $records,
    tokenization: true,
    upsert: 'card_number'



array (
  'records' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'skyflow_id' => '76c892f4-7523-4e74-ac82-afc7bdea7d74',
      'tokens' => 
      array (
        'card_cvv' => '19a364b9-0b39-4cad-a544-45c7ba1c52eb',
        'card_expiration' => '1b4ab2f7-fdd8-48f2-8b50-eb97075eda2e',
        'card_number' => '5554-3665-8198-3602',
    1 => 
    array (
      'skyflow_id' => '1a8ec9d5-9be6-465d-a8ad-2797d7258a10',
      'tokens' => 
      array (
        'card_cvv' => 'b5bade68-3a0d-4895-8c27-edd911c11e99',
        'card_expiration' => '767eda0a-ed3a-4781-82d5-755207acf1e0',
        'card_number' => '8080-3444-8671-2308',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 9,
    'http_code' => 400,
    'message' => 'Error Inserting Records due to unique constraint violation',
    'http_status' => 'Bad Request',
    'details' => 
    array (

Update record

To update data in your vault, use the Client@updateRecord() method. The parameters to this method are:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
id Skyflow id of the record string yes none
record Fields with new values to update array no null
tokenization If true, this operations returns tokens instead of field values where applicable. Only applicable if skyflow_id values are specified. bool no null

An example of Client@updateRecord() call:


$record =  [
    'fields' => [
        "email" => '',
        "phone" => '+5478698765',

$response = $client->updateRecord(
    table: 'consumers',
    id: '76193681-d272-4ffe-80f9-6498398e4c7b',
    record: $record,
    tokenization: false



array (
  'skyflow_id' => '76193681-d272-4ffe-80f9-6498398e4c7b',
  'createdTime' => '',
  'updatedTime' => '',
  'tokens' => 
  array (
    'email' => '',
    'phone' => '54df9553-6688-4359-a8ff-df5cbd9cfa55',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 3,
    'http_code' => 400,
    'message' => 'Invalid field present in JSON invalid-field',
    'http_status' => 'Bad Request',
    'details' => 
    array (

Delete record

The Client@deleteRecord() allow you to delete a record from your Skyflow vault. This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
id Skyflow id of the record string yes none

An example of Client@deleteRecord() call:


$response = $client->deleteRecord('cards', 'e95834a2-cf1e-40ac-9f0d-0ea2c7920a8d');



array (
  'skyflow_id' => 'e95834a2-cf1e-40ac-9f0d-0ea2c7920a8d',
  'deleted' => true,



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 5,
    'http_code' => 404,
    'message' => 'No Records Found',
    'http_status' => 'Not Found',

Bulk delete

The Client@bulkDelete() allow you to delete specified record from your Skyflow vault. This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
table Name of the table that contains the records string yes none
ids kyflow id values of the records to delete. If * is specified, this operation deletes all records in the table. array yes ['*']

An example of Client@bulkDelete() call:


#Delete all records from cards table
$response = $client->bulkDelete('cards');



array (
  'RecordIDResponse' => 
  array (
    0 => '*',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 13,
    'http_code' => 500,
    'message' => 'Couldn\'t load data',
    'http_status' => 'Internal Server Error',
    'details' => 
    array (


In order to retrieve data from your vault using tokens that you have previously generated for that data, you can use the Client@detokenize() method. The parameters to this method are:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
params Detokenization details array yes none

An example of Client@detokenize() call:


$params =  [
    ['token' => 'aa3cc614-af50-4365-a7ac-82f83a79eef8'],
    ['token' => 'e77674ac-4a21-4318-8bdd-5ad20f1b47c7'],
    ['token' => '']

$response = $client->detokenize($params);



array (
  'records' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'token' => 'aa3cc614-af50-4365-a7ac-82f83a79eef8',
      'valueType' => 'STRING',
      'value' => '234',
    1 => 
    array (
      'token' => 'e77674ac-4a21-4318-8bdd-5ad20f1b47c7',
      'valueType' => 'STRING',
      'value' => '12/24',
    2 => 
    array (
      'token' => '',
      'valueType' => 'STRING',
      'value' => '',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 5,
    'http_code' => 404,
    'message' => 'Token not found for invalid-token',
    'http_status' => 'Not Found',
    'details' => 
    array (

Note: The structure for each item of the params parameter is:


  'token' => 'STRING' # The Skyflow token to be detokenized
  'redaction' => 'STRING' # Redaction policy. Not required. Default DEFAULT. Only accept values presente in RedactionType enum: DEFAULT, REDACTED, MASKED, PLAIN_TEXT  


The method Client@tokenize() method returns tokens that correspond to the specified records. Only applicable for fields with deterministic tokenization. The parameters to this method are:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
params Tokenization details array yes none

Note: This endpoint doesn't insert records, it returns tokens for existing values. To insert records and tokenize that new record's values, see Insert Records and the tokenization parameter.

An example of Client@tokenize() call:


$params =  [
        'value' => '5105105105105100',
        'table' => 'cards',
        'column' => 'card_number'

$response = $client->tokenize($params);



array (
  'records' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'token' => '0782-1334-4999-6413',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 5,
    'http_code' => 404,
    'message' => 'Tokenize returns previously issued tokens for existing data. Provided value(s) do not exist in the provided table.column(s): card_number',
    'http_status' => 'Not Found',
    'details' => 
    array (

Execute SQL Query

The method Client@query() returns record for a valid SQL query. While this endpoint retrieves columns under a valid redaction scheme, it can't retrieve tokens. Only supports the SELECT command. The parameters to this method are:

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
query The SQL query to execute. string yes none

Note: See the Skyflow API Documentation to know moer about the query restrictions.

An example of Client@query() call:


$query =  "SELECT * FROM cards WHERE card_number = '5105105105105100'";

$response = $client->query($query);

array (
  'records' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'fields' => 
      array (
        'card_cvv' => '*REDACTED*',
        'card_expiration' => '*REDACTED*',
        'card_number' => '5105105105105100',
        'orders_skyflow_id' => NULL,
        'skyflow_id' => '1084350b-d4a2-45b1-801f-2fd46bef0721',



array (
  'error' => 
  array (
    'grpc_code' => 13,
    'http_code' => 500,
    'message' => 'ERROR (internal_error): Could not find Field car_number',
    'http_status' => 'Internal Server Error',
    'details' => 
    array (

Invoke Connection

Using Skyflow Connection, end-user applications can integrate checkout/card issuance flow with their apps/systems. To invoke connection, use the Client@invokeConnection() method of the Skyflow client. This method accepts the following parameters:

Paramater Description Type Required? Default
connectionUrl The connection URL. Must be the entire url for the route string yes none
method The connection route request method RequestMethodType yes none
headers Connection route request headers array no null
body Connection route request body array no null
pathParams Url path variables array no null
queryParams Query parameters array no null

Note: See the Skyflow API Documentation to know more about Connections.

An example of Client@invokeConnection() call:


$headers = [
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'Authorization' => '<YOUR_CONNECTION_BASIC_AUTH>'

$body = [
    'firstName' => 'Jesús',
    'lastName' => 'García',
    'email' => '',
    'phone' => '54df9553-6688-4359-a8ff-df5cbd9cfa55',

$url = '';

$response = $client->invokeConnection(
    connectionUrl: $url,
    method: RequestMethodType::POST,
    headers: $headers,
    body: $body

array (
    'email' => '',
    'firstName' => 'Jesús',
    'lastName' => 'García',
    'phone' => '+5478698765'